Ooohhhh I cant wait to eat some REAL food.
Can we get at least a 2 month notice?
We are getting a HUGE tax break this year..No better way to spend it then be at home for a while..
We don't know the date. May may may may may be better. Listen, don't listen to me re weather. I'm the last to listen to.
The weather is well different from what I looked up before I moved here. Still, I love the place, and would like to share it.
For a woman who has lived near oceans, I've moved to an ocean of sand and sky. I'm not interested in comparing and contrasting -- apprehend the vastness, and the beauties and the history.
Well, that sounded pontifical from me, not on purpose. Consider me the ABQ fool, except for, perhaps, some restaurants..
Shewolf, what's your take on the weather, March, April, May - you've lived it way more than me.
Thinking, Diane and I, BBB, may have to check out the paletas near Central and Cours before the to test 'em.
It's even more jumpityboop than in Venice, which is saying a lot.
I erred.
Before the (meeting) to test them.
I thought the gathering was to coincide with RealJohnBoy's trip by train, whenever that is.
As for weather, it is changable in the spring, especially if you want to drive to the high mountains.This year, I think, a blizzard came through and ruined the apricots in the northern part of the state and it froze enough down here in ABQ to have the same effect. My mother always used to say, "Springtime isn't all it's cracked up to be in the Rockies." She was speaking of Colorado which is usually worse than New Mexico.
Many activities are time of the year dependent. I would definitely suggest a ride up the longest tram in the world, taking you from the base to the top of the Sandia Mountains. You get to see all of the Albuquerque valley. It is really gorgeous, just enough frightening to be fun, as well as something you will never regret.
How far is Chaco Canyan from Albequerque? That's a worthwhile trip.
D and D and Roger will answer that best.
Even if I could afford the trip (which I can't) and even if I were inclined to fly (which I'm not) and even if I could rent a car (which I can't--no money, no driver's license), I still wouldn't come. There's not enough air in Albuquerque.
But I sure would love to see some of the folks in that neck of the woods. What are the chances of moving it closer to sea level and just a bit east--so I could get there by cab?
Of course I'd consider coming, making it there's another thing...
Darn, I'd/we'd love to come, but Ihave to go to Sweden in '08, family and all!
Re: Albuquerque A2K Get Together - Spring 2008
realjohnboy wrote:I propose that the next A2K gathering be in Albuquerque in, say, April, 2008.
There are a goodly number of folks in or near there, some of whom are not willing to travel too far from home anymore. There are many other A2Kers in TX, AZ, CO, CA etc who could get to Albuquerque fairly easily.
I have exchanged a few pm's with osso, who seems to be supportive of (my) floating this idea, but with this caveat: folks in Albuquerque would NOT be expected to do anything more strenuous than suggest hotels or restaurants or things to see. No guide service, or chauffer duty or hosting some grand event.
I want to try to take this one bite at a time. Step 1: Would you be interested in joining us assuming the timing and travel costs work out for you. No commitment required in Step 1.
I'm bumping this up. I scheduled the poll above to run for about a week more but I sense that there is sufficient support to move on to step 2. Thanks to the several of yall who took the time to send pm's to me about this endeavor.
realjohnboy are you bringing yur scrabble board?
Step 2: Setting the Dates
This is the tough one. Everyone has different schedules with blocks of time that work and other times that don't work. We all want to try to accommodate everyone, but the reality is, that aint going to happen. At some point the discussion of dates must end with the declaration that this is it and we are sorry that the people with conflicts won't be able to join us. That sounds harsh, but folks who need to make airplane and hotel reservations need to have time.
I suggest that we look at "windows." Each window runs from a Wednesday evening through the following Monday morning. So this Wednesday is Jan 2nd. The window would be Jan 2nd through the 7th.
Folks could come for the entire time or just for one day or whatever.
I left out the windows that include Easter (3/23), Passover (4/20) and Mother's Day (5/11).
I was thinking April, but I await further comments on the weather.
Window #1: 3/26-3/31
Window #2: 4/2-4/7
Window #3: 4/9-4/14
Window #4: 4/23-4/28
Window #5: 4/30-5/5
Any comments would certainly move this along.
I looked at hotels in that time frame. Not bad. The sticker price for some decent looking hotels (without my knowing the lay of the land) was in the $80 range. But there is a hefty 20% tax, so that becomes $100.
The Great Train Ride, BTW, got shot down by my architect/investment partners who claim we are going to turn some dirt on Phase 1 (the 6-story building) in April with Phase 2 (the 9-story building) to follow. There will be a lot of work to do with contractors/bankers/potential buyers. All the Amtrak stuff has gone into a file folder.
Wow RJB, that's bad news about your train trip. Work does get in the way, doesn't it?
All the schedules work for us. All I need is a definte choice so that I can then arrange a flight to the ease coast. Do you think we could set a time for decision making, say two weeks from now? That would make it around Jan. 14th.
Anyone else agree or disagree?
Diane, are you gettin' outta dodge while we're there?
Windows #2 and #3 work for me. I also have a couple weekends in mid May (not the first two weekends) that are open if you end up looking later in the season.
My vote is anywhere from Window number 3 to window number 5
The end of march is ok, and we could do it.. but the more time I have to plan the better...