You're right cj. The husband is the idiot who put her in that position!
For visual reference, the Lady Smith & Wesson .38
Yeah, yeah, I like that one. It's very nice! :-D
I was wondering if there was somewhere I could go to try them out before buying?
Is that a stupid question?
Not at all. Here in the states, many gun shops also have ranges (indoor or outdoor). It's always the best idea to try before you buy.
Great! I was hoping you'd say that :-D
I don't think you will find it so simple in Canada.
Which in itself is stupid. Why couldn't anyone go to a range and shoot? Unreal.
cjhsa wrote:Ah, but no, it isn't. It's not the cops' job to interpret the law, only to uphold it.
"To protect and to serve", means, to protect their own asses, while serving you with a warrant. The police have NO obligation to protect you from anything. It's not their job.
Just to set the record straight....goggle Law Enforcement Code of Ethics. Most departments have this which means "to protect and serve" is very much a part of their job.
Personal experience has shown me that in cops eyes everyone's a suspect. Let the lawyers figure out who the victims are later.
I'd rather be judged by twelve, than carried by six.
cjhsa wrote:Personal experience has shown me that in cops eyes everyone's a suspect. Let the lawyers figure out who the victims are later.
I'd rather be judged by twelve, than carried by six.
Makes sense if that has been your experience.
cjhsa wrote:Personal experience has shown me that in cops eyes everyone's a suspect. Let the lawyers figure out who the victims are later.
I'd rather be judged by twelve, than carried by six.
Why do you think that you are viewed as a suspect? I am assuming that is what you are referring to by personal experience above.
Intrepid wrote:I don't think you will find it so simple in Canada.
I don't think I'll have any trouble. I have valid reasons (more than one) for wanting it and they would need valid reason to deny me one. They can't just say no, and if they do, they'll see me in court because I would fight it.
I use to go out with a cop and was friends with half the PD where I lived and what cj says is true. They don't trust anyone they don't know personally.
cjhsa wrote:For visual reference, the Lady Smith & Wesson .38

Here 's a picture of one with an exposed hammer.
I think its better to be able to cock it.
( I don 't know how to post a fotograf. )
I'll be sure to let you know what happens David.
I doubt I'll have that hard of a time getting it, to be honest. My reasons are more than valid and they have no valid reasons to deny me.
If worse comes to worse and they do deny me, I may not want to fight them, as cops can be vindictive when challenged. I don't really want to be pulled over for every little thing, so we'll see what happens.
I can always get a shotgun.
The picture of the one in your link is the one I was attracted too at first, but I prefer the wooden handle on the one cj posted.