prayer is your only answer,God is not an option but a necessity hon/When is the last time you rebuked Satan? When is the last time you said “Satan I command you to leave my marriage, my children, my home, my finances!!! Why are you just taking it? You are going through difficult times and you feel powerless. You feel hopeless. You feel like you have no control over the situation. That is a lie! Jesus said:
“Behold I am now giving you superhuman ability to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the evil workings of Satan.” Luke 10:19 That superhuman ability is supernatural ability that you haven’t yet tapped into. What are the serpents and scorpions? It’s the fear, the depression, the hopeless, the despair, the family problems, the health problems, the weight gain, the financial difficulties – it’s every problem that you feel discouraged about. It’s those things we have been given superhuman ability over but you just don’t know how to use it.Here is how you can walk in the same superhuman ability that Jesus walked in:
Put on the Armor of God daily. Read all my posts on this.
Get filled with the Holy Spirit. Speak in tongues.
Do whatever it takes to have no bitterness, unforgiveness, fear or worry in your life.
Memorize the Word of God daily and systematically. The Word is your Protein Powder that charges you up with faith.
Speak God’s Word over your situations instead of your situations speaking dread into your mind. still aren't justification for this blatant act of disobedience to God. Do you realize the time and effort that it takes to be involved in an adulterous relationship, if that same time and effort were put towards your spouse, it would do wonders for your marriage? If you took all of the time of planning it takes to be together with that other person, put forth the same energy you do to please that other person, was as kind, considerate, and affectionate as you are with that other person.... with your spouse.... how much better your marriage would be??? Do you realize that when you are involved in an adulterous relationship how much communication there is with the other person? If you put even half of that communication in your marriage it would be dramatically better!!!
Here is reality my friend. There is no future with a person you are involved in an adulterous relationship with. It will never work out, if for no other reason, God is never going to bless such a union, rooted in such sin. Whatever problems exist in your marriage that even cause you to consider committing adultery are fixable with the effort of both spouses and God's involvement. For whatever reason there may have been, you chose to commit to marry that person, now you need to make it work. For those who are yet not married, maybe now you can see why it is SO IMPORTANT to not rush into marriage. To stay pure so you aren't forced into marriage, to be equally yoked so there is spiritual harmony and communication in a marriage. Most problems stem from the marriage starting on a bad foundation. Marriage is SERIOUS.
However, if you find yourself in a marriage that was started on a bad foundation, Jesus Christ will help you rebuild that foundation on the Word of God. But you have to be willing to put forth the effort. Trust me, you may think things will be better in a new relationship, but ultimately, after a period of time, there will be problems. So don't compound them by fighting against God. That is a battle you will lose every time. I know that it will be difficult, but it is the first step to getting your relationship with God back, and your life back. Anyone who is honest, knows that life becomes almost not worth living under those conditions. God will always help you when you are trying to follow His way. Whatever problems that exist in your marriage, adultery is not the answer. Honest open communication with your spouse, allowing God to be an active part of your life, working at the commitment you made to your husband/wife.... this is what it is going to take to make your marriage all that God wants it to be.
Because of the widespread nature of this issue, know that I will be spending time in prayer for those of you who are dealing with this in your life. Both those who are committing adultery, and those who have a spouse cheating on them. My prayer is that you will find that intimate personal relationship with the Lord that you need to overcome the circumstances you are facing in your life. No matter how hopeless things may look, there is ALWAYS hope in Christ. Get right with God, then get right with your spouse. It is the only answer, and God will help you when you commit your life to Him and follow His Word.