What did you dream last night?

Reply Wed 26 Mar, 2008 08:49 pm
Joe(My real brothers and I never fight.)Nation

Huh? I thought you were Irish.
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Joe Nation
Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2008 03:04 am
Yes. Well, some Irish brothers are lucky enough to have the kind of weepy handwringing mother the McCourt brothers had, the kind that stands there and wails as one of you beats the bejesus out of the others. Those brothers always end up as drunks, they end up as authors too, but that's rare.

We had the kind of Kerry woman who, if you laid a hand, nae,- uttered a cross word at your brother- would, not so sweetly, inform you that you might be killed by something in your sleep tonight if that sort of thing did not stop.

Joe(that will give you two things as a child, terror and very vivid dreams)Nation
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Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2008 05:33 am
Joe! Laughing
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Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2008 05:35 am
I was dreaming... realized that what I was dreaming was like a HUGELY FANTASTIC business idea.... woke myself up to write it down...

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Reply Thu 27 Mar, 2008 09:05 am
Ah, well, that explains it then. I'm afraid we had the weepy, hand-wringing kind of mother. Her threats were hollow, so the fighting continued.

No drunks among us, but we are fair writers.
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Reply Fri 28 Mar, 2008 05:01 pm
Not last night, but this afternoon I had a dream. The details are vague. The setting was a cross between a tavern and a ski lodge. Dark wood, but with big windows.

Two or three times upon returning to the tavern/lodge, I got caught up in a procession of some sort. A very handsome native american/spanish man tossed me some deer-toe rattles to shake and dance with. I laughed and gave it a shot. The last time I went in, one of the rattles flew out of my hand way up in the air, the handsome man caught them. It was a dramatic catch apparently because it was sort of a cut scene in my dream: suddenly no music, a zoom of the rattle falling and a hand catching it in mid air. He laughed and handed it back. I said, "wow, he caught it".

I was also in the tavern eating rice out of a hand carved wooden plate that was oblong (and hard to explain) with a wooden spoon.
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Reply Sat 29 Mar, 2008 12:19 pm
I dreamed I was time traveling or at least that was the idea, but there were a lot of logistics and I never actually got to go anywhere. Sad
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2008 06:26 am
I dreamed I bought a new pair of running shoes and they had two pairs of lace each. One for the lower end of the lacing and one for the top. In case you need different tightnesses at each spot, I thought, and who doesn't?

Joe(I'm emailing New Balance)Nation
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Dorothy Parker
Reply Sun 30 Mar, 2008 06:46 am
Joe Nation - get that patent quickly.

I dreamt my little girl was alone on a ship adrift at sea with nothing to eat and I was desperately trying to charter a boat to get to her. It was horrible thinking how upset and scared she would be.
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2008 03:33 am
Finally must be getting enough sleep because last night was a long adventure of going a restaurant, sitting at an almost empty bar while waiting for somebody. The restaurant was supposed to pick out a wine for you for each dish, all the wines were awful.

Then I went next door and the room was filled will loud kids, all running and pushing and being wild. Suddenly I saw one kid swing a piece of chain at another. Somehow I knew that they were just goofing off, that the one with the chain really wasn't trying to hurt the other one. (Maybe they were both smiling??) But I yelled at them to stop and the one with the chain ran out of the room with me in hot pursuit. It suddenly occurred to me that he was wearing a blue uniform shirt and he was running towards a group of other boys all wearing the same shirt.

They all quickly got into a) a bus or b) several cars (It kept changing). I realized I didn't have my cellphone with me, so as I ran I pretended to be calling.

They got away.

Joe( It made me think of a new topic.)Nation

Where are all the pictures of Bigfoot?
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Reply Fri 4 Apr, 2008 06:41 am
I dreamed that a grand design concept, one that I had belabored over greatly and struggled to present on time, was nonchalantly swept aside by a visiting creative director at an advertising firm I worked at. I had to remain in the meeting and put on a brave face while inside, I was crushed.
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Reply Tue 8 Apr, 2008 10:13 am
In my dream, I had sex with Charlize Theron .... Very Happy

You might think of me as some pervert, but what the hell, I enjoyed it Razz
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Joe Nation
Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2008 06:17 am
It would only be perverted if we were all watching and even then... not so much.

Last night was a jumble. I was visting somewhere, I needed change for a twenty. I sent someone after it and it took them forever to return. When they did come back they had two tens and what I needed was a five because I was going to give them five dollars for going to get the change??? I don't know, but I told the person that i would bring them five dollars on Monday. They were not happy.

Joe(that was it)Nation
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Reply Fri 11 Apr, 2008 07:27 am
Shopping in New York. I was driven to a boutique in Soho by a handsome young stranger while the thought of my husband somehow finding out lingered in the back of my mind. hmmmm...
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Joe Nation
Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 07:20 pm
very weird dream last night.
I was on a bus with some people and I knew sort of where I was (tulsa) but the area kept looking so strange (People selling huge gladiolas at the street edge) There were two children missing from some family.. boys with black curly hair. One was on the bus. I tried to get him to tell me his father's email but he only know part of his father text address. We stopped at a parking lot. Things were very confused. Suddenly his younger brother was there and the older boy was gone. Men started attacking the women. There was screaming.

I woke up soaking wet.

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Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 09:23 pm
do you have any big family event coming up, joe?

i sleep dreamless nights, mostly because i fall into bed exhausted from the bad kharma marathon (stolen suitcase, missed flight, $267 cab ride, blocked checking card... ... ...)
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Reply Sat 12 Apr, 2008 09:30 pm
I forgot to post an interesting one from last week. I committed some few details to memory so I could post here.

I was traveling from Boston to somewhere (!?). It was a futuristic Boston. I had taken my cat and we were in a travel pod to the airport. The pod was on autopilot and we were following a track (not airborn). The track was wavy up and down and had similar features to our new Zacham Bridge which is illuminated in blue. But, the pod got out of control and we were going too fast. The wavy track became a roller-coaster of movement and I had to buckle us in because I'd hit the roof of the pod.

We got to the airport and I went to secure a ticket. I was trying to move down a tunnel and it was crowded. There weren't only people rushing about. There were also these little creatures in odd machines. The odd machines looked like giant drill bits and were hollowed out, the creatures were inside the drillbits and moving along, almost scraping at the tunnels cement (almost like tunnel borers, but perpendicular to the tunnel instead of following the tunnel). When I finally got the ticket, I had to return to the pod for the cat. I was rushing so I wouldn't miss my plane. I woke up before the dream ended.
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Joe Nation
Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:27 am
Note to self: Never get up @ 5:00 AM, read posts about dreaming, get drink of water, go back to bed thinking about what time you need to leave for the race in Central Park... .

So... I'm dreaming and the wife and I are talking. I have plenty of time. I go in the next room and look at the clock and it's ???! ten minutes to nine!!! (The race is at nine.) It takes fifty minutes by subway to get there!! what about a car! I dream. I can take a car! First I need to get dressed but I can't find my shoes I can't find my heart monitor thingie and now the apartment is filled with women friends of my wife all looking at (My brain is so specific) Looney Tune Greeting Cards, there are cards stacked everywhere and when I go back into the bedroom there are dozens of blue trash bags with godknowswhat in them and I can't get to my dresser to get my socks.

Then.... two men and a woman come through our patio door (which we don't have being on the seventh and top floor) "Hey," they say, "It's Joe Nation, he's been in some of our races." and then they start telling me about this job they have now delivering meals to people and how they get paid by the pound so that a Salmon Sandwich so much more than a veggie one. I'm agreeing and trying to get my socks while they start to look around at the room admiring it. and

my son comes out of the bathroom (which isn't in the bedroom of our apartment either) so I must be somewhere else. He has a beard. That's nice. uh.

I go into the other room and my wife is at my computer changing things on the home page "to make it better". Oh, and there is now a dial where the numbers used to be, but it is covered in gauze so you can just barely see it.
I wake up. It's 6:48AM and I am so relieved that 1)I am not late for the race. 2) there are no blue plastic bags anywhere 3) the women are not in the living room looking at cards and no one is coming through the patio door.

The window was open and there is a stiff breeze blowing in.

Joe(my heart rate just went up while I was typing this)Nation
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Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 05:34 am
Looks like you have a rather agitated sleep, Joe. How come?
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Reply Sun 13 Apr, 2008 06:07 am
I dreamt I was wearing the most immaculate suit imaginable, my hair was cut in a cool mop-top style, and my eyes were particularly large and luminous and deep.

It was my job to convince a group of high-rollers that my financial plan was an assured success, but there was one young confrontational doubter whom made my job patricianly difficult.

My extra large eyes and amazing suit won the day as did my consistent persuasive style, but it was not easy.
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