Global Warming?

Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:59 am
parados wrote:
Here is a site to give you the MSU satellite data


"the MSU data set represent the temperatures of a layer of the atmosphere that extends from the surface to approximately 8 kilometers (5 miles) above the surface."

In other words the MSU data are not solely based on atmospheric temperature measurements. By extending the atmosphere down to the earth's surface, the data set takes surface temperatures into account. If you include surface temperatures with atmospheric temperatures, then you are not really measuring atmospheric temperatures. The atmospheric data are contaminated by surface data.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 10:18 am
That was one of the most breath-takingly witless arguments i've ever read. Herr Flaja is a master ! ! !
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 10:23 am
Re: Global Warming?
engineer wrote:
I gave you a link to US Government data showing rising temperatures.

You merely gave me data that is not supported by other data. The various ways we have to measure temperature trends have not shown a consistent upward trend in recent decades. The earth's surface may be warming, but the atmosphere is not. Urban areas may be warming, but rural areas are not.

Do you have a link to a reputable source saying no increase?

I first learned of the data from satellites and weather balloons in the book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming, and I don't know right off what this book's conclusions were based on.


Note: I don't accept Hurrell and Trenberth work because they are using surface measurements to adjust the data that come from the satellites. This strikes me as an effort to manipulate invoncenient data. It's akin to saying the atmosphere must be getting hotter because the surface is getting hotter, when raw data say otherwise.


"…the surface and atmospheric records are not in agreement. For this period of overlap, the surface record indicates warming at about 0.24 degrees F (0.14 degrees Celsius) per decade, while the satellite record shows the atmosphere cooling at about 0.07 degrees F (0.04 degrees Celsius) per decade…"

You are ignoring this data because you "have heard" that other techniques don't show any rise.

I'm not ignoring these data (note the proper use of the plural pronoun for the plural antecedent); I am rejecting these data because they are not support by other sources.

Why do you assume those techniques are superior?

Why do you assume they are not?

I can't see denying that warming is occurring.

I can because the available data do not support the idea that the globe is warming. Some parts of it may be, but the globe as a whole likely is not.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 10:29 am
parados wrote:

flaja is using an argument about the Satellite data from 1998 or so. At that time it didn't show an increase in temperature. Since then the data has had minor corrections for orbital decay of the satellites and we have more data.

Care to document any of them? I just did a quick Google search on atmospheric temperature data from satellites and didn't find anything about these corrections. At most I was only able to find a claim in the NASA article (http://nasadaacs.eos.nasa.gov/articles/1996/1996_highlow.html) that some scientists are starting to question the validity of the satellite data, but I gather this is only because the satellite data do not support the global warming dogma.
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old europe
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 11:00 am
flaja wrote:
I see what Wikipedia is doing, but it would have been nice to have you give me the courtesy of explaining why the link didn't work instead of just saying you couldn't "find it". Common sense should have told you that the period was out of place and you should have known to remove it so the link would work.

You see what Wikipedia is doing, but in spite of that, and in spite of numerous posters telling you the link doesn't lead you to a relevant page, you insist that you are right, that everybody else is wrong, and that the link is exactly the one you intended to post...

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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 11:32 am
flaja wrote:
parados wrote:

flaja is using an argument about the Satellite data from 1998 or so. At that time it didn't show an increase in temperature. Since then the data has had minor corrections for orbital decay of the satellites and we have more data.

Care to document any of them? I just did a quick Google search on atmospheric temperature data from satellites and didn't find anything about these corrections. At most I was only able to find a claim in the NASA article (http://nasadaacs.eos.nasa.gov/articles/1996/1996_highlow.html) that some scientists are starting to question the validity of the satellite data, but I gather this is only because the satellite data do not support the global warming dogma.

Since the SAR, several issues have emerged regarding MSU temperatures. Mo (1995) reported that for one of the longest-lived satellites (NOAA-12, 1991 to 1998) the non-linear calibration coefficients were erroneous, affecting MSU 2 and MSU 2LT. Wentz and Schabel (1998) discovered that satellite orbit decay introduces gradual, spurious cooling in MSU 2LT. Christy et al. (1998, 2000) found that instrument responses often differ between the laboratory assessments and on-orbit performance, requiring further corrections. Additional adjustments were also made by recalculating and removing spurious temperature trends due to diurnal effects induced by the east-west drift of the spacecraft (Christy et al., 2000). The magnitude of the spurious trends (1979 to 1998) removed from version D compared to version C were: orbit decay, -0.11; instrument response, +0.04 and diurnal drift, +0.03°C/decade.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 12:11 pm
parados wrote:
Since the SAR, several issues have emerged regarding MSU temperatures. Mo (1995) reported that for one of the longest-lived satellites (NOAA-12, 1991 to 1998) the non-linear calibration coefficients were erroneous, affecting MSU 2 and MSU 2LT. Wentz and Schabel (1998) discovered that satellite orbit decay introduces gradual, spurious cooling in MSU 2LT.

These conclusions were published in 1995 and 1998, but you just said that I am relying on data from 1998 or thereabouts. So shouldn't the data that you say I am using reflect these conclusions meaning the data showing conflicting temperature readings are still valid?

Christy et al. (1998, 2000) found that instrument responses often differ between the laboratory assessments and on-orbit performance, requiring further corrections.

Manipulation you mean. The only reason observed data should need any correction (assuming the data were accurately collected) is that the observed data do not support the hypothesis that the scientists wants to believe. Why do global warmongers assume that the laboratory assessments are wrong and not the instruments used to collect the data which they are correcting?

Additional adjustments were also made by recalculating and removing spurious temperature trends due to diurnal effects induced by the east-west drift of the spacecraft (Christy et al., 2000).

If you have observed data that say something you didn't expect and weren't hoping for, how do know they are spurious and not your hypothesis and/or methodology?
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 12:37 pm
The paper was published in 1998 so data in 1998 and earlier would not be corrected yet.

The data you are trying to peddle is from 1996. The year is right there in your link.

As for the rest of your whining. You are the one that brought up the satellite temps. Now when we get around to looking at the actual data that is available today you complain that it is manipulated because it doesn't result in what you want it to be. You don't seem to have a clue about how the satellite temperature readings are made.

It's called physics, concerning the speed of light and doppler shifting. This isn't a case of one scientist deciding the data wasn't right. This is a case of one scientist writing a paper and it being reviewed and critiqued by others before it is accepted. These are technical calculations based on the speed of the satellites and their orbits. If you have evidence they got their math wrong then by all means present it. If you only can whine that they are trying to make data fit their preconceived notions then you make the case well that it is you that is doing that.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 12:42 pm
I can because the available data do not support the idea that the globe is warming. Some parts of it may be, but the globe as a whole likely is not.

I am curious as to what data from 2007 shows this. Heck, I will even take data from 2006 or 2005. I bet you can't find any data from after 2003 that supports your claim without attempting to downplay the scientific standards normally used in judging data.

Oh yes, well you are at it, could you explain how satellites read the temperature of the atmosphere. I could use a good laugh.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 05:20 pm
parados wrote:
The paper was published in 1998 so data in 1998 and earlier would not be corrected yet.

At what point did anyone realize the data needed to be corrected? Why bother to publish anything if there is even the slightest possibility that it may be wrong?

The data you are trying to peddle is from 1996. The year is right there in your link.

I misstated earlier when I said that I first learned of the satellite and weather balloon data from the book The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming. This is 2007 title and I must have seen it recently in my local bookstores.

However, what you see as 1996 data must have still been current data in 2005 when the book The politically incorrect guide to science by Tom Bethell was published. This book is where I first learned of the satellite and balloon data.

So I ask again: when did anyone realize that the satellite data needed to be corrected and why was "incorrect" data ever published in the first place?

As for the rest of your whining. You are the one that brought up the satellite temps.

And until I see concrete data from an unbiased source to indicate that the satellites are wrong, I will stand by their indication that there is no global warming.

It's called physics, concerning the speed of light and doppler shifting. This isn't a case of one scientist deciding the data wasn't right.

Well, wasn't the speed of light and Doppler shifting known about in the past? Why weren't these things taken into account when the satellite data were collected, analyzed and published? It still sounds like you global warmongers are looking for stopgap excuses to explain away data that do not support your pet dogma.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 06:03 pm
parados wrote:
I can because the available data do not support the idea that the globe is warming. Some parts of it may be, but the globe as a whole likely is not.

I am curious as to what data from 2007 shows this. Heck, I will even take data from 2006 or 2005. I bet you can't find any data from after 2003 that supports your claim without attempting to downplay the scientific standards normally used in judging data.

Oh yes, well you are at it, could you explain how satellites read the temperature of the atmosphere. I could use a good laugh.

The satellite and weather balloon data as reported in 2005 in The politically incorrect guide to science.

Even when they try to manipulate the data and make excuses, global warmongers freely admit that temperature data are inconsistent and that the atmosphere isn't getting hotter the way global warming says it is supposed to be.


My understanding is that matter in the atmosphere absorbs heat energy and then release it again at different wavelengths. Satellites measure the wavelengths of the heat energy that is released by the atmospheric matter and the measurements are then converted to temperatures that correspond to these wavelengths.

As far as I know temperature data from weather balloons come from actual thermometer readings. I see that none of you have bothered to refute the balloon data- which also shows no warming of the atmosphere contrary to what global warmongers expected.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 06:21 pm
Re: Global Warming?
flaja wrote:
I'm not ignoring these data (note the proper use of the plural pronoun for the plural antecedent);

Unless you are speaking Latin, my way is correct as well. By the way, trying to correct someone's grammar on the internet is not an effective way to win arguments, IMO.

Wikipedia wrote:
In English, the word datum is still used in the general sense of "something given", and more specifically in cartography, geography, geology, NMR and drafting to mean a reference point, reference line, or reference surface. More generally speaking, any measurement or result can be called a (single) datum, but data point is more common[3]. Both datums (see usage in datum article) and the originally Latin plural data are used as the plural of datum in English, but data is more commonly treated as a mass noun and used in the singular, especially in day-to-day usage. For example, "This is all the data from the experiment". This usage is inconsistent with the rules of Latin grammar, which would instead suggest "These are all the data from the experiment", but these are English sentences, so Latin grammar rules do not apply.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 06:49 pm
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:33 pm
mysteryman wrote:
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.

Were these "highly damaging refrigerant gases" relased into the atmosphere?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:35 pm
maporsche wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.

Were these "highly damaging refrigerant gases" relased into the atmosphere?

If you had actually read the link, you would have seen this...

Investigators at the Balinese resort complex at Nusa Dua counted 700 cylinders of the gas, each of them weighing 13.5 kilograms, and the system was visibly leaking.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 08:49 pm
mysteryman wrote:
maporsche wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.

Were these "highly damaging refrigerant gases" relased into the atmosphere?

If you had actually read the link, you would have seen this...

Investigators at the Balinese resort complex at Nusa Dua counted 700 cylinders of the gas, each of them weighing 13.5 kilograms, and the system was visibly leaking.

Oh...so all of it leaked out?

These people are there to find a way to curb 28,000,000,000 tons of CO2...and it cost them a whole 47,000 tons to do that. They used 0.00017% of the annual total for the world to have this meeting with hopes of reducing the total in half over the next 20 years.....seems like a small investment to me.
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Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:16 pm
Re: Global Warming?
engineer wrote:
Unless you are speaking Latin, my way is correct as well.

Likely not. The singular form of the word data is datum. The word data is an integral part of the vocabulary of the English language. It is proper and grammatically correct to apply English rules for using plurals when using the word data. I know that some people use data as a singular noun, but this is a matter of habit rather than correct grammar.

By the way, trying to correct someone's grammar on the internet is not an effective way to win arguments, IMO.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:21 pm
mysteryman wrote:
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.

I thought the "dangerous" refrigerants had been banned back in the 1980s or early 1990s.

BTW: Remember the wastepaper that was produced at the earth summit a while back in Rio? How much rainforest had to be chopped down to grow the plants needed to make this paper?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 18 Dec, 2007 09:23 pm
maporsche wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
More evidence the Bali summit was a total joke...


AMID talk of offsetting the hefty carbon footprint of the United Nations climate conference in Bali, organisers missed a large elephant in the room.

The air-conditioning system installed to keep more than 10,000 delegates cool used highly damaging refrigerant gases - as lethal to the atmosphere as 48,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide, and nearly the equivalent of the emissions of all aircraft used to fly delegates to Indonesia.

Were these "highly damaging refrigerant gases" relased into the atmosphere?

If all this AC wasn't solar, wind or biomass powered, don't forget the carbon-dioxide that the power plants had to produce in order to generate the electricity needed to run the AC.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Wed 19 Dec, 2007 06:36 am
Re: Global Warming?
flaja wrote:
As a scientist I am talking about the satellite and balloon temperature readings as a group of individual facts/statistics, which requires plural use according to 2. above.

You're so cute and cuddly, flaja. Unbelievable.

So you're a scientist?
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