snood wrote:High Seas wrote:Thanks for the appearance, Snood. If you'd only address your own question about Hillary / Obama problems you anticipated to be caused by Republicans - and not by each other.......
I didn't anticipate the tone becoming as intense as it has between Hillary and Obama, but do you suppose for a moment that changes by one whit that the GOP will unleash all that and more, in the general election?
They won't have to.
By the time Obama wins the nomination he will have been crippled by Hillary.
And Wright's replacement at the pulpet promises to keep on keep'in on. How many You Tube uploaders are currently attending these sermons?
I've no doubt Rev Moss will not dissappoint. After all, on Easter Sunday, he compared his predecessor to Jesus Christ.
Notwithstanding the somewhat famous "Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's..." comment, I won't quibble with the notion that, at least, the historical Jesus spoke out about perceived social injustices. I'm not sure he preached "God Damn Rome!" in his sermon on the Mount, but he did seem to care about how the locals treated prostitutes, adulterers, and lepers.
Of course there doesn't seem to be any references, Biblical or otherwise, to Jesus standing before his flock shouting "Herod did to us Jews what he did to Salome! He rode her dirty!" (Punctuated by a series of pelvic thrusts while the apostle Mark leaped from the assembled and clapped him on the back for emphasis.)
I suspect Rev Moss is not about to let
The Man shut down the ministery of his church, and so we can count on him for continued outrage. Will Obama be forced to renounce him as well, and since he's a might younger that Rev Wright should he be considered the "Smart-mouthed cousin at the Thanksgiving table?"
You know, I should have seen it. The Right Wing Hate Machine arranged for both Rev Wright and Rev Moss to lead the flock at Obama's church. Good God are they diabolical! What chance does The Expected One have with such forces arrayed against him?