I am married, having an affair! I dont know how to get out

Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2008 01:37 am
Ok I cant stand this anymore. I gotta say something.
I have been reading about LoveBD's problems and the responses . I really have to laugh because they really have no understand on the complexity of this human condition. Just do this. Just do that. Yeah sure, whatever.

I remember a very devote Christian who was really hard on someone that admitted being unfaithful. She threw many of these kinds of judgments at the person that I am reading in this blog. In her own life she previously divorced her husband for cheating on her and was emotionally lashing out at this person. Interestingly enough the following year this SAME woman who was so harsh on this adulterer confessed to sleeping with a married man she met on the internet. Why? Because she was very lonely. (I was really into the religion thing but no more.) It so easy to judge when you're not in they're shoes. It's like faulting someone for being overweight, because they can be skinny and slinky if they were strong enough right? But when you start putting on the pounds yourself, it isn't so easy to keep it off is it. Still somehow these same people managed to justify that their own fat somehow hangs off their body much better. Yeah right. Until you are faced with the same emotional conditions and life experiences you will probably not understand. Sorry folks but it's time to accept the fact that this Adultery is a part of human nature.

Do you know in 70 to 80 percent of marriages one of the spouses has been unfaithful at least once? 90% of the time they come back for more. Those slim ball men right? No. This day and age women are only 8% behind that statistic. 70% of affairs are not even discovered by their spouse and they last an average of 3 to 4 years. So the next time you go to church look around at all the married couples. In 80% of those couples you see approximately half the men have or will cheat and half the women will too. Most people don't like to accept this data. Why do you want to think there is a very good chance your spouse has or will cheat on you? But when you're in the psychology profession, you know for a fact that it's probably even more than that, and the religiously devoted have no statistical advantage.

One thing most American couples have failed to accept is that we all have needs and they change over time, because people change. This is why people think everything is perfect in their marriage and then later it goes south. As needs change (in both you and your partner) it creates incompatibilities. We can re-align and try to seek common ground, but let's be realistic, one person can't be everything you want them to be. Trying to make someone who they are not only puts stress on them and make them feel inadequate, controlled which degrades their self esteem. I am not saying we shouldn't try to change to meet the needs of our spouse, but realistically a person can only change so much until it starts producing negative benefits to themselves. This is true incompatibility. Because of their mental state, how they function and basically 'who they are now', they just can't deliver and sustain it. They have needs too. The need to be who they are. It is unrealistic to think that one dynamic person, mind, individual will meet all your needs for the rest of your life. It's possible, but very improbable. Most people fail to accept the other for who they are and instead take these incompatibilities personally.

In most cases the adulterer isn't a bad person, and neither is the spouse. If LoveBD is some weak fool then most of us are... And those who don't have this problem consider yourself lucky that you're not in a marriage that is sapping the life out of you... for now. We are all human so like anyone else, if important needs are not met, we will crack. It can happen to anyone, and it's just a matter of how important the need is, and how much time doing without it. So why not just divorce? See it is more complicated than that. Many think of love and relationships one dimensionally, cut and dry, black and white. Yes many have kids that would be devastated by a divorce, but there is also another element. Deep down most adulterers do care for their spouse and don't want to hurt them either. The problem is they just can't continue on without getting their needs met. So which is worse, divorce or affair? We all have different opinions about that because sometimes an affair can help someone find themselves and repair a marriage though extra marital experiences. Yes I am sure you will not agree with that, but it happens. But in any case the primary purpose is an attempt to get your needs met so you can live in stability with your spouse, and honestly half the time it does work... to a point. Because the affair fills the voids that the spouse doesn't or can't fill, the person becomes more balanced, and in turn it improves the relationship, and this can go on for years until the affair ends or it is discovered, and that is where the real mess begins. Yes this is what many have difficulty understanding, you end up loving two people at once, because both combined are meeting your needs. You are now tied to both and it is difficult to let either one go. Unfortunately the affair doesn't last forever either.

I think this is where LoveBD is. She loves her spouse and doesn't want to hurt him, she loves her kids and wants to provide stability, she loves her lover but probably somewhere inside knows it's possible he alone may not be able to meet her needs either. Only 7% off marriages from a love affair last over 4 years. But why does she feel she needs to do something now? Is it really the fear of being caught? That risk has always been there. Is it possibly the relationship with her lover may be waning ? This is a typical scenario. If correct this may be the reason why she feels she needs to make a decision now. Because of the limitations of a descrete relationship, she probably feels she can't put more energy into sustain it unless she spends more time with him. She may feel if she keeps going down this path she will lose her lover and eventually her marriage too.

So here is my advice and to anyone else who is in this predicament. LoveBD. If you think your husband would be deeply hurt if you ask for a divorce or had affair then it means he loves you. If he didn't love you, then he wouldn't give a flip, and this all would be easy. If that is the case then just tell him now. So you are doing this to keep the family together for the kids? Till when? Till they grow up and become young adults? And then what…. You are going to leave your husband and take a chance with your lover? So all the years he was working to support his family and being faithful to you (which is a sacrifice), you are just going to dump him? Leaving him to realizing that all those years with you was a waste? That those years with you was a sham? You say he is a good man and a good father. Does he really deserve for those years of his life to be ripped off like this when he could be working on another relationship of his own? And what about your kids? Life isn't over for them after adolescence. They will think like adults and most likely have a harder time accepting what you did to their father. If you are planning to stay with your husband, then start working on your marriage right now. Only tell him about the affair if you think it will help your marriage in the long term. If you planning to go with your lover, then your husband deserves to know right now. If he is a good man you two can figure out a solution that is best for your kids. The point is he has the right to make choices too about his life and future just as you do. Keeping this affair secret and initiating your own plans without him knowing, you are stealing his choices away from him. I wish you all luck.
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Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2008 02:06 am
Wow!!! I agree with everything except you did not respond to the woman who is scared that her husband may be violent. My husband who has had affairs and i forgave him will not understand that i have voids and need this man in my life. I really want my lover but am afraid to tell my husband good bye. I am also my lover may not be able to tell his spouse good bye. My contentment is having both because i feel complete.
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Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2008 04:59 am
Let's see some proof behind these numbers that are being thrown around.
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Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2008 08:48 am
Re: Ok I cant stand this anymore. I gotta say something.
YippyZippy wrote:
I have been reading about LoveBD's problems and the responses . I really have to laugh because they really have no understand on the complexity of this human condition. Just do this. Just do that. Yeah sure, whatever.

So here is my advice and to anyone else who is in this predicament. LoveBD. If you think your husband would be deeply hurt if you ask for a divorce or had affair then it means he loves you.

Talk about a laugh and not understanding the complexities of the human condition??? You feel that it's this simple? If your husband or wife doesn't love you then they will gladly give you a divorce when you ask for it? And if they don't then that means they love you? Let's count the reasons why it's not always that simple shall we...
Maybe he doesn't want to pay alimony.
Maybe he doesn't want to be separated from his kids.
Maybe he wants to maintain the illusion of one big happy family for his boss, his neighbors, his family and friends.
Maybe he's just an ornery bastard who doesn't want to give her what she asks for.
People refuse to grant their spouses divorces for lots of reason and none of them have to do with love. Life just isn't that simple much of the time.
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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 12:51 am
Responding to critics.
You can research this yourself if you like. I know there are a lot of people who don't like to accept these facts and unfortunately it is what contributes to the problem, but the numbers are out there. You can look them all up yourself if you like.

If she thinks her husband might get violent then she needs to tell him in front of a counselor and be prepared to sleep somewhere else for a while working out the remaining details over the phone. Of course there will be drama, but that is something she will have to face.


It does make sense doesn't it? If the husband doesn't really care about her, then he will not react so strongly to the truth about their relationship. In fact under such circumstances where there is no emotional attachment it is more likely that a reasonable arrangement can be reached with many of the problems you have listed. If he does care about her.. He will really be hurt, and you can bet there will be drama.... but it doesn't matter, he needs to know and take it like a man.

This comment is interesting: "Maybe he's just an ornery bastard who doesn't want to give her what she asks for."

I believe this is a typical view of many women that really get themselves into trouble. It seems many women think if they don't get what they demand from their husband, the husband is a bastard. I think this is a very self centered view that destroys a relationship. I know women are not as tolerant when men place such demands on them. Women often feel controlled and become resentful.

Women must understand the dynamics of individuals under the stress of modern day living. Most have careers along with their husbands and much of life is a tag team. Women who have affairs fall into this illusion that their lover is different. No they are not. It is the role that is different and that is why your husband can't compete with your lover. The 'lover' is only a luxury. Many women realize this after they have married their lover. They realize after a couple or more years it isn't much different than the marriage they left. This is when the guilt sets in, and the anxiety over the possibility that an affair will occur in this new marriage. Like I said 7% success rate for marrying your lover. Count on it.
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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 01:15 am
Women need to face their true nature...
I encourage you all to read the content below. Especially those who are having affairs so you can understand yourself from a psychological aspect. There is new page being turned in the field of psychology. How we view women's sexual behavior and the impact it has on society. There hasn't been much thorough studies on women's sexual behavior from a psychological point of view, but that is beginning to change and a new perspective is emerging. The article with the link below summarizes much of this new perspective about women's infidelity.

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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 05:21 am
Heh, you're the one making the proposal re the % of cheaters. The burden's on you to prove it, not on me to do your research for you. And one biased website ain't gonna cut it.

Oh and I wasn't the one who said ornery bastard. That would be the poster after me.
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Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2008 09:21 pm
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Jenna B
Reply Tue 2 Sep, 2008 10:39 pm
Sweet girl,
I'm in the same predicament ... are you out? I don't know what to do. I have a great marriage but am exhausted keeping the two relationships going. We both have families we love but need to be with each other so much. I am always being told how strong and inspirational I am... now, with him I am so weak and don't know how to give him up. Any words of wisdom?
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Reply Mon 8 Sep, 2008 01:39 pm
I am talking to you from 1st hand experience, but I am the victum of the affair! My husband and I have been married for 13 yrs and 3 boys.
I found out a year and 6 months ago that he was having an affair with a co- worker. My husband left me and my boys. I have been hurt and humilated and angry with him & her. I can stop loving my husband...God knows I wish I could. We have recently been hanging out and trying to work things out but she want leave him alone! He tells me that he loves me but he is inlove with her and he is struggling on how to walk way. He says that he knows that they will never work but he lves her. What is it that she has over him- I don't understand? She promised him when the affair 1st started that she would leave her family and they would be together. Well an 1yr & 6months later she has not left her family and has every excuse on why she can't. He gave it all up and she gave up nothing! Don't make the same mistake!!

Walk away now!! Don't hurt your husband & children! It is no worth it!
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Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2009 12:31 pm
You are an idiot. This woman needs help not judgment. You look like a clown and in this case, you are acting like one. Don't read his posts, sweetie. Just ignore this holier than now wanna be. Sheesh, who the hell do some people think they are. Everyone deserves to be happy. don't waste a minute listening to those telling you to suffer.
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Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2009 04:27 pm
When I met my husband, I put him first. I did all the things a wife should do for a husband. I loved him the way I was supposed to in order to marry. I felt like everything was right.....on my end. He chose partying, work, friends, everything except me. I put up with it for many years. I thought that since he didnt abuse me, and he worked hard, what more could i ask for right? Sure I was missing something, but that was within me. I still need to figure out what that is.

Sounds like you suffer from a female version of 'nice guy syndrome'.

I have a great upbringing with a father that loves me immensely so I dont think I have any "daddy" issues. I just cannot figure out why I choose men that are emotionally unavailable.

With the 'nice guy' syndrome, the mother is usually the central figure in the guys childhood/adolescence (with the father being either absent, or in the background). The 'nice guy' had no role model on what it means to be masculine. Maybe your father played the similar/reverse role for you?

A little over a year ago I was raped by a man that was supposed to be my friend. I was ashamed and humiliated. I hid it from the world. I finally broke down one day and told my husband. He asked me what I had done to provoke it.
Your husband has no respect for you in this regard. You put up with this didn't you? (another symptom)

The only reason I am giving up on my lover is that I dont want to hurt my kids, nor his. It isnt fair to them. He is in a very similar marriage as mine.
Another symptom. While it can be viewed as a noble stance - who says that other peoples happiness is more important than your own? (actually, kids fall into a different category, and I don't blame you for 'putting them first', but you also have to find ways at the same time, to meet your own needs, for happiness)

This takes away from everything I have stood for.
That's because morals have little to do with your needs (without the basic of which, your personal happiness can be severely undermined). Moralities purpose is social cohesion, not personal happiness (though without social cohesion, happiness is more difficult).

Don't tell us not to be so quick to judge. You came here looking for advice.
CoastalRat, can you not give advice without judging the person?

It does not matter what has happened to you personally.
Possibly the most insensitive, compasionless, hateful thing I have heard on these forums.

But don't use that in any way to rationalize your affair.
The way you use your morals to justify the above? Hypocritical don't you think?

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Reply Wed 6 May, 2009 02:23 pm
Seriously though - advice and judgement are 2 different things. When my son died and my wife was completely disconnected emotionally and physically - it was VERY HARD. I could have easily fallen to an affair given the right circumstances.
So - I can definately empathise, and at the same time - she knows she did something wrong - she didn;t need your self-righteous, "I hope you get what you deserve." None of us get what we deserve. Thank God for that!
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Reply Wed 23 Sep, 2009 02:57 pm
I think what you wrote hits the nail on the head.......that was very well expressed especially the emotions and feelings one experiences when having an affair. That is telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Thank you, it reall opened my eyes.
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Reply Mon 28 Sep, 2009 10:31 pm
You are lonly ha ha ha, you are not looking for or building relation ship but just looking for good **** bitch, you should never go with a marriage man bitch.
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Reply Mon 28 Sep, 2009 10:40 pm
Reply Tue 29 Sep, 2009 02:50 am
You promote yourself as self righteous and upright, while displaying bitterness and hate, and showing a vast lack of compassion and empathy…I’ve met few uglier people than the man protraited in your posts.
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Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2010 12:26 am
Stop being a self-righteous prick. Each situation is different. This woman has asked for advice and you offer an admonishing lecture. Try to understand that not everyone is as beholden to your views as you may be.
Reply Mon 23 Aug, 2010 06:37 am
A little late in your name-calling Roger. This thread is three years old.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2010 09:02 pm
You are a sorry, selfish, dumb woman with serious self-esteem issues and should seek counseling immediately!
0 Replies

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