Green Witch wrote:Foofie wrote:I'll fast forward; McCain will be elected President. I'm trying to see who's standing behind him as Vice President; the sun's in my eyes, but it sort of looks like Giuliani.
If this prediction comes true, I will run away to Peru with Gus and we will start a lama farm.
Don't worry about McCain. Once the states where only Republicans can vote in Republican primaries start voting, McCain will be toast.
McCain isn't a Republican. As Glen Beck said on his show last night just look as the laws that McCain has been associated with- McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy, McCain-anythng.
The man is far more comfortable in the company of liberals so he must be a liberal and thus won't win the Republican Party's presidential nomination.
BTW: Ever wonder what McCain keeps in his cheek pouches? He looks like Snowball, that demented hamster in the
Pinky and the Brain cartoons.