Finn dAbuzz wrote:Huckabee may be able to attract evangelical Republicans, but he won't attract less tax, small government Repubs,
Is this constituency large enough to put someone in the White House? Are there at least 50,000,000 voters who want their taxes lowered?
BTW: Is it true that Huckabee raised taxes in Arkansas because the courts said he had to spend more money on public schools and that by raising such taxes and spending such money Arkansas' public schools are ranked #8 in the nation?
Quote:and he won't attract Repub foreign policy hawks.
In the Fox debate last week one of the candidates made the claim that Clinton gutted the military. This is all well and good except for the fact that 6 of Bill Clinton's 8 budgets were passed by Republican majorities in both houses of Congress. So if the military was gutted in the 1990s it was Republicans, like McCain and Thompson and Paul, that gutted it. Huckabee is the only candidate in the Fox debate whom I remember expressly calling for increasing the size of the military. I would rather risk an unknown than knowns whose records are dismal.
Quote:More importantly, he won't attrack big contributions. Populists don't usually get the support of the Big Money, unless it Unions, and that money goes to Dems - no question.
If Huckabee has a message or campaign style that can attract 30-40% of the GOP primary electorate what need will he have for large contributions? Personally I wouldn't want a candidate that thinks he has to have large contributions because by accepting them the candidate subjects himself to large obligations- which are likely detrimental to my personal welfare.