msolga wrote:Roberta wrote:You noticed that? Thought it was just me.
The proofread really being an edit, you mean, Roberta?
So this means you'd be doing pretty much the same work as you would have done (as a editor) but paid less because it's less "important" work?

This proofread is in a class by itself for a variety of reasons.
For the most part, proofreading requires different skills that are less demanding than editing skills. However, IMO, proofreading is not less important than editing. Just different. It's especially important when editing is done on the computer, as much of it is these days. You see things on paper that are less evident on the screen. You also find mechanical mistakes that never occur when an edit is done on hard copy. For example, the editor put the cursor in the wrong spot. The editor didn't add or delete a space.
Some places now edit and proofread on the computer. I think this is a gigantic mistake. You don't don't see things the same way on the computer. I think that someone should be looking at a piece of paper--what the reader will be looking at. But I'm from the old school.
I could go on. But I'm gonna shut up now.
BTW, yes, you get paid more for editing than proofreading. And you get paid more for one kind of editing than another.
Now I'm really gonna shut up.