Since Bob and I hate to be contained in scheduled sightseeing or much of anything else, we figured that people would perhaps meet for breakfast and decide who wanted to do what.
Some can walk all day and others prefer strolling and shopping. You all can find out from each other the ones who prefer one or the other and match up for whatever you really want to do.
Dys and I won't be doing much if any sightseeing, but will love to join you all for meals and conversations here (in small groups).
I would love to join anyone who wants to take the tram to the top of Sandia Mountain. Walter, the restaurant is mediocre and overpriced, but the spectacular view can make up for all that. The only way you can get a table near the windows is to order dinner. They are Scrooges as far as I'm concerned. What migt be fun is to get a lunch from a deli and have a picnic up there, except I don't remember seeing any picnic tables; however, there are lots of benches for sitting and taking in the view. Albuquerque is at an elevation of between 4800ft and 5200 ft. Sandia is at 10,000 ft and is considerably cooler that the valley. Sweaters will probably be welcomed once you get to the top.
I'm really getting excited to see you all and to meet a few of you for the first time.
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Wed 26 Mar, 2008 05:59 pm
" Walter, the restaurant is mediocre and overpriced"
Oh my!!! What a Renaissance man that Walter is!
I am sorry to hear that, in his restaurant guise, he lacks a little something....but think how thin he spreads himself.
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Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:08 pm
No, no, no, that would be: Walter, the restaurant, is overpriced.
And surely worth it!
The downer is the matter about a window seat.
Uh, there's another Flying Star on that side of town, on Juan Tabo Ave., said (and Diane told me this just two days ago) to be the best.
Well, I am sure there are many good places on that side of town - I keep seeing them mentioned...
For anyone into a real search, see if the ALIBI is online. They have lots of info as does Albuquerque magazine. Not that their reviews are right, but it's a start.
Alternately, I don't remember it taking all THAT long to take the tram.
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Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:15 pm
Oh, wait. I'm sure Dlowan knows her commas and was playing. Beg pardon.
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Wed 26 Mar, 2008 06:36 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Oh, wait. I'm sure Dlowan knows her commas and was playing. Beg pardon.
Nemmind. :wink:
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Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:30 pm
Mame wrote:
Well, I will have a car (apparently I need one) and a map, so I will meet anyone anywhere, and can taxi people around. Since I'm going to be there only 3 days (16 - 19), I'd like to squeeze in as much as possible, people-wise. I couldn't care less about sight-seeing... I can do that on another trip...
I agree with Mame 100%! The people ARE the sights I'm interested in seeing.
Oh, and I'll have a car, too. (Still trying to decide where to stay...pushing a deadline right now, but will let you guys know the particulars as soon as I have time to book them.)
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Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:24 pm
Okay, I'm all set. I'll arrive on Friday, the 16th (a.m.) and leave Monday, the 19th (noon). I checked all the links you guys posted for accommodations, and the most appealing to me was the B&B where the PDiddies are staying. Even better, the room I liked best on their site was still available, so I grabbed it!
Woohoo! I can't wait!
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Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:31 pm
OK!!! This is good!!!
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Fri 28 Mar, 2008 06:35 am
I'm still in the planning stages but will arrive sometime Friday and leave on Sunday or Monday. I can go back and see places on my own another time. This trip is definitely focused on the people.
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Fri 28 Mar, 2008 07:56 am
Oh yay! I'm really looking forward to meeting and hanging out with everyone, and JPB and Eva, I'm so glad you're going! I hope we can meet up for dinner on the 16th - I only have 3 days there (wail).
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Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:39 pm
I would love to suggest an all girl meet, but there is too little time, and too many people to meet in general, to be so selective.
Let's really try for one another time.
Girl talk. What a concept!!
Edited for comma purpoises.
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Fri 28 Mar, 2008 08:12 pm
Dinner on the 16th and or the 17th could be worth focussing on as the closest thing we can come to as a "main event."
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Walter Hinteler
Fri 28 Mar, 2008 11:55 pm
We boys will change the world and talk about the real subjects before the girls arrive, isn't it, johnboy? :wink:
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 12:37 am
If I get all my turkeys strutting forward, you may all be welcome for a splash of this or that, including coffee, tea, and delicacies, in my odd house, before or after a walk at the petroglyphs, a few blocks away, some morning, perhaps even a very early morning.
Oh, what the hell, I'll add that for sure to the possibilities.
(Studies biscuit recipes....)
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 12:54 am
Biscuits are good. Biscuits and gravy is a meal.
Have you tracked down a part of the petroglyphs that is more petroglyphs and less walking? Like you, I guess, I have no idea of what interests and schedules are going to develope.
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 01:04 am
I see lots of people over the life of this thread are hoping to meet people and don't care about anything else. Well, yes.... of course. But I also trust you don't want to hang out at D & D's for 72 hours. That would not be good for them, however pleasant for the rest of us.
Some of my best memories of past awk get togethers are from some of us just walking and talking, and not so much from some clump or other. Just an opinion.
No, Abq is not about sightseeing. But we need venues for walking, talking, and sitting.
Saying you just want to meet people is not all that useful, she snips.
Please read the thread to date and add places you might prefer or signal what interests you, if anything, of places mentioned. Or come up with other ideas.
Huffs, gathering her silks.
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 01:14 am
No, Roger, I haven't walked them since we did, and we hardly got a start on them. But it wasn't a bad start, we did see petroglyphs, if people are interested. Hey, you could lead... (not kidding, or at least not entirely).
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 01:41 am
On biscuits and gravy, I dunno. I just totally messed up trying to replicate what they do once in a while at the Flying Star. I just about turned myself off of them. Who know's. Let's assume I'd have some kind of breakfasty items at hand, perhaps an apple torte...though no promise of a whole meal.
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Diest TKO
Sat 29 Mar, 2008 01:45 am
I'd come, but I'll be busy graduating. I love the area. I made a day trip of old town last summer.
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Sat 29 Mar, 2008 01:56 am
D-TKO - I figure you are moving east and not to this area.
Still, I enjoy our talking and if you are back here, pm me, and maybe we can meet for a bit.