ossobuco wrote:Never mind me, Asherman and Foxfyre would probably like to meet others.
I'm sure - we others could play cards or similar during that time :wink:
On the last thread, George asked if there would be Frito Pie. Well of course, George! Any gourmand knows that the very best Frito Pie is to be found in Albuquerque
We'll be there, probably just for the weekend (Fri - Sun).
Well holy ****
Look who came out of his cave..
I question the brain that thought of that one..
Walter Hinteler wrote:ossobuco wrote:Never mind me, Asherman and Foxfyre would probably like to meet others.
I'm sure - we others could play cards or similar during that time :wink:
Ok, we'll count you out from that part of the gathering then. Personally, I would enjoy meeting them both and hope they decide to attend.
Well, welcome back, PDiddie.
JPB wrote:Walter Hinteler wrote:ossobuco wrote:Never mind me, Asherman and Foxfyre would probably like to meet others.
I'm sure - we others could play cards or similar during that time :wink:
Ok, we'll count you out from that part of the gathering then. Personally, I would enjoy meeting them both and hope they decide to attend.
I second that
I just want to meet everyone. No matter their political standing..
My best friend is a conservative republican..
Go figure..
JPB wrote:Walter Hinteler wrote:ossobuco wrote:Never mind me, Asherman and Foxfyre would probably like to meet others.
I'm sure - we others could play cards or similar during that time :wink:
Ok, we'll count you out from that part of the gathering then. Personally, I would enjoy meeting them both and hope they decide to attend.
I would like to meet everyone, if I can make it. And I guess those who don't feel the same way can play cards with Walter.
The name PDiddie is somewhat familiar ... but I can't say I place the avatar. :wink:
You Mister.. should tote your ass there no matter what.
even if you have to sneak out of your bedroom window to do it
(says that rock dude..)
Ticomaya wrote:I would like to meet everyone ...
Same with me. But two years ago I've learnt that others don't want to meet me.
That's life.
The name PDiddie really sounds familiar ... I vagely remember one with that name being the leader of a certain gang ...
Mr. and Mrs. PDiddie, that's wonderful news!!! Look forward to seeing you again.
I know that Walter, but that's not much of an explanation. What lead you to think "others don't want to meet" you?
Tico, I have met Walter at gatherings in Chicago and Boston. He can respond to your question but, in my mind, he seems to have a dry sense of humor,
Meanwhile, an update. According to my score-card we seem to have a baker's dozen of "yes, I will be there" votes, with varying degrees of what they are willing to commit to.
I show about an equal number of folks saying "maybe." Some are optimistic while others say it probably won't happen.
I sent out a few more pm's this afternoon to potential attendees. Let me know if yall know of anyone I should write to.
Sorry that I won't be able to be there, but I did want to wave to PDiddie.
I don't know PDiddee. I note that she hasn't posted on a2k for awhile despite being one of the very early members here (Nov 2002), beating me, #187, by a month. Any character flaws I should be aware of?
I do wish, Letty, you could join us. Any chance of reconsidering? The gov't is going to send each of us $600. Why not blow it on a trip to Alb?
realjohnboy wrote:I don't know PDiddee. I note that she hasn't posted on a2k for awhile despite being one of the very early members here (Nov 2002), beating me, #187, by a month. Any character flaws I should be aware of?
Yes, his politics are all screwed up. Other than that, I suspect he's one hell of a nice guy.