I'll have to reread this whole thread.
I'm not a fan of having shotguns around, much less hand guns.
I get it, if you live on the range, or in deep doo doo.
My husband's family was victim to home invasion. They did have a shotgun, just not at immediate hand at the time.
Friendly mother opened door, then all down on floor.
There was some interest in a certain piggybank, I kid you not.
Family later decided it was good there was a piggy bank to even talk about..
apparently in the search for the piggy bank, the perps got distracted, and the crippled mom, my mother in law of the bad jello, got out the front door, yelling help.
Thuggies left.
I lived with that shotgun in my house in semigang territory,
Decades passed.
Now I'm on my own, and don't have to possess guns. (did I then, a question)
You're all welcome to question.
What an automatic? They had a rifle in some closet. The family was watching tv, with tv tables, with the knock on the door.
I'm not the person to describe their experience. My ex who experienced it is a playwright. If he decides to go there with description, that's his business.
David, do you really think if it was a handgun in the closet, it would have made a difference?
Montana wrote:David, do you really think if it was a handgun in the closet,
it would have made a difference?
My point was that a handgun can be conveniently kept
in a holster, whereas shotguns are too big, heavy n clumsy.
That is Y thay live in closets.
I am not a shotgun person. )
Chips and dip, looking at the tv, handgun in hand, oh, sure.
I could conceivably argue that their having a piggy bank on hand was the better deal.
David, do you sit with your gun while watching tv? Answer the door with a gun in your hand?
ossobuco wrote:Chips and dip, looking at the tv,
handgun in hand, oh, sure.
That wud get in the way.
the value of holsters
( which are a lot closer than closets ).
I'm not convinced that gun proliferation makes anyone safer.
ossobuco wrote:I'm not convinced that gun proliferation makes anyone safer.
Some people are not convinced that health insurance
or fire insurance makes them safer.
Let 's hope that thay are never proven rong.
OmSigDAVID wrote:It is like saying that if the wolves are devouring the sheep,
then the farmers shud pull the teeth out of the mouths of the SHEEP.

Whether a gun nut, or no, that is clever.
I'd prefer that both thuggies and gunfans stay the hell away from my quiet street.
ossobuco wrote:I'd prefer that both thuggies and gunfans stay the hell away from my quiet street.
Surely the thugs will be eager
to give u what u prefer; right ?
One thing about a thread like this, you can come in and leave at any point and not miss a thing.