Thomas - Good comments. Let me focus on where I disagree, but please know that this doesn't mean I
only disagree. :wink:
Thomas wrote:Scrat wrote:with all the talk about the "equal protection" guaranteed us all by the Constitution, why is it liberals aren't arguing that all citizens should be taxed equally?
"Taxed equally" would mean that everyone pays the same dollar amount in taxes, and nobody is advocating that -- including conservatives. So I'm afraid I don't see the point in you singling out liberals.
If that were true, we would measure equal employment opportunity by comparing a head count of whites and blacks and looking for numerical equality. A company employing 50 whites would be required to employ 50 blacks (or more likely 2 of each special interest group identified by the government :wink: ). But we don't do that; we look at the
percentage of blacks in an area and check to see if the
percentage employed suggests they are being given
equal consideration in hiring and promotion.
Clearly there is more than one way to measure "equality". The one you suggest is illogical and clearly would not result in truly equal treatment. I have merely pointed out one that is logical and which I think would result in equal treatment. Surely the tax code is required to be applied equally, just as any other law, right? However you slice it, the current income tax code isn't "equal", and is in fact designed to place a greater burden on specific citizens.
Thomas wrote:Scrat wrote:Or to put it another way, doesn't the equal protection clause require government to give us each an equal right to retain the fruits of our labor?
No. Equal protection under the law means that you are subject to the same laws as I am.
If that were true, there would be no hubbub surrounding same-gender unions, since I am just as forbidden to marry someone of my gender as is anyone else in our country. Right? The government is not applying that law to some and not to others; it applies to everyone equally. (Are you ready to make that argument?)
Thomas wrote:Scrat wrote: Or is it only bad for government to use the law for the purposes of societal engineering when conservatives are the ones doing the engineering?
If this is a position you attribute to me, you are bashing a straw man.
No, just throwing it out there as a related point that may be of value to some others reading this. I formally and willingly acknowledge that you made no such point.