I saw your picture and OBill's post on the site you provided. You sure get around.
I have had two sets of hearing aides in my life, the first set my husband lost when he wore em' hunting deer, I lied about it to my parents big time and just said I lost them and I didn't know where. It was before we were married, I have known my husband since I was 12 years old. Anyway, I felt so guilty, they scarified because at that time they were really expensive. The next time, my husband brought them for me and I lost them too some where in the couch. Tore it apart looking for them but never did find them. Truth to tell, the noise always interfered too much with them for me to be able distinguish speech very well which has always been my main problem; I seem to hear noise just fine.
But yea, the internet and closed caption makes a world of difference for the deaf and the hearing impaired. Anyway, you keep on going, you are an inspiration. I'll stop now before you get sick.

Plus been sitting here too long, gotta get up and do something else.