Boomerang - don't you have a dog? If not, get one - best judges of food anywhere!
Attempts to feed something called "fat-free Brie" to Siberian huskies resulted in having them walk to their bowls, sniff, then sit on their furry little behinds and look at me in wonder - as in "Has she finally lost it completely?!" They adore regular Brie, mind you.
Then there was the one time I actually brought home a sample of that japanese bean curd - tofu - and they wouldn't even go sniff at their bowls; they looked at me firmly from the kitchen door with that stern expression "One more such attempt, we're calling the paramedics!"
When I was little there was cooking for dogs at home - lean meat or fish, rice or potatoes, some vegetables, with no added salt, sugar or fat. Humans can add fruit, nuts, peppers - but if you stick with no added salt etc rule, that food is probably healthier than the junk marketed as "health food".
Step one, however, is: get a dog