flaja wrote:parados wrote:Both the satellite and balloon data show warming in the troposphere.
Prove it. You've yet to give me any documentation for anything regarding the balloon data and all you have provided regarding the satellite data either indicates that scientists were too stupid to realize that the satellites weren't working properly for years or scientists are "correcting" the satellite data by contaminating it with ground-based data.
LOL.. that is TOO funny flaja.. You have NOT given any documentation for your claims but now you say "Prove it" to me?
You accuse others of being "arrogant".
Where is your data on ..
1. The satellite data shows the atmosphere is cooling
2. The balloon data shows the atmosphere is cooling
3. Rural areas are cooling.
Prove it yourself. Citing a book written by a lawyer is NOT proof. Using 11 year old data is NOT proof.
Quote:I continue to fail to see why you are using data from before 2000. If the reality is the way you claim it is why don't you use up to the date information?
As I have already pointed out the data was still current as late as 2005.
The 1996 data was NOT current. Just because you found it on the internet doesn't mean it is current. New science corrected it and new numbers were produced.
Quote:Yes and light travels at 186,000 mps which means if you fail to account for decay of the orbit there will be a slight shift in your readings.
Haven't scientists known for decades that satellite orbits can decay? So why did it take years and years to realize that the temperature-measuring satellites had decaying orbits and were thus giving erroneous data? If it took scientists so long to realize something this simple, what guarantee do we have that they haven't been just as stupid or lazy when it comes to collecting all of the other global warming data that they spout?
Quote:So much for your knowledge of radiosonde readings by weather balloons.
Since I haven't researched the details of how weather balloons operate, how can I be expected to know with certainty how they operate? Your insulting tone and condescending attitude is absolutely uncalled for.
My insulting tone?
Quote:Radiosonde readings DO show a warming of the troposphere up to the tropopause.
Quote:They then show a cooling in the stratosphere. But this too is a calculated reading. It is not taken from a thermometer but rather a thermistor and they have to try to account for several things that can affect the accuracy of the reading.
Why would scientists suspect the accuracy of the readings if they weren't trying to make the resulting data agree with other data in order to support a hypothesis that they already want to believe? You have two sets of conflicting data. So isn't the first a good scientist should do is reevaluate his hypothesis and not try to massage the data to make them agree?
When you have taken measurements 2 different ways and they don't agree, is your first thought that BOTH are correct? If you see 2 weather reports, one says the temperature is 20 and the other says it is 25, do you assume one is wrong? Would you not then check to see WHY one of them is wrong. The first thing to check is to see the data is being collected correctly. I see no reason to change the hypthesis so that taking the temperature several different ways should result in different readings. That would be silly.
Quote:Why must the therministor readings be wrong simply because they don't agree with data from other sources? How do we know that it is not the data from the other sources that are wrong?
Read the article before you ask such a simple question. It explains it rather clearly.
Quote:You also have to remember that the way the radiosonde readings are taken has changed over time so to find a trend becomes hard when you compare early data to later data.
Most land-based weather stations are located in or near urban centers. The tend over recent decades is to surround these weather stations with more and more urban sprawl. Where I live the official weather records are taken at the airport. When the airport was built 40 years ago it was surrounded mostly by woodland. Now it is surrounded by housing communities, warehouses, industrial parks, shopping centers, roads and parking lots- all things that store heat that shows up in the official temperature records.
Uh uh.. and your evidence of this is what? As you said earlier.. "prove it".
Naturally the trend in these records over the last 40 years is up. So the way we have taken land-based temperature records has changed over time. So by your standards to find a trend becomes hard when you compare early data to later data. But because the trend is in a direction you global warmongers want to accept you don't question the data.
LOL.. I see. So if you just declare I don't question the data, that must make it so. Of course.. The ducks and geese that now fly north 2 weeks earlier are not data in your world. The fact that the ice goes out on lakes a couple of weeks earlier than it used to is not data in your world. I keep forgetting all those lakes have apartment buildings built on them.

It must be all those apartment buildings in the Arctic that have resulted in the Arctic ice melting more each year since you think "rural" areas are cooling.
I see a date on this page of August 17, 2004. Isn't this too old by your standards- you have complained about me relying on data from 2005.
The last time I checked 2004 is after 2003. Do you have something that disputes the 2004 article point by point? Science is funny that way, it requres that something be disputed and argued WHY it isn't valid. The 1996 data has been disputed and shown to be wrong. There has been no subsequent science to dispute the 1998 changes. It is NOT science to ignore changes to the science and pretend they never occurred.
And who is this Lambert character? Is he a lawyer? Is he affiliated with a liberal version of the Heritage Foundation? What are his credentials that I should trust what he has to say?
You could check the website. He lists them there including the word "scientist" in his profession as well as the university he works at. If you can't even do the basic research of checking the credentials of the author of an article how are we supposed to take you seriously.