Some Hell/Death/Sin questions

Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2008 10:51 pm
Arella Mae wrote:
There ya go Curtis, proving my point exactly. You think because I don't come to the same conclusions about the Bible as you do that I just don't think?

[quote]I can't understand how anyone who TRULY thinks for themselves with any hint of intelligence could possibly even vaguely believe a book that is so intensely contradictory.

That statement doesn't just imply that I don't think. It flat out states it. I can't learn a lot from a person who makes statements like that. Except how NOT to use demeaning words because someone is different.

It's no different than a political issue, voting for a politician, being on a jury, etc. Not every single person is going to believe the exact same thing no matter what evidence is presented. There will always be differing views.

I believe OJ Simpson was guilty of murder. A jury acquitted him. They had evidence and they disregarded it in my opinion.

So maybe you are like that jury? You have evidence but you disregard it for some reason?[/color][/quote]

No, no, no. I've clearly stated that this is not about YOU, its about religious people in general. I also clearly stated that I'm not discrediting you for what you believe, I'm discrediting your SOURCE. If I read Harry Potter and suddenly believed that I could conjure if I had enough faith, you could disagree with my argument's credulity as well. You could defensibly argue that I am not using intelligence to see the truth behind the fiction.

That statement you quoted doesn't have anything to do with you. I merely said that if A PERSON actively purports to be intelligent, logical, and truly THINKS about what is in the bible, AND chooses to believe it, they must have either missed a lot, or they have chosen to actively suspend their intelligence in matters concerning the bible and god. It is a contradictory book. Period.

I'm not like that jury. I don't disregard anything. The bible is not credible information to me. If it is evidence of anything, its a testament to civilization's gullibility to fear. If I were on that jury and a witness came in and stated, "he did it, but he didn't do it," I would discount his credibility.

You keep coming at me with this idea that the bible is credible. I simply don't believe that it is. Its close, but its heavily modified to make people compliant and fearful. Death and hell on earth have been the result. An analogy. God's actual word is to the bible, as Star Wars is to Spaceballs. Its an adaptation that is reminiscent of god's original word, but its not (in my opinion)

I never meant this to be an attack on you... we were having such a good debate and I apologize if it seemed like a personal attack. I never said that I'm right and everyone has to believe me. We're all just voicing our beliefs. I believe that those who have faith in the bible willingly suspend intelligence in order to wrap their minds around the incongruencies they read, AND THEY MISTAKE THAT FOR FAITH. I'm not saying YOU do that, but many do. They encounter something that is paradoxical and unexplainable, and just resort to saying "if we knew everything it wouldn't be faith." They couldn't possibly blasphemously even think that the bible might be BS written by a human for fear of eternal damnation, so they chock it up to faith, plug their ears, and go around saying "la la la la can't hear you, I have faith."
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Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2008 10:55 pm
Curtis...people who follow any of the religious hypothesis' ALWAYS take a questioning of their faith/beliefs as a personal insult.

They are unable to seperate their hearts/brains/lives from their religion, therefore any attack on their faith/belief is an attack on them.
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Arella Mae
Reply Wed 23 Jan, 2008 11:00 pm

I appreciate your clarification. I didn't take it as an actual personal attack. I did take it as an attack on any person's intelligence if they didn't agree with you about religon. If I misunderstood that, and it seems that I did by your post, then please accept my apology.

Maporsche, I have no problem with anyone questioning my beliefs. The problem I have is people saying things like believers don't use logic, intelligence, etc. I thought that was what Curtis was saying but he assured me he was not saying that.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 02:58 am
Its cool. I actually freely admit that even my beliefs come from unreliable sources, but they're not contradictory. Big difference to me. In a [very generalized] nutshell, it seems like those who put faith in incomplete paradoxes are religious. Those who find faith through logic are spiritual. Those who apply logic to faith are atheist.

That sounds like a bumper sticker. Idea
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 08:15 am
Paul was a contemporary of Jesus Christ.

yes intrepid, that pretty much sums it up. Paul saw Christ and was given the authority and even verified by the Apostles. Smith was one guy who got bored with christianity and decide to give it a new slant. There is no evidence of his visit by the angel Moroni, noone to verify his authority given by God and no golden tablets.
After two thousand years of the christian church using the same books, a young man gets a revelation about JEsus' coming to America?! All of you guys asking about the book of mormon have you ever read it? ITs just the story of when JEsus visited america. Regardless of the fact that this coming isn't spoken of, prophecied of and completetly contradicts the WHOLE bible, the book of Mormon is also so absolutely geographically ridiculous. No archeologist has ever been able to find these places written in the bk of mormon. And There is no evidence or other accounts of Christ coming to america.The mormons claim the bk of mormon is the most correct bk on earth yet there are almost 2000 corrections made to it (and i'm not talking about grammatical corrections). The canon of scripture was closed two thousand yrs ago. All that we need to know on Christ and salvation is written from genesis to revelation.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 12:33 pm
Logic and Faith

In my youth I believed as you do. But your logic is faulty. First scientific method cannot be applied (either God exists or he doesn't ~ there is no Control so it cannot be proven or disproven by observation.

The more logical conclusion would to be an agnostic instead of an atheist. But I understand I used to claim to be agnostic when I was really atheistic. That is really a "fool's bet". Imagine if you will I had a six shooter and I'm going to shoot you (no you can't stop me). Three bullets are in the gun. Now your choice is I'm willing to bet you $1,000,000 that you are going to die. Do you take the bet before I pull the trigger? Here's a hint. If you get shot in the head you don't have to pay off you're dead.

Okay logic dictates you should believe but you don't get to choose if you believe or not. (You are obviously a lot better off to have believed and been wrong than if you didn't believe and discover you were wrong, at least if you buy into the hell fire and damnation.) Additionally, faith provides great comfort denied to those who really believe.

Applying logic to faith does not make you an atheist. To 'preach' atheism is just mean spirited. Why would anyone want to rob someone of their faith and comfort? My faith in Christ and the Lord is very strong. My faith in people, not so much. What in the bible or book of mormon seems so contradictory to you. I don't remember any math problems in there 1+1...

The geography in the BofM is very generic (e.g. narrow strip of land). You're surprised that cities that were destroyed 2000 years ago aren't there? What there's no sign that says Welcome to Nephi? You think there are no ruins in South America? Can you find the indian village that sold Manhattan for $24 in beads? I don't know if that really happened or not. How would you know? (are the beads still there?) Does it matter? That was only 400 years ago.

Kate, if Christ appeared to the Pope (I don't know if he has or not). And said here this is the Holy Grail I'll pick it up tomorrow. Would the Pope call the National Enquirer or send it to the FBI for analysis? Isn't he more likely to bring together his most faithful Bishops and Cardinals and show them. And maybe have each of them write their testimony that they had 'seen and held' the grail and that it had the appearance of gold. That's exactly what Joseph did. The BofM starts with the accounts of the witnesses many of whom left the church but none of which would recant their testimony. These were successful leaders of the community in which Joseph lived. Christ talks of visiting 'other sheep who are not of this fold'. Nobody else is saying oh yes that was us.

Please give me an example of what you think is 'absolutely geographically ridiculous'. There are books written (not endorsed by the church) where archeologists have theorised about where the narrow strip of land was or mountain pass. But it's just some guy's guess. If you go look at Christ's tomb or the Manger... guess what they don't know either. Maybe this was it is the best they can do.

If you refer to the end of Revolations where John talks about neither adding to nor taking away from the book you should know that Revolations wasn't the last book written. The monks just stuck it at the end because it was talking about the future.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 01:11 pm
Re: Logic and Faith
Uffda wrote:

In my youth I believed as you do. But your logic is faulty. First scientific method cannot be applied (either God exists or he doesn't ~ there is no Control so it cannot be proven or disproven by observation.

I don't understand what you're saying here. How come the scientific method cannot be applied?


The more logical conclusion would to be an agnostic instead of an atheist. But I understand I used to claim to be agnostic when I was really atheistic. That is really a "fool's bet". Imagine if you will I had a six shooter and I'm going to shoot you (no you can't stop me). Three bullets are in the gun. Now your choice is I'm willing to bet you $1,000,000 that you are going to die. Do you take the bet before I pull the trigger? Here's a hint. If you get shot in the head you don't have to pay off you're dead.

It is not more logical to be an agnostic. It's actually less logical when you apply objectivity to the question. There is no proof of god, no proof anywhere. You wouldn't say that someone who believes in the Tooth Fairy is a more logical position than someone who doesn't believe.


Okay logic dictates you should believe but you don't get to choose if you believe or not. (You are obviously a lot better off to have believed and been wrong than if you didn't believe and discover you were wrong, at least if you buy into the hell fire and damnation.) Additionally, faith provides great comfort denied to those who really believe.

"...logic dictates you should believe....." ???!?!?!?!? Please write me a logical argument that proves that statement.

And many Christians on THIS board believe that you're going to burn in hell fire and damnation and YOU ARE a believer. Are you trying to say that god doesn't care what religion you believe in, as long as you believe in one of the hundreds?

And faith provides FALSE comfort. You can have IT.


Applying logic to faith does not make you an atheist. To 'preach' atheism is just mean spirited. Why would anyone want to rob someone of their faith and comfort? My faith in Christ and the Lord is very strong. My faith in people, not so much. What in the bible or book of mormon seems so contradictory to you. I don't remember any math problems in there 1+1...

It's not about faith in people, it's about faith in yourself.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 04:59 pm
Re: Logic and Faith
Uffda wrote:
The more logical conclusion would to be an agnostic instead of an atheist. But I understand I used to claim to be agnostic when I was really atheistic. That is really a "fool's bet". Imagine if you will I had a six shooter and I'm going to shoot you (no you can't stop me). Three bullets are in the gun. Now your choice is I'm willing to bet you $1,000,000 that you are going to die. Do you take the bet before I pull the trigger? Here's a hint. If you get shot in the head you don't have to pay off you're dead.

Since I'm not keen on pain and death, I wouldn't take the bet.

Applying logic to faith does not make you an atheist. To 'preach' atheism is just mean spirited. Why would anyone want to rob someone of their faith and comfort? My faith in Christ and the Lord is very strong. My faith in people, not so much. What in the bible or book of mormon seems so contradictory to you. I don't remember any math problems in there 1+1...

First of all, did you notice that I marked my words as a generalization? Many times atheists come by their beliefs as a result of an attempt to apply logic and science to faith. I stand by that. Also, I think you'll find that atheists would argue for atheism because they believe that faith in themselves is better than false faith in a god that doesn't exist. Christians do the same thing when they mission. They think their way is better so they try to coerce others into believing it. Atheists aren't mean trying to "remove comfort," they're trying to show you what they believe is a better way, just like we all are.

Kate4Christ wrote:

yes intrepid, that pretty much sums it up. Paul saw Christ and was given the authority and even verified by the Apostles. Smith was one guy who got bored with christianity and decide to give it a new slant. The mormons claim the bk of mormon is the most correct bk on earth yet there are almost 2000 corrections made to it (and i'm not talking about grammatical corrections). The canon of scripture was closed two thousand yrs ago. All that we need to know on Christ and salvation is written from genesis to revelation.

There we go... that's the golden bullet. The righteousness of of the religiously self-entitled. That's exactly what the Jews said when Christ came around, but some of them followed. Why do you assume that anything "new" isn't credible? I don't follow the BofM, but I think its every bit as credible as the bible.

An by the way... canon of scripture closed 2000 years ago? The bible wasn't published until about 1800 years ago. That's 200 years of human discrepancy for your "credible" book.

And, the bible has hundreds of thousands of translations, corrections, alterations, omissions, additions, and speculations; far more than the BofM if you want to get picky about it.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 05:07 pm
Leap of Faith
Scientific method requires Control. It's part of the definition. To test something with and without the variant. You either don't have a world without God or you don't have a world with God for Scientific method you have to have both.

You can't prove the existence of God neither can you disprove the existence of God so logic dictates you don't know if there is a God or not. That agnostic. Being an atheist is an opinion as is a belief in God.

Again, if you can't prove the tooth fairy does or doesn't exist it's more logical to say you don't know. Anything else is just an opinion. With scientific method you cannot disregard something because you 'think' it's unlikely.

Logic dictates you are 'better off' if you believe (not that it's a valid argument for you to change your beliefs.)

here is the game matrix

Take the bet... The gun fires... You are dead
Take the bet... The gun doesn't fire... You are 1 Million dollars richer
Don't take the bet.. The gun fires... You are still dead
Don't take the bet... The gun doesn't fire.. No 1 Million dollars

Belive in God... If God exists... You are in Heaven
Believe in God... No God You are dead
No belief... If God exists... You go to Hell?
No belief... No God You are still dead.

Not believing is a no win game, as is not taking the $1,000,000 bet (previous post).

Okay, Sally's brother dies. She's morning and says.. Well at least he's in a better place. Assuming you don't hate Sally do you tell her, Hey your brother was liar and a cheat. If there is a God he's burning in hell but it's more likely that he's just worm food! That doesn't seem like a nice thing to do even if it's true. How does this 'hope' (false in your opinion) hurt her? Are you afraid she'll spend her life needlessly lighting candles or trying to be good because of her belief in a Saviour that wants her to be good?


I don't really understand the 'Christians' that believe I'll burn in Hell. I think god is a loving father. Why would he want me (or them) to burn forever? Isn't he all about forgiveness? Only by the 'Leap of Faith' can man know god. If you haven't had it, sorry I can't explain it.

If you find a pocket watch laying on the ground, you can think oh I bet there was an earthquake and a rock started rolling down the hill and it hit just right and fell together and now there's this watch, and it's wound and running and the time's correct. There's a label on the back that says CASIO but that's probably just a scratch... there is no evidence that CASIO made the watch, or that CASIO even exists. Man was just a fish that crawled out of the sea and fell just right and now he has a brain and tools. And the fish was just a bacteria but it fell just right and turned into a fish. Ockham's Razor `Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate'', which translates as ``entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily'. or the simplest solution is more likely correct.

You can't prove it but it's more likely that somebody made the watch, that the tooth fairy didn't do it and that there is a God.

There are things within my own religion that I don't understand. Those things aren't that important to me. In my math book it talks about the square root of a negative one (imaginary numbers). I have to admit I don't understand it but I wouldn't throw the book away.

I'm curious about what contradictions you find in the bible. Is it the miracles? Raising the dead, walking on water? I can see that that is different than your (or my) experiences but it's not really a contradiction. The old testiment was more eye for an eye while the New testiment is talks about love your neighbor that is contradictory but that's kind of the point.

The flood, common in nearly all ancient scripture including I believe the Talmud/Torah, Koran Islam, as are the stories of Abraham and creation of the world? That means the stories have been around for a really long time or they all refer to a common event.

Nearly every culture in the World has a history of belief in some greater power. Either every culture spontaniously thought this up independently or a higher power has touched every culture.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 07:09 pm
Re: Leap of Faith
Uffda wrote:
Scientific method requires Control. It's part of the definition. To test something with and without the variant. You either don't have a world without God or you don't have a world with God for Scientific method you have to have both.

Your concept of the scientific method is flawed. The outcome (although sometimes called a proof) is simply a culmination of the research and experiementation. It doesn't mean that its is cold fact. The scientific method is simply a path to explanation. The theory of relativity was derived using the scientific method, but since we cannot prove or disprove it with current technology, it will remain unproven. Saying that there is no proof that god does or does not exist is not a valid argument. My research and experimentation has shown me that god does exist, but that neither proves nor disproves god's existence.

You can't prove the existence of God neither can you disprove the existence of God so logic dictates you don't know if there is a God or not. That agnostic. Being an atheist is an opinion as is a belief in God.

correction. I know god exists because she has revealed herself in many real ways to me. That is my theory and proof. If a new set of data comes along, I will integrate and embrace it as well. I'm not like a religious freak who denies the plausibility of any new information.

Again, if you can't prove the tooth fairy does or doesn't exist it's more logical to say you don't know. Anything else is just an opinion. With scientific method you cannot disregard something because you 'think' it's unlikely.

not big on the idea of faith, are you? Smile Of course its opinion. We don't have proof, nor do we actively use the scientific method when dealing with our opinions and emotions. Humans rarely distinguish between opinion and fact, especially on a forum where anonymity is a huge factor.

Logic dictates you are 'better off' if you believe (not that it's a valid argument for you to change your beliefs.)

I disagree. Humans have repeatedly shown that they are better off in their individual comfort zones. For some that is atheism, for others its fundamentalism. Missioning (regardless of the persuasion) is simply trying to convince someone of other persuasions that theirs is better.

Okay, Sally's brother dies. She's morning and says.. Well at least he's in a better place. Assuming you don't hate Sally do you tell her, Hey your brother was liar and a cheat. If there is a God he's burning in hell but it's more likely that he's just worm food! That doesn't seem like a nice thing to do even if it's true.

Your example is only one tiny possibility in a massive set of possibilities. I agree that those actions could be construed as mean to Sally depending on how she accepts the information and integrates it with her beliefs, but that in NO way assumes that telling her was motivated by malicious intent. That also has nothing to do with being a missionary for your beliefs. The informant is not telling Sally that she needs to be agnostic or Hindu, the informant is telling Sally that her brother was a dick.

How does this 'hope' (false in your opinion) hurt her? Are you afraid she'll spend her life needlessly lighting candles or trying to be good because of her belief in a Saviour that wants her to be good?

Firstly, I never judged anyone's hope as false. When I said these words: ]Also, I think you'll find that atheists would argue for atheism because they believe that faith in themselves is better than false faith in a god that doesn't exist., I was stating an atheist perspective. I was saying that an atheist would consider faith in god a false hope since they don't believe in god.

I don't really understand the 'Christians' that believe I'll burn in Hell. I think god is a loving father. Why would he want me (or them) to burn forever? Isn't he all about forgiveness? Only by the 'Leap of Faith' can man know god. If you haven't had it, sorry I can't explain it.

Man, I am so with you on that. You try to explain the paradox of unconditional love to a fundamentalist christian and they just don't get it. You try to explain that if god has unconditional love, he won't send you to hell, and that if he sends you to hell he can't have unconditional love and they just start likening god to an angry daddy. I don't get it either.

There are things within my own religion that I don't understand. Those things aren't that important to me. In my math book it talks about the square root of a negative one (imaginary numbers). I have to admit I don't understand it but I wouldn't throw the book away.

But... there is a big difference between not understanding and false information. You understand that (except in extremely advanced calculus) 1+1 does not equal 1, so if you read a math textbook that said it does, you would discard the validity of the book (if not the book itself). Just because you don't understand the square roots of negatives doesn't mean they are false or don't exist.

I'm curious about what contradictions you find in the bible. Is it the miracles? Raising the dead, walking on water? I can see that that is different than your (or my) experiences but it's not really a contradiction. The old testiment was more eye for an eye while the New testiment is talks about love your neighbor that is contradictory but that's kind of the point.

Holy shi... I won't even get into it. Google "bible contradictions" and you'll find thousands of websites where the research has already been done, like this one: http://www.infidels.org/library/modern/jim_meritt/bible-contradictions.html . How about the fact that the new testament talks about eternal damnation to those who commit adultery, but the old testament speaks of godly men with hundreds of concubines. How about the fact that back to back gospels have huge discrepancies in something as simple as the story of christ's birth. The list is intense. Some are obscure, which leaves them open to the perview of faith to a christian, while others are blatantly in contradiction.

The flood, common in nearly all ancient scripture including I believe the Talmud/Torah, Koran Islam, as are the stories of Abraham and creation of the world? That means the stories have been around for a really long time or they all refer to a common event.

In my belief, neither. Some of the jewish scholars that make up the head of the jewish church long ago decided that the entire torah is not fact, but rather a collection of parables (which by definition are fictitious stories) designed to educate jews on how to live. Basically, they decided that the old testament was a big bedtime story, but still a valid guidline for living.

The significance to me is not the events themselves, but that the same events show up in all kinds of scripture... long before christianity: greek and roman empires, ancient egypt, mesopotamian cultures, south american tribal writings, even norse mythology. I think that god was here and laid down some kickin' tracks, but we've remixed them so many times for our own enslavement that the original meaning is long lost.
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Reply Thu 24 Jan, 2008 07:23 pm
Re: Leap of Faith
curtis73 wrote:
I don't really understand the 'Christians' that believe I'll burn in Hell. I think god is a loving father. Why would he want me (or them) to burn forever? Isn't he all about forgiveness? Only by the 'Leap of Faith' can man know god. If you haven't had it, sorry I can't explain it.

Man, I am so with you on that. You try to explain the paradox of unconditional love to a fundamentalist christian and they just don't get it. You try to explain that if god has unconditional love, he won't send you to hell, and that if he sends you to hell he can't have unconditional love and they just start likening god to an angry daddy. I don't get it either.

What if the fundamentalist christian is right?

Aren't you guys running the same risk of believing in the wrong religion as atheists are of not believing in any religion.

Say there are 20,000 varities of religions in the world (that number is probably low). You have chosen 1 of those varieities. The atheist has chosen 0 of them. You run almost as big a risk of being wrong as the atheist does.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:56 am
Re: Leap of Faith
What if the fundamentalist christian is right?

That just sent shivers down my spine Laughing

Aren't you guys running the same risk of believing in the wrong religion as atheists are of not believing in any religion.
Say there are 20,000 varities of religions in the world (that number is probably low). You have chosen 1 of those varieities. The atheist has chosen 0 of them. You run almost as big a risk of being wrong as the atheist does.

I don't view it like that. Being an atheist is a choice, so its not really choosing 0. Its a religious viewpoint nonetheless. Some would argue that there is no such thing as an atheist; that we all believe in some god, whether it be money, power, or some other concept. (I don't necessarily, but...)

Here's how I see it: I couldn't imagine that god is like many religions portray. If he is, then he's no omnipotent wonder; he's no better than a mere human. Vindiction, pettiness, jealousy, obedience, and need for worship are not traits of an omnipotent being of love. However, making those things part of a religion is a good way to fill pews and offering plates while making a compliant and fearful society. God IS love. He HAS to be or he isn't god. Again, I requote Orlando Bloom's line, "god will forgive us, and if he doesn't then he's not god and we have nothing to fear." Sure, its a cheesy movie line, but I don't fear god for the same reason.

Again... my opinion, but with what I believe there is no sin, no evil, no hell, no satan. We cannot NOT go to heaven because there is no other destination. It has been said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist. I say, religion's greatest trick was convincing the world that he does.

Could I be wrong? sure. We all could be. Maybe there are an infinite number of gods, all of which are jealous and spiteful like the christian god. If that's the case, we're all doomed. But I can't imagine that this world would operate the way it does if god were as spiteful as the major religions portray.

My dealings with god also have shown me first hand that I'm on the right path FOR ME. So, I'm not worried a lick about it.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 07:59 am
Re: Leap of Faith
curtis73 wrote:

My dealings with god also have shown me first hand that I'm on the right path FOR ME. So, I'm not worried a lick about it.

All fine and good, but you said a while back (I think it was you), that you think believing in the variety of religion that you do is better than not believing (I think you said 'safer than not believing'). Whether you can imagine a god like the one a fundy believes in is besides the point. You just have to realize that it is possible they are right and you are wrong, and it's equally possible as the atheist position, therefore you are no 'safer'.

I didn't say you should worry about it, I'm not worried about my choices either.
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 08:29 am
I believe that if there is a God of love, absolute love, than it would not care a lick about what our religious beliefs are. Why should it? What does that God, who has absolute power over our spirit, have to gain or lose by our religious beliefs?

Who does gain or lose by what God we believe in? God or the human culture, tribe, nation or cult that their God symbolizes?
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Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 12:47 pm
Unconditional Love
I view God as a loving Father. I loved my mortal father and I love my kids so it's an easy comparison for me. It seems natural to me. If god created us we are his 'children'. If we love our children why wouldn't the Lord love us?

Religion was created for man not for God. The Lord trys to give us direction to make our lives better. Okay we screw it up 'cause we're not so bright, at least as a society, but we've got 'part of the owners manual'.

You can choose to ignore it or try and understand it, imperfect as it is. If God loves us, and it's my premise that he does, what he's given us is to make our live's 'better'. Okay better sounds good. We believe 'Man is that he might have Joy.'. That's what the Lord wants for us. If you choose to abandon it, it doesn't matter to God other than I think he probably hates to see us 'screw ourselves'.

Being older and wiser I've seen my kids make choices that I think they're not going to be happy with. Sometimes I let them, yes you can buy the motorcycle you're over 18 *sigh*. Sometimes no, 2 year olds can't play with the stove.

If you read the 4 Gospels (ref to Christ's birth) yup it reads exactly like you would expect 4 accounts from different people written 20-30 years after the fact. The fact that they vary and are imperfect doesn't mean they should be ignored.

So for me the tough question is how do you decide which set of rules you should follow. In my experience it took a little effort. I looked for one that matched my expectations. I didn't understand a God "Who sits on top of a topless throne, who's center is everywhere and circumference is nowhere." I don't understand a loving father burning people in hell for eternity. If Baptism is required as Christ said what about all the people in the world that never heard of Christ? Are they just screwed? If you die and a Priest can't get to you, to hear your confession, you're going to hell? Those things don't sound right to me. I couldn't accept the Scientology, 'Aliens in Harrier jump jets' or the Christian Science view ~ it's all just a dream in a Supreme Beings mind. The Buddist belief that you should pursue neither joy nor sorrow. Judaism seemed to ignore a lot of evidence and basically their belief that when your dead it's over didn't seem like a happy ending ~ if it's just over why all the special rules? What did it accomplish? I can see not eating Pork in the middle ages may have been a good idea.

Okay, so I found a religion that matched my beliefs. They tell me I shouldn't have extra marital affairs, don't drink, don't smoke... Okay, I can see why a loving Father might not want me to do those things. It's obvious those things have ruined a lot of lives. They also say, don't drink coffee. Hmmm why not? I don't know. I really really like coffee! Should I just follow the rules I like. I could but I'm not too pleased with my kids when they do that. Maybe I should just accept missing a cup of coffee. If the church is wrong and there's nothing wrong with coffee. Well, I haven't violated any personal core belief I just miss out on a cup of coffee. All of this is a logical approach to religion... which isn't enough.

Without a personal revelation, the leap of faith, the feeling of Love from an unseen Father, I probably wouldn't donate 10% of my gross income, plus fast and offerings, sit through 3 hour meetings every Sunday and several evenings every week to serve the youth or needy, pray morning and night, or study the scriptures... I don't do those things for the 'glory'; I do them for Love. Just as I support and visit my mother in a nursing home.

I share my beliefs freely because they bring me joy. 'Hey, this is really great, you should try this...' If you don't want to, I'm okay with that too. I'm not easily offended. Unless someone is trying to be offensive I don't take exception to someone else's beliefs. For me Science and religion are hand in glove. Our religion is imperfect but so is our Science. Bumble Bees can fly, quarks appear to travel faster than light, nobody understands Quantum Mechanics or the Unified Field Theory... someday maybe I'll get all the answers, or maybe not?

May the Lord bless all of you in your search for the truth. My only advice is to pray about it. Even if it's just an experiment, a test. 'Faith so much as a mustard seed.' I think the Lord wants to bless your life. The Lord loves you weather you pray or not, you just don't know about it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 01:28 pm
Re: Leap of Faith
maporsche wrote:
curtis73 wrote:

My dealings with god also have shown me first hand that I'm on the right path FOR ME. So, I'm not worried a lick about it.

All fine and good, but you said a while back (I think it was you), that you think believing in the variety of religion that you do is better than not believing (I think you said 'safer than not believing').

Not me... at least I don't recall saying anything like that.

xingu wrote:
I believe that if there is a God of love, absolute love, than it would not care a lick about what our religious beliefs are. Why should it? What does that God, who has absolute power over our spirit, have to gain or lose by our religious beliefs?

Who does gain or lose by what God we believe in? God or the human culture, tribe, nation or cult that their God symbolizes?

Exactly what I believe. There is no logical reason that a god of infinite power, love, omnipotence, and knowledge would have need for praise, obedience, or be jealous of other idols. Religions require that for their continued monetary success
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 04:28 pm
No Praise Necessary, No Money Required

I don't think God needs the praise. I think God just wants us to find true happiness. Our Church doesn't have a paid ministry. All of our contributions are passed through to those in need. Contributions for building funds or support for general church funds are separate. Not the Stake President (Area Leader) Bishop (local leader) Sunday School Teacher, Ward Clerks... are all volunteer positions. We all hold 'real' jobs to support ourselves and our families.

The way the funds work is monies collected (we don't 'pass a plate') are gathered weekly at the Ward level. If a Ward has more capital than it needs it sends excess to the Stake Center. The Stake Center dispenses any additional monies to any wards with a short fall. Likewise Stakes send their monies in or receive monies from the general church fund.

Local Bishops provide for the members of their ward. We believe welfare should be a function of the Church not the state so members seldom draw assistance from state welfare programs. Many church programs support direct welfare. In San Diego we canned tuna. In northern California we ran a fruit cannery. In Riverside we had Orange trees in Iowa we used to have Dairy farms. A Bishop can write an order and a recipient can simply go to a 'Bishops Warehouse' and pick up their groceries. The recipient may in turn provide hours of service depending on the situation.

Some 'special funds' have been created as well. One case, the Church Education fund, is available to students with special needs. Basically the Church grants a no collateral, no interest loan for an indefinite period. Following your graduation you repay the monies you borrowed.. maybe a little extra so the fund grows and the next generation can do the same.

Our church doesn't need your money. What is the Lord going to do with it. All those young men that you see on bicycles are taking 2 years out of their lives to do the Lord's Work. They are sent where the Church thinks they can do the most good and live without dating, TV, movies etc. After either having saved enough money to support themselves for 2 years or being supported by family/friends. They don't get paid and they pay for their own food & rent. (Please be nice to them.)

This is most likely why we're viewed as a cult. We are a threat to other organized religions because we pull people away from supporting their ministers.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 05:51 pm
uffda wrote:
I don't think God needs the praise. I think God just wants us to find true happiness.

Very well then, do you, as a happy Mormon, believe you will be treated by God in the same manner as a happy atheist, agnostic or non-Mormon after you die?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Jan, 2008 11:20 pm
contradictions in the book of mormon http://www.carm.org/lds/bom_problems.htm
The Book of Mormon is supposed to be the account of people who came from the Middle-East to the Americas. It covers the period of about 600 B.C. to 400 A.D. It tells of the Jaredites, people from the Tower of Babel who came to central America but perished because of their own immorality. It also describes some Jews who fled persecution in Jerusalem and came to America led by a man called Nephi. The Jews divided into two groups known as the Nephites and Lamanites who fought each other. The Nephites were defeated in 428 A.D. The Lamanites continued and are known as the American Indians. The Book of Mormon is supposed to be the account of the Nephite leader who was called Mormon as he wrote concerning their culture, civilization, and appearance of Jesus to the Americas
1. Alma 7:10 contradicts the Bible in Matt. 2:1 (alma 7 states Jesus is born in jerusalem, while matthew 2 states that place is bethlehem
2.Ether9:19 And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms. (Elephants weren't in America at the time of the BOM)
3. Ether 2:3 And they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees, and all manner of that which was upon the face of the land, seeds of every kind.( Honey Bees were introduced to America by the Spanish )
...now there are more on that site, but even one contradiction is sufficient in proving that the BOM isn't God breathed.
If you read the 4 Gospels (ref to Christ's birth) yup it reads exactly like you would expect 4 accounts from different people written 20-30 years after the fact. The fact that they vary and are imperfect doesn't mean they should be ignored.
there are no contradictions. The 4 gospels are each targetted to different audiences. Matthew to the jews, Mark to the gentiles (especially the Romans) Luke to the broader gentile audience and John to the world. Eventhough each gospel has the unique perspective of the writer, it doesnt mean they contradict each other. Taken together, the 4 gospels weave a complete portrait of Jesus.
(For instance john only writes about mary magdeline being at Chist's tomb and their encounter, but that doesnt contradicts matthews inclusion of other women being there) These two gospels dont contradict, John just felt the need to pt out that Mary magdeline was there. And it doesn't matter when these testimonies were written; walking with Christ, seeing his miracles, seeing his arrest, crucifixion and resurrection, would make a lasting impact on anyone. Throw in the fact that these handwritten testimonies are God breathed, the testimonies are perfect.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 07:32 am
kate4christ03 wrote:
contradictions in the book of mormon http://www.carm.org/lds/bom_problems.htm

Wait a minute... you're trying to point out contradictions in the BofM, but you're completely unwilling to point out the fact that the bible has way more contradictions than the the book of mormon. Not to mention the CARM website you list is a highly biased webiste designed to protect the christian debate with ammunition derived from twisted and deviant interpretations of the bible. As a christian, you are told to run from egoistic things like this site, but since it supports your mission, you choose to embrace it. Good luck reconciling that with saint peter.

1. Alma 7:10 contradicts the Bible in Matt. 2:1 (alma 7 states Jesus is born in jerusalem, while matthew 2 states that place is bethlehem
2.Ether9:19 And they also had horses, and asses, and there were elephants and cureloms and cumoms; all of which were useful unto man, and more especially the elephants and cureloms and cumoms. (Elephants weren't in America at the time of the BOM)
3. Ether 2:3 And they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees, and all manner of that which was upon the face of the land, seeds of every kind.( Honey Bees were introduced to America by the Spanish )
...now there are more on that site, but even one contradiction is sufficient in proving that the BOM isn't God breathed.

Now let me get this straight... You're taking references from the bible (a highly contradictory piece of literature) and then saying that the comparisons to the BofM are inconsistent???? How about the HUGE inconsistencies in the bible itself? Couldn't other scriptures be just as valid considering the intensely inconsistent nature of the bible?

If you read the 4 Gospels (ref to Christ's birth) yup it reads exactly like you would expect 4 accounts from different people written 20-30 years after the fact. The fact that they vary and are imperfect doesn't mean they should be ignored.

Whoa... not only was it just stated that they are imperfect, different, and written decades after the fact, we should trust them as GOSPEL??? You have just equated the foundation of christianity to nothing more than a recollection of a frat-house legend.

there are no contradictions. The 4 gospels are each targetted to different audiences. Matthew to the jews, Mark to the gentiles (especially the Romans) Luke to the broader gentile audience and John to the world. Eventhough each gospel has the unique perspective of the writer, it doesnt mean they contradict each other. Taken together, the 4 gospels weave a complete portrait of Jesus.

So which one is for me? Am I supposed to read each one and extrapolate what I need to know based on ancient social structures and antiquated moral inconsitency? What you have just admitted is that the christian bible inconsistently "plays" to different audiences in an attempt to sway influence. You have just reduced the difference between Mark and Luke to the same comparison of "Romeo and Juliet" to "West Side Story." Which one is the TRUE story? To say ther are "no contradictions" is an affirmation of either your complete inability to read and understand text, or a complete inability for you to think for yourself. There are hundreds of contradictions and to deny them is not faith, its brainwashing.

Throw in the fact that these handwritten testimonies are God breathed, the testimonies are perfect.

Prove that they're god-breathed. If you can't, then what weight can your argument hold? If a perfect god "breathed" these texts, why would god wish for the confusion of such completely contrasting stories?
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