So this was my third Obama rally. (Went to one Michelle speech as well.) The first one was back in October 2007. It was sparsely attended -- much smaller crowds than I expected, much more parking, much shorter lines. Really nice mix in the crowd though and I remember being impressed by that. I had a chance to actually talk to Obama for a bit. (He knew I was deaf and didn't say anything back, just was expressive [smiles, raised eyebrows, etc.].) That one was just me.
Second one was in March, just before the primary here. HUGE crowd at the OSU basketball stadium. Loud, jubilant. Same mix, just way MORE people. Brought sozlet this time and SHE chatted with Obama for a while.
This one, the whole family went. Me, sozlet, E.G. I'm not certain of numbers yet but it seemed even huger than the OSU event. I've seen estimates of 20,000 people.

(The first event was a few hundred, if that.) Parking was absolutely insane. Here's a pic of how people were parking on grass off of streets, about a mile from the actual event...
I budgeted about 20 minutes for parking based on other events -- figured it would really take about 10 minutes, then added 10 for a buffer. Nope. We had to drive super-far to find parking, and then walk to the high school where it was held.
We were walking really fast, and overtaking a lot of people. I saw a 5-dollar bill on the ground -- cool. Scooped it up. A couple of minutes later we were pulling even with some people who had been way ahead of us. I noticed the woman rummaging around in her pocket in a concerned way. I said, "Hey, is this yours?" and waved the 5-dollar bill. She said "YES... thank you SO much!!" and grinned at me. I smiled back and we plowed on.
It was that kind of day. Happy happy vibe. Friendly people. Amazing mix. (Black white asian hispanic jewish young old rich poor you name it.) E.G., trying to find another word and failing: "I have to say, the crowd was just so...
I asked for the interpreter area and we were whisked through gates and into a special section. There were a lot of purple-shirted SEIU people. (A group of about 10 of them did a really good hustle after the rally...

) Then there were the deaf people (first time other deaf were at a rally!), and then maybe some sort of donors? There was a guy who also cheered especially loudly when Obama talked about funding science + technology and E.G. asked the guy if he was a scientist... no, a lawyer. Partner in some major law firm, but interested in science. The guys exchanged business cards, E.G.'s going to invite him to a public lecture later in the year.
Again, that kind of day.
And behind us were some camera people -- here's a CNN guy:
Governor Strickland gave a rousing introduction -- nice to see him since he was such a Hillary supporter. He did a good job. My view:
Then John Glenn came out. Here's Glenn with Biden and Obama:
Then Biden's turn. He did a good job! E.G. was impressed, thought he was really focused and sharp. (More so than he expected, I gathered.)
Obama just stood next to him, kind of walking around a little bit. I've seen Obama before but this part was new -- Obama AND Biden -- and they were really good together!! Comfortable and jokey but respectful too. Clearly admire each other.
Then Obama took the mike. This was him turning to Biden and saying perhaps they should get to Alaska...
E.G. said he was really impressed with Obama's ability to work a crowd. We were behind him and to the right but still got a lot of eye contact.
E.G. was also impressed/ struck by the
conversation, the black church vibe, people talking back in a conversational way. (He gave an example of someone standing behind us who, when Obama said "Americans are nervous... Americans are worried..." then added, "Americans are
Someone fell over at one point in the speech and Obama stopped the speech, asked for emergency attention for her, and then handed his own water bottle over... people passed it on to her... (she was maybe 20 people back). (An elderly lady by the way, not some star-struck fangirl.) (She was fine, I saw her walking off later, a little unsteady but OK.)
Here's another crowd shot after the speech... Obama started to work the crowd about 10 feet from us and I thought he'd come towards us but he went the other way... oh well. Can't get greedy, we've been lucky already. I was hoping for a picture of sozlet WITH him though -- took a pic AFTER she chatted with him last time but didn't think to take a picture of the moment. Duh.
This doesn't really capture it but traffic afterwards was insane -- because we parked so far away we were able to head the other direction and miss most of it.
Beautiful summer sunset over soybean fields:
A lot of fun. Glad we went.