Scrat wrote:Craven is wrong. Missiles are WMD as the term is used in this debate--namely as shorthand for weapons or weapon-related items Iraq was barred from possessing or developing under existing UN sanctions. It is quibbling to call a missile a delivery vehicle... fine, they had banned delivery vehicles. The penalty is the same.
Your statement is contradictory. I claimed that a missle is not a Weapon of Mass Destruction without an WMD payload.
I noted that the missles exceeded the range limits by a few miles. I noted that they were violative.
I claimed that they were not WMDs.
You claim I am wrong. Please back it up. It's not "quibbling" it's correcting an outright flase statement.
Again, in case you missed it the last time:
The world operates under a definition of WMDs that do not include missles that simply go a few miles over a stipulated limit. There is no definition in use taht would include a missle that is a few miles in violation of range restrictions as a WMD.
Yes they were a small violation of the distance restrictions. No duh! Now please support your claim that I was "wrong" to state that they are not WMDs.