Money talks, bulls**** walks

Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 08:30 pm
Rockhead wrote:

Did I miss where other folks in her company got lavish treatment?


That's an excellent point, Rockhead. We don't know if others got
even a $ 50 gift certificate. For all we know, she was the only one
who got something.
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 08:34 pm
dyslexia wrote:
Never count your bridges til you burn your chickens.

Have I told you lately that you're a fount of information? (or twisted proverbs)
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 10:22 pm
Mame wrote:
I think her attitude regarding this stinks, personally.

What exactly did Gala say that makes you say this?
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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 11:12 pm
It sounds like she works at the monkey trauma center except they sell tea.

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Reply Thu 20 Dec, 2007 11:13 pm
kickycan wrote:
Mame wrote:
I think her attitude regarding this stinks, personally.

What exactly did Gala say that makes you say this?

I've already spelled it out.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 01:14 am
In other words, none of what you've said has anything behind it but pure unspoiled judgmental pettiness. Okay, got it.

Except of course for that one moment of lucidity, when you said this.

Mame wrote:
I get that you were expecting more from what was implied, so I can certainly see why you're pissed.

You see, now that's a good response. Non-judgmental, rational, to the point.


Where did reasonable Mame go? Can we please have her back?
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 06:56 am
Mame wrote:
cjhsa wrote:
I started my last job in the first week of December, 2006. They dinged me on my bonus - didn't count December because I wasn't here for the entire month. In a job where the bonus runs about 6%, one month = .5% = a heck of a lot more than a $50 gift card.

Needless to say I was a bit ticked. The company made some absurd amount of money last year yet the feel obligated to nickle and dime me.

The fact is, working for the man has always sucked and it's just getting worse.

I'm surprised you haven't shot the guy, cjhsa.


To the issue at hand, I'm with CJ on you being a part-timer and only having been there 2.5 months. I might have given you more than $50, depending on how much you'd extended yourself, however, and I certainly wouldn't have told you in advance. So I get that you were expecting more from what was implied, so I can certainly see why you're pissed. But really, 2.5 months is nada. Now you know what he's like, you going to stick around?

And BTW, I have worked in the geological engineering and mining sector for years and it's not unheard of for geos and office staff to get bonuses ranging from $3000 - $30,000. I've received bonuses ranging from $6,000 to $11,000, myself, and I was in Marketing and IR and not a geotech. (The CEOs, etc can get $50,000 plus). Plus, raises are a given - decent ones. You are in the wrong business, girl - go find a mining company - megabucks.

Working for cheapskates isn't worth (excuse me but I must do this) "all the tea in China". groan.

Ha, Mame. Fortunately, it's not Chinese tea. It's Indian (as in curry).

Boy, I would like to go into the mining bizness, alas, I haven't shred of science or math skills. I do however, have a sparkly, sunny personality (when warranted) and an college degree in painting...

I'll stick around until I find something better. Then again, they may just give me the heave-ho after yesterday. It's been 4 months, not 2.5. I know this doesn't sound like much, but I've measured myself along the way, excersisng restraint until I knew I could cut the mustard on the job.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 07:21 am
Mame wrote:
Have to disagree with you, Chai.

In my experience, bonuses reflect tenure, hours worked, as well as effort. Considering that the usual probation period is 3 months, this worker, and a part-time employee at that, is not entitled to dick. She hasn't even passed her probation.

The fact that her supervisor TOLD her she'd get something is the issue. That was very unprofessional of him and led to her having (pretty high) expectations. For all she knows (and what DOES she know, having been there only a part-time 2.5 months??), $500 could be what the boss would get. And maybe it IS, so her $50 gift card is appropriate.

I think her attitude regarding this stinks, personally. What if she'd received nothing?

And bonuses are optional, not a requirement. She's already getting paid to do the work.

Ah. And herein lies the contradiction: I did not just "do" the work. I am not an automaton. If I just did the work I could go into a factory and put my brain in auto pilot. They needed a specific kind of person to do the job. One who was vigilant, a self-starter, independent, responsible (never underestimate this last one).

That counts for a hell of a lot more than just doing the work.

They required the person to be knowlegable about organic products and other alternative approaches to quality living outside of the mainstream, and to sell the product without phoniness and hyperbole. As far as I'm concerned that constitutes a way of life that has its specific niche in the world, especially when selling the product to people with disposable income.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 07:28 am
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:
I definitely worked for some cheap bastards then, when selling cars. I don't think I mentioned how much the bonus was in the other thread, but $100, every year I was there. And I made far more than entry-level money. Our warranty rep gave me $300, and that wasn't expected in the least. And this wasn't a franchise store...I did the work of a sales, finance, and internet manager for being paid as a salesman. The owners saw a lot of profit with little overhead.

Actually I remember being the only one out of 4 who they didn't cut weekly salary on, because I made such a big deal. They wanted to cut it from $150/week to $100. All worked out in the end when I left anyway.

Then again, now working for two larger companies since I've left, they don't do xmas bonuses for the outside team. Granted they pay for everything that ties into the job, and they do give us gifts, buy nice dinners here & there during meetings, so there's definitely good moral.

You know where you are working now they do not give bonuses. Therefore there are no surprises at the end of the year.

Sorry to hear about your previous experiences with the cheap SOBs. A good learning experience? Sounds like you're in a good place at the moment.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 07:43 am
Gala's statement didn't go over my head. I saw it. However, I still think someone who expects a bonus is selfish imo. I also feel that if there was any doubt about a bonus of any kind, then how come you (Gala) didn't just go to the owner, boss or whatever title that person has and ask about the bonus?
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 07:45 am
Rockhead wrote:
Ummm. I think we are comparing apples and oranges here, ladies.
Small business is worlds away from big business.

As a one guy opeeration, I understand what Gala said about jumping in and wearing multiple hats.

I have been on both sides. It sounds as if she was listening to someone without the authority to "take care" of her, or a less than straightforward boss.


Defintely jumping in and taking on many different tasks. And, they didn't have to ask about most things, I just covered it. One request asked of me was to travel way out of my area to a store my boss had meant to get to when in the area, but wasn't able to.

I went and sold a lot, I mean a lot. And I could tell by the guy's reaction to the sales, he said "looks like things went pretty well." Pretty well? S***.

What he did tell me later on, that my sales for that store were higher than his and the other guys-- even after they'd done a sweep of the Mid Atlantic area in the Fall.

When he showed up here in mid November and wanted to take me out to dinner, I tried to get out of it. In the end I went, but the evening proceeded as I suspected: It was more for him than it was for me. As he put it later on "I got a chance to pick your brain."
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:03 am
CalamityJane wrote:
Well, perhaps you like to read Linkat's thread about christmas bonuses,
as one of her workers did not receive what he anticipated, and she
is working for a huge corporation.

It is all based on work performance and good will, except in Chai's
company, of course.

I looked at Linkat's post and was confused. If the person's performance was so horrible, why do they continue to employ them? Instead, they perform the annual ritual of denying them.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:09 am
Mame wrote:
Chai wrote:
ok mame, I'm wrong.

I have absolutley no idea how much a couple of hundred people in my immediate area got throughout the year, and don't have their exact date of hire, or how many hours they've worked this year, or any given year since their hire.

I also couldn't begin to tell you what each of these people have been rated each year as far as their performance evaluations, or how many times they've been either written up for not adhering to policies, or commended for being stellar.

you caught me, I'm just making all this stuff up as I go along.

You don't have to get snarky because we're disagreeing. Many companies don't even have a bonus program. Your company does what it does; others do what they do.

I'm merely commenting on her ingratitude of what she got as a probationary employee who is on part-time hours, and her supervisor's unprofessionalism.

Probationary period was one month-- after the first month, as written in the literature, a pay increase was applied. After the first month passed, I waited a couple of weeks to see if he would mention anything. He did not, so I did.

Mame, in your previous post you extolled the virtues and boasted of working in another industry where the bonuses were gigantic. Essentially, you told me tea was piddly.

So how do you justify my busting my ass and then asking for what is warranted as ingratitude?
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:15 am
Mame wrote:
In some companies I've worked for, we never even had a Christmas party, much less a bonus. She should be grateful to have a job.

No, they ought to be grateful they have me. This attitude of "should" and being grateful to have a job is utter bull. It's okay to ask for things in a job if you feel you've been short-changed. You may not get what you want, but it's important to let it be known.

I can live without the X-mas party and the dinners.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:25 am
This relates to the topic...

cj....I nowhere claimed that the corp I worked for was spending like drunken sailors, and were generous on the same par with everyone.

there are varying degrees of bonuses.....one is moderate one given to all. And I mean moderate. Like 500-600. If you didn't deserve that amount, you wouldn't still be working there by bonus time.

Then, the success of individual locations are rewarded to the people who work specifically at one site....if that site has met or exceed specifically set clinical outcomes, everyone is rewarded. another 500ish a head

Then, the manager of each location that met and exceeded these goals picks a certain percentage of people who consistantly went above and beyond. This year is was additional 2,000 for each of those people...1 out of 6 was picked.

Finally, there's a special award given to a very few that can basically walk on water....another 2 to 3 grand.

This money is not lightly thrown around, you work for it. If you are successful and you make your team successful, you are rewarded. In my business, that translates to literally keeping people alive.

That said, looking at what gala is saying...she sounds like someone who has totally owned her job, has gone above and beyond, is good enough to have her brain picked. and is apparantly quite an idea person.

That, in spite or her being their only 4 months, deserved recognition.

It all boils down to you get what you pay for.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:41 am
Chai wrote:
This relates to the topic...

cj....I nowhere claimed that the corp I worked for was spending like drunken sailors, and were generous on the same par with everyone.

there are varying degrees of bonuses.....one is moderate one given to all. And I mean moderate. Like 500-600. If you didn't deserve that amount, you wouldn't still be working there by bonus time.

Then, the success of individual locations are rewarded to the people who work specifically at one site....if that site has met or exceed specifically set clinical outcomes, everyone is rewarded. another 500ish a head

Then, the manager of each location that met and exceeded these goals picks a certain percentage of people who consistantly went above and beyond. This year is was additional 2,000 for each of those people...1 out of 6 was picked.

Finally, there's a special award given to a very few that can basically walk on water....another 2 to 3 grand.

This money is not lightly thrown around, you work for it. If you are successful and you make your team successful, you are rewarded. In my business, that translates to literally keeping people alive.

That said, looking at what gala is saying...she sounds like someone who has totally owned her job, has gone above and beyond, is good enough to have her brain picked. and is apparantly quite an idea person.

That, in spite or her being their only 4 months, deserved recognition.

It all boils down to you get what you pay for.

Amen, sister.

And, I would like to add, you are looking particularly fetching in those specs
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 08:54 am
Mame wrote:
Gala wrote:

I'd had a little daydream I was going to take a trip out to NM again during the Christmas/New year break, funded in part, by the fiction bonus.

Herein lies the real problem - she'd already spent the money. You know what they say, Gala, about counting chickens...

Perhaps a problem in your eyes.

About counting chickens, this seems a bit glib...what I do know is it's a beautiful thing to daydream. Besides, I've "known" roger since the Abuzz days and he was one of the first people to respond to me after of a long road trip I took from the Midwest to New Mexico.
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Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 09:19 am
Tai Chi wrote:
Mame wrote:
She should be grateful to have a job.

You know, this is why I do so little posting and stick to the Word Game and Trivia threads.

Hi Tai Chi, thanks for visiting my post. I know what you are saying-- but I've been posting on and off for a number of years and it's good practice to come up against opposition. As long as I behave responsibly-- I cannot speak for others.
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Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 09:23 am
Gala wrote:
Rockhead wrote:
Ummm. I think we are comparing apples and oranges here, ladies.
Small business is worlds away from big business.

As a one guy opeeration, I understand what Gala said about jumping in and wearing multiple hats.

I have been on both sides. It sounds as if she was listening to someone without the authority to "take care" of her, or a less than straightforward boss.


Defintely jumping in and taking on many different tasks. And, they didn't have to ask about most things, I just covered it. One request asked of me was to travel way out of my area to a store my boss had meant to get to when in the area, but wasn't able to.

I went and sold a lot, I mean a lot. And I could tell by the guy's reaction to the sales, he said "looks like things went pretty well." Pretty well? S***.

What he did tell me later on, that my sales for that store were higher than his and the other guys-- even after they'd done a sweep of the Mid Atlantic area in the Fall.

When he showed up here in mid November and wanted to take me out to dinner, I tried to get out of it. In the end I went, but the evening proceeded as I suspected: It was more for him than it was for me. As he put it later on "I got a chance to pick your brain."

so no desert then?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Dec, 2007 09:33 am
I think it sucks that you did not get the bonus that you expected.
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