I like being in the minority.....more elbow room!
Don't let anyone give you any crap, Heeven! I don't watch much anymore, but Dusty Rhodes and El Gran Apollo (sp?) were my heroes when I was a teen-ager. (I still have autographed pictures somewhere in this mess o'mine.)
[laughing] I actually went to a couple of wrestling matches and was surrounded by a bunch of nut-cases. Have to admit there are some freakos that go to these things! My bf refuses to go with me again! I did get to touch Cain once - nice! And I saw The Rock closeup at WWF New York.
Hey Heeven, is The Rock as beautiful in person as on the screen?
(Have we had this conversation before?)
Yes he is and no we didn't. He is very handsome and charismatic which makes him one of the top wrestlers. I also find him very funny - can't beat a sexy man who makes you laugh!
Actually Heeven, we have. On Abuzz awhile back. It was unanimous. We all agreed that The Rock is very easy on the eyes.
I never got into wrestling but when I was a kid, I loved Roller Derby. Joan "The Blond Amazon" Weston was my girl.
Talk about funny! I saw the Rock on Saturday Night Live, and he could be a regular. I'm serious, I have seen lots of regulars over the years, that weren't as talented as he is.
I know what you mean. His personality is awesome. I think he will go far beyond the wrestling ring.
I dont think I have missed more than 5 episodes of "Coronation Street" in ten years. When I go on a trip, I get the show taped., even when I have been away for as long as three months. I cannot live without it.
I like Survivor too, though it is not as much of an addiction as
C Street.
Yeah, so I'm late to the party. Deal with it. I simply MUST throw in my two cents on this topic since I've recently become re-addicted to trash TV. It's like chocolate; I can't get enough.
I've missed fewer than ten episodes of Buffy since its premiere, but other than that, my addiction's been under control for years. Then, all of a sudden, Ozzy Osbourne is on every Tuesday night, The Real World goes to Vegas, and Batman and Catwoman have a kid! Star Search is back. . .I've begun dreaming that Rebecca Cole and Robert Verdi (Surprise by Design) show up to redecorate my living room. . .And Joe Millionaire (somebody PLEASE HELP ME!) chooses the sweet brunette over the gold digging blonde!
If step one is admitting I have a problem, then Houston, I have a problem.
Miss you lady!!!
Mush......I'm complete mush.
I loved Bob Ross too. Now I enjoy watching his son paint.
I don't feel guilty watching this one--SpongeBob SquarePants. I am just sorry I have seen almost all the shows produced so now most are reruns for me. As SpongeBob would say "I'm ready...I'm ready...."
Back atcha' Rae.
As far as guilty pleasures go: I recently dusted off the Dirty Dancing video, but on a day like today any bad 80s movie will do. (Man, I wish I had Sixteen Candles on video!)
Hey TerryDo, good to see you here at A2k, welcome. I watched Dirty Dancing yesterday on TV, follwed by Foot Loose, and then Risky Business. Love Saturday TV. And every Saturday night I stay up really, really late to watch Dynasty re-runs. I never saw it when it was on regular TV and now I am addicted to it like many of my co-workers were then but I have no one to dicuss it with!
Hey Joanne!
I was a Falcon Crest girl myself.

It was on right after Remington Steele. RRRRRROOOOOOWWWWWWWRRRRR
Yesterday was a Cartoon Network day: Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Justice League. . .Real highbrow entertainment.
This is so odd. My daughter told me that she was SO
embarrased to admit that she watched a really stupid
tv show - and I couldn't understand why, and still don't
really - if you enjoy something - go for it - but it turns
out that it is something called Joe Millionaire.... about
some guy who pretends to be a millionaire..... go
Hey now. . .There's nothing wrong with being a Joe Millionaire fan.
<hiding autographed picture of Evan Marriott>
Okay, so I came out of the closet. On Tuesday afternoon I admitted in front of the entire management team at work that I never miss "The Osbournes."