Lola wrote:This discussion is heading toward the booooooooring point.
Is reasoning boring to you?
Quote:I have little time for talking to those who can't think past, "obey the law blah blah blah" and "why should tax payers have to pay?"
What are laws for anyway?
Quote:There are many benefits to taxpayers paying for good solutions to difficult problems. Obviously.
What purpose could there be for a method of reducing everything to one simple solution.......obey the law? Lazinessness, insecurity, paranoia, selfishness, limited mental capacity, limited tolerance of ambiguity, denial of ambivilence, insensitivity to the needs others, stubborness........meanness?
Simple solutions are much nicer than complicated ones, and tend to work better, even if they are boring to you.
Quote:Yes, the law should be obeyed. But it's often possible to do wrong by doing "right." Especially if doing right is defined as blindly obeying the rule. Rules can be and often are wrong or are not comprehensive enough. Those rules should be changed to better address the problem. As Bernie pointed out earlier, Bush has had little trouble with disobeying the law and the Consititution when it suits his purposes. And his disobedience has devastating consequences. Do any of you rule bound people think that was a good idea and if so, why?
if Bush has disobeyed the law, how come he hasn't been impeached. Accusations don't mean diddly unless they can be backed up, and so far nothing has ever been backed up in this regard. Its all talk by the talkers in Congress, but no reality.
Quote:And yes, oakie I do admire those who keep pushing to get what they and their families need.
Do you admire bank robbers?
Quote:I realize it's difficult for you to put yourself in their place, you've lived in this country and your opportunitites are huge compared to citizens of many nations. But do try to think with a little bit of an open mind. What would you do if you had no job and no way to get one and you and your family were starving or your children couldn't get an education when the country next door to yours has plenty of jobs? Would you really just starve? I doubt that.
Thats why I love this country and don't criticize it like libs do on a daily basis. I'm glad I was born here, and I don't plan on living anywhere else.
Quote:It's not easy to get into this country legally. Or at least it's not easy if you're one of those who desparately needs to get in.
Oh well, I know I'm wasting my time.
Everything is relative, and I doubt the people coming here are as well off as they can become here, but I doubt seriously they are starving where they are at, or they would be dead before they crossed the border. I would suggest making the best of where they are if the choice is to break the law to do otherwise. Is it the U.S. responsibility to take every last soul from every corner of the world in any number? Unless you think so, your arguments all ring pretty hollow.