engineer wrote:As far as I can tell, you define all scientists who support global warming as ones with political axes to grind and the smaller number who don't as great minds with pure motives.
Any scientist that insists that the globe is warming (even though a good amount of data says it is not) is not being honest. Therefore such scientists have motives other than science.
Any scientist that insists that human activity causes global warming when thee is absolutely no experimental data to this effect is a fraud.
Quote:I disagree. At the highest level, the supervisor is a political appointee and serves at the pleasure of the President.
But that highest ranking supervisor has very little input into the government's day to day work. If a government employee wishes to spout global warming dogma on the government's time, there isn't a whole lot the highest ranking supervisor or the President can do about it.
Quote:The director of NASA is a good example.
And he has little say in how NASA's civil service employees do their job because he cannot fire these civil service employees.
Quote:All those fired federal attorneys were not protected by any civil service legislation.
They weren't scientists either. Any presidential appointee serves at the discretion of the President that appointed him. Civil service employees (the overwhelming bulk of federal government employees, including NASA scientists) serve for as long as they wish to (providing they don't end up in jail), and neither the President, nor any of his non-civil service appointees, have much say in how they do their work.
Quote:All those ambitious civil servants know that their careers are dependent on making the boss happy.
You don't really understand how the civil service system in this country works, do you?
Quote:Bush's administration can't edit the data.
But yet Bush's Administration can tell the scientists what the truth is for political reasons by telling the scientists to keep their mouths shut? How can the Bush Administration distort the work of government scientists if the Bush Administration cannot edit the data?
You are on both sides of this argument and don't realize it.
Quote:(likewise I consider the one you sent to Senator Inhofe's site as tainted given his extreme bias on warming) but it does make for interesting reading.
I don't recall specifically linking to an Inhofe site; can you tell me which one it was?
And just how do you know that your interpretation of the available data is any better than anyone else's interpretation? Is an interpretation legitimate when you agree with it and bogus otherwise?