Osso, I'd like to list myself and my wife as hopeful "maybes." If Gus goes then it's a virtual certainty.
Now, such would save me some money for a phone call :wink:
JLN, oh, wow, would that be nice!
JLN: Cool. We are happy to have yall commit to being "maybe's." We hope that, as mid-May gets closer, some of the dozen or more "maybe's" will become "yes's."
Okay, I'm about ready to make my reservations. Expressjet has a reasonably priced direct flight from Tulsa to ABQ...now, where to stay?
I could stay anywhere, but I'd rather stay somewhere other A2Kers are staying. Reading back through this thread, I've only noticed a few lodging commitments.
RJB - Best Western Rio Grande
PDiddies - Hacienda de Colores B&B
Shewolf Clan - Motel 6 (???)
Where are the rest of you staying?
Some others are staying at the hotel motel cluster off of Coors and I-40.
I listed all those, they're on Iliff (St./Ave..dunno), and I'll have to reread the thread to find the page. Or maybe I can do a search. Back in a bit.
Well, back to reading the thread.
Anyway, Eva, the question may occur re which is handier for getting together and for the people who live here. Both the Old Town area (which is an interesting part of town) and the Iliff motel cluster are pretty equal in that regard.
Eva wrote:
Where are the rest of you staying?
At dys'/Diane's.
And later in dys' RV, but at various places outside ABQ. :wink:
Ok, the Iliff hotel cluster is listed first on page 6, there's a map on page 7, and more about the specific places on page 9, with another map or map link. I know I talked more about them after that, but that's a start.
JLNobody wrote: If Gus goes then it's a virtual certainty.
JLN. I want to believe that there is a Gus, just as I believe that there is a Santa Claus and a Easter Bunny. But sometimes skepticism sets in on me. Some of my little friends here say he doesn't exist. Is there really a Gus?
Johnboy in Virginia
To me Gus was a figment of interest in the beginning, whenever the beginning was. If the figment would come forward I'd enjoy talking. In the meantime, I'm much more attached with other people here who are apparently real, even those I snap at or disagree with entirely, and they with me.
I see five years of cute.
If he would show up, I could conceivably change my mind.
Gus HAS to exist. Noone could possibly make him up. That would be tantamount to Plato's invention of Socrates, or Paul's invention of the Christ (not to be confused with the historical Jesus).
Sure, someone could make him up.
The persona that did remains interesting.
But he has to keep it up, eh? Swamplustre... and lustreloss.
Meanwhile, I am over it. He'd better get his ass over here.
We are triangulating his cell signature as we speak...
If he would quit throwing them away and getting new pre-paids, this would be easier...
Gus is as real as the rest of us....
Lustrelocks??? Is that youuuuuu?
Shirley?...yer not speakin' to me that way... :wink:
Eh, he's talked to me straight in something like twice in, eh, 5 years.
Tell me why I should beg him to join us at the whatchacallit place we went to for lunch on Central and 4th, kitty corner from the Stetson Hat place....
Maybe he's a balloon.
He exists, but I expect Jesus and Jimmy Hoffa to be in his posse if I actually get to see him...
If gus exists, then where is he? On one of his swamp hikes, no doubt.
I have booked and paid for tickets and hotel. As of now, I am coming. However, if I get a cooking job, I have to take it. So, I am a paid up maybe. And apparently I am staying miles away from everyone and everything although on the map it looks not too far from Old Town. Who knows? I don't live there.