Bogus radio address by the Dems.

Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 07:23 pm
Baldimo wrote:
JTT wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
JTT wrote:
"Bogus radio address by the Dems."

Pardon me. After all the lies and the crap you've been spoon-fed, which you've dutifully slurped up, you have the temerity to even post something like this.


Did you even read what I posted and the information inside of it or are you just defending what can't be defending?

I'm even willing to give you this one gratis [although I know someone will be along shortly to help you with your reading/internet search skills].

So what's the score on lies now,

Republicans - 83,729,541

Democrats - this one and one other one.

Jesus H Kerist man, have you any concept of proportionality? You oughta be thoroughly ashamed of yourself for trotting this dog and pony show out given what you offer slavish support for.

Your really going to say that the dems have only lied twice? Please you have got to be kidding. Have any comment on the substance of the article.

Baldimo falsely refers to a freeper lunatic post as an "article."
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 08:22 pm
boomerang wrote:

So that's my question: what about people who can't get insurance?

I agree, boomerang, insurance companies should be required to cover people that have problems that are not their choice. This might be available depending on the state you reside. Lifestyle choice might be another matter, for example if you smoke, I see no reason why an insurance company couldn't be free to charge more. Another problem here, people should be prevented from seeking insurance only after they get sick first. So I think mandatory insurance or proof of adequete self insurance might be reasonable, but it should be handled privately, not a government run health care system. Reform of the current system can do this without throwing the baby out with the bath water and starting over.
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Reply Thu 11 Oct, 2007 08:43 pm
The left thinks they have blown this story back at conservative that questioned it, but not all of us are that dumb.

1. What happened to the auto insurance that they had, is it all run out now, assuming they had some?
2. How many people that can't afford insurance live in 3,000 square foot homes? I mean get serious here. I'm dropping my insurance and moving trading my house in on one twice the size.
3. Does medical insurance really cost 1200 per month? I've seen reports that it may be half that or less, especially for a modest deductible.
4. Do we really know what the family makes? Is it taxable income or actual income $45,000 to $50,000?
5. For a guy that isn't making much money with his business for how long now, how does he buy commercial buildings for it?
6. Public schools are free. Why not go there and save some money to hopefully buy insurance?
6. If the woodworking business is not making any money, why not sell the building and buy insurance for your family and get a better job?
7. I would like to see other aspects of this case as well, and why are people elgible for the program without regard to property holdings, if that is the case? After all, don't old people have to go broke, including selling their house to get the government to pay for nursing home care?
8. I feel sorry for the children, but that doesn't give the family a license to misrepresent their situation in Congress.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 06:11 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Okay, this is an answer to both of you guys.

They don't have to prove anything to either of you. Your opinion is immaterial. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe they deserve it. Their state has guidelines for the SCHIP program, which they met, and were approved for it. They have passed approval already and certainly aren't looking for a bunch of wingers to say 'oh, okay, you deserve it.'

Woiyo, you have no idea how hard the guy works or doesn't work at his job, so who can say?

Okie, you would have them sell their house and business in order to pay for health insurance? Doesn't make much sense.

Neither of you is showing an ounce of understanding in this situation. To begin with, the concept of selling their house or going into debt to pay for health insurance is laughable. Stating 'they should work more' is ridiculous, as you have no clue what their day-to-day situation is. All you know is that you don't like people getting handouts b/c it takes your hard-earned money away from you.

And that's bullshit because I don't see either of you complaining about military spending. Woiyo at least has made noises in this direction. We spend in Iraq every week what the Dems proposed we spend in addition to the current amount once a year.

Neither of you are concerned with saving money; both of you are concerned with the idea of keeping people from getting assistance.

This is a very frustrating conversation for me, b/c I know - know - that if you found yourself in the same position that they did, you would have taken the SCHIP program for your kids as well. And you're lying if you say any different.


You are right I do not understand how someone making 50K /yr, spending 6K on private education, living in a 3K sq foot house that property taxes nust cost several thousand dollars, feed 6 kids, clothing ,so on and so on.

How can they afford anything on 50K? Apparently we do not have all the relevant facts on this particuliar person.

Yet you make statments that show great emotion but no logic.

Why is selling their house and living "smaller/cheaper" laughable? Does the concept of living within your means have any meaning to you?

Why does working harder "make no sense"

The problem with your argument is your feel that there is an entitlement to people and personal responsibility has no impact. LET THE GOVT GIVE ME !!

Since when are taxpayers entrusted with providing a financial plan for the unwilling? Living within your means should be first and formost on any persons agenda. You know this to be truth.

I reject your statement that I do not want to provide assistance. My position has always been that this society has been a generous society to the "UNABLE". I support that ewntirely.

What I resent is support aimed at the unwilling. I do not know this familiy and I do not have all the facts. But from what facts I do have, this family should be doing more for themselves BEFORE they go to the taxpayers.

One last point. Whatever we spend on Iraq IS a waste of my taxpayer dollars. Once this police action ends, I want my taxes reduced. I refuse to let Govt have more of my property than it actaully needs. My income IS my property and I pay MORE than my fair share with alot of it wasted by this Govt.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 06:33 am
To correct the record again, they do not pay $6000 per year for private education, they pay $500 per year.

Insurance for our family had risen to over $1800 per month back in 2004, with three of the five family members rarely seeing a doctor and no major health problems. That was at substandard, and with a considerable deductible. So, $1200 for a family of six is NOT unusual.

I haven't seen anything on their car insurance, so I don't know. But, most policies have a medical limit on payout per person per accident for medical. I can easily imagine that a head truama with rehab would meet that deductible pretty darn quickly.

They qualified for CHIPS. If you have a problem with their home equity not being considered, move to their state and get it changed. But, don't attack them for qualifying. What are you going to do, sift through every recipients paperwork as if you are the decider of who qualifies and who doesn't? You act like you have a right to all of their information so that you can pass judgement. Graeme was just an example, a face on the problems dealt with by MILLIONS of people in this country. That's a lot of paperwork and judgements for you to make. You better get started.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 06:52 am
squinney wrote:

They qualified for CHIPS. If you have a problem with their home equity not being considered, move to their state and get it changed. But, don't attack them for qualifying. What are you going to do, sift through every recipients paperwork as if you are the decider of who qualifies and who doesn't? You act like you have a right to all of their information so that you can pass judgement. Graeme was just an example, a face on the problems dealt with by MILLIONS of people in this country. That's a lot of paperwork and judgements for you to make. You better get started.

Once again, your emotion is getting in the way of objectivity.

To qualify for any taxpayer assistance program, disclousure is paramount to avoid fraud. Therefore, I expect the govt to "sift through all their paperwork" to make sure they are actually in need of assistance.

The numbers just do not add up. On 50K, how can they afford anything? How is he buying and refurbishing real estate? How can he feed and cloth and pay real estate taxes? Why is selling down not an option?

All this aside, you need to explain where personal responsibility ends and govt assistance begins.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 07:27 am
woiyo wrote:
squinney wrote:

They qualified for CHIPS. If you have a problem with their home equity not being considered, move to their state and get it changed. But, don't attack them for qualifying. What are you going to do, sift through every recipients paperwork as if you are the decider of who qualifies and who doesn't? You act like you have a right to all of their information so that you can pass judgement. Graeme was just an example, a face on the problems dealt with by MILLIONS of people in this country. That's a lot of paperwork and judgements for you to make. You better get started.

Once again, your emotion is getting in the way of objectivity.

To qualify for any taxpayer assistance program, disclousure is paramount to avoid fraud. Therefore, I expect the govt to "sift through all their paperwork" to make sure they are actually in need of assistance.

The numbers just do not add up. On 50K, how can they afford anything? How is he buying and refurbishing real estate? How can he feed and cloth and pay real estate taxes? Why is selling down not an option?

All this aside, you need to explain where personal responsibility ends and govt assistance begins.

Objectivity? Funny that you would use that word woiyo..

Insurance LIMIT on injuries
The program REQUIRES proof of income to be eligible

It seems it is YOUR emotion that is getting in the way of objectivity woiyo. Go read your car insurance policy. It has limits on what it will pay out. Go to a private school and ask them if any of the children there are on scholarship. (I bet about half will have a scholarship of some kind with many getting a full ride.)

It is cheaper to own a home than it is to rent in many markets. They have to live somewhere. As squinney pointed out they bought the house a number of years ago for $55,000.

As for accusing someone of fraud. Maybe you should be objective and get some facts before you make that statement. What evidence do you have that anyone hid anything? You don't even know the requirements for qualification but you are throwing out the word fraud. Objectivity my ass. It is YOU that is being emotional because someone else might be getting some of the piddly amount that you pay in taxes.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 07:37 am
parados wrote:
woiyo wrote:
squinney wrote:

They qualified for CHIPS. If you have a problem with their home equity not being considered, move to their state and get it changed. But, don't attack them for qualifying. What are you going to do, sift through every recipients paperwork as if you are the decider of who qualifies and who doesn't? You act like you have a right to all of their information so that you can pass judgement. Graeme was just an example, a face on the problems dealt with by MILLIONS of people in this country. That's a lot of paperwork and judgements for you to make. You better get started.

Once again, your emotion is getting in the way of objectivity.

To qualify for any taxpayer assistance program, disclousure is paramount to avoid fraud. Therefore, I expect the govt to "sift through all their paperwork" to make sure they are actually in need of assistance.

The numbers just do not add up. On 50K, how can they afford anything? How is he buying and refurbishing real estate? How can he feed and cloth and pay real estate taxes? Why is selling down not an option?

All this aside, you need to explain where personal responsibility ends and govt assistance begins.

Objectivity? Funny that you would use that word woiyo..

Insurance LIMIT on injuries
The program REQUIRES proof of income to be eligible

It seems it is YOUR emotion that is getting in the way of objectivity woiyo. Go read your car insurance policy. It has limits on what it will pay out. Go to a private school and ask them if any of the children there are on scholarship. (I bet about half will have a scholarship of some kind with many getting a full ride.)

It is cheaper to own a home than it is to rent in many markets. They have to live somewhere. As squinney pointed out they bought the house a number of years ago for $55,000.

As for accusing someone of fraud. Maybe you should be objective and get some facts before you make that statement. What evidence do you have that anyone hid anything? You don't even know the requirements for qualification but you are throwing out the word fraud. Objectivity my ass. It is YOU that is being emotional because someone else might be getting some of the piddly amount that you pay in taxes.

There is not one comment I made about car insurance which is unrelated.

You apparantly have no "effing" clue as to the basis of this debate so your irrlelvant post is ignored.

However, want to take a shot at answering a braod question smartass?

When does personal responsibility stop and public assistance begin?

This is the basis of this debate, not car insurance. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 07:48 am
okie wrote:
The left thinks they have blown this story back at conservative that questioned it, but not all of us are that dumb.
There's dumb and then there's dumber.. I don't think anyone considers you to be the former.

1. What happened to the auto insurance that they had, is it all run out now, assuming they had some?
Go read your auto policy before you make such a fool out of yourself. They even break it out for you so even the feeble minded can find it.

2. How many people that can't afford insurance live in 3,000 square foot homes? I mean get serious here. I'm dropping my insurance and moving trading my house in on one twice the size.
Their house is valued at $285,000. That would be less than the median home value in Baltimore.


3. Does medical insurance really cost 1200 per month? I've seen reports that it may be half that or less, especially for a modest deductible.
You are seriously asking this question? Pull your head out of your ass and step into the real world sometime. I know individuals that pay almost that much let alone a family of 6.

4. Do we really know what the family makes? Is it taxable income or actual income $45,000 to $50,000?
Maybe you should try reading a little bit now and again.


5. For a guy that isn't making much money with his business for how long now, how does he buy commercial buildings for it?

Can you say MORTGAGE?

6. Public schools are free. Why not go there and save some money to hopefully buy insurance?
That is one of your most ignorant statements of all time and you have made some doozies. I bet even YOU realize you can't buy insurance for 6 people for a year for $500.

6. If the woodworking business is not making any money, why not sell the building and buy insurance for your family and get a better job?
Do you KNOW what a mortgage is? If the building is worth $195,000 and the real estate agent takes 7% of that and he bought the building for $190,000 and a 90-95% mortgage how much money would he make? I would guess he got the money for down payment on the building by putting up his personal assets which would be his house. That is normal procedure in a small business loan. But you wouldn't have a clue about that, would you okie?

7. I would like to see other aspects of this case as well, and why are people elgible for the program without regard to property holdings, if that is the case? After all, don't old people have to go broke, including selling their house to get the government to pay for nursing home care?
LOL.. find some facts for a change. Each program has its own requirements.

8. I feel sorry for the children, but that doesn't give the family a license to misrepresent their situation in Congress.
The ONLY misrepresenting I am seeing is by the RW idiots. You can't find one thing they said to Congress that is innaccurate. And you obviously don't feel sorry for the children or you wouldn't have spent all this time attacking the family.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 07:59 am
Yeah right..woiyo.. this is all about getting the facts right.

woiyo wrote:

Here is my question/issue. If they have the resources to pay for private school to the tune of 40K.yr, I would assume they have sibstantial resources. Therefore, why should I the taxpayer, subsidize their healthcare?

woiyo wrote:

So they pay 6K (500/mo) to send thier children to this private school.

woiyo wrote:

What about personal responsibility? Can the wife work?

woiyo wrote:

You are right I do not understand how someone making 50K /yr, spending 6K on private education, living in a 3K sq foot house that property taxes nust cost several thousand dollars, feed 6 kids, clothing ,so on and so on.

This is about accusing of fraud anyone that might get more money than you from the government. And you seem to be more than willing to make up "facts" to do it.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 08:06 am
Maybe we should talk about personal responsibility.

Don't you think people should be responsible for their own actions woiyo?
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 10:15 am

I reject your statement that I do not want to provide assistance. My position has always been that this society has been a generous society to the "UNABLE". I support that ewntirely.

They were unable to afford health insurance, not unwilling to. The article clearly states that they couldn't find affordable insurance so they turned to SCHIP.

Look - it isn't reasonable to have an asset test for SCHIP. Many families fall on hard times, times which wouldn't be improved by forcing them to sell their house! The point of the program is to help out kids who need help, not to ensure that people have gotten rid of all physical assets before turning to the State for help.

Are you against the entire SCHIP program? Because, I can assure you, there is noone who couldn't be told to 'work harder.' You could tell each and every applicant to 'go get a better job. Sell your house. Work two jobs.' Nobody will ever apply to the program who couldn't just 'work harder' or sell assets, to you guys.

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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 10:35 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

I reject your statement that I do not want to provide assistance. My position has always been that this society has been a generous society to the "UNABLE". I support that ewntirely.

They were unable to afford health insurance, not unwilling to. The article clearly states that they couldn't find affordable insurance so they turned to SCHIP.

Look - it isn't reasonable to have an asset test for SCHIP. Many families fall on hard times, times which wouldn't be improved by forcing them to sell their house! The point of the program is to help out kids who need help, not to ensure that people have gotten rid of all physical assets before turning to the State for help.

Are you against the entire SCHIP program? Because, I can assure you, there is noone who couldn't be told to 'work harder.' You could tell each and every applicant to 'go get a better job. Sell your house. Work two jobs.' Nobody will ever apply to the program who couldn't just 'work harder' or sell assets, to you guys.


I think to a degree an asset test is necessary for any public assistance program. In an extreme example, what if they had assets in a Trust account, or assets in a IRA or brokerage account. Should that not be considered? Forced sale of their house is unacceptable, I agree. Yet, if they could sell down or borrow on equity, is that not a viable option? Look at the qualifications for Medicaid for example. Asset testing is required there.

When times go bad, you should be responsible to use whatever assets you accumulated to get you through the hard times, then look to public assistance as a last resort, not first resort.

Why do we (or should we) have savings accounts for?

I feel this program is a valuable program for those it is intended to help. I am not so sure THIS particuliar family, based upon the facts presented, is what the program was designed to do.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 10:41 am
Yet, if they could sell down or borrow on equity, is that not a viable option?

No! You're saying that they should go into debt 13-15k per year, in perpetuity?

That's a terrible way to run a society or to help someone.

So-called 'asset testing' is ridiculous in this case. Do you know what the penalties for taking money out of their retirement account would be? Gigantic. And the results? More people on the dole later on in life. It isn't a net gain for the taxpayers to force people to spend their retirement savings on health insurance.

I think you have no idea how much houses cost these days. There's not much chance they would find a cheaper house then the one they have; there's actually little chance they could sell their current house in the climate we're in, not for anywhere near what the supposed 'value' of the house is.

I don't think it's reasonable to ask people to go into debt to pay for health insurance for their kids. I don't know why you think this is reasonable.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:06 am
woiyo wrote:
I am not so sure THIS particuliar family, based upon the facts presented, is what the program was designed to do.

The people who run the program - who asked the required questions - and reviewed the responses - decided that assistance to this particular family was indeed what the program was designed to do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:20 am
ehBeth wrote:
woiyo wrote:
I am not so sure THIS particuliar family, based upon the facts presented, is what the program was designed to do.

The people who run the program - who asked the required questions - and reviewed the responses - decided that assistance to this particular family was indeed what the program was designed to do.

Psssshhhhaww. You silly, silly goose, Ehbeth. Don't you know that all these agency decisions have to be reviewed by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Banality or some other RW nut case.
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:21 am
I'd like to hear a few more responses to the series of questions boomerang posed.

baldi, woiyo?
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Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:36 am
okie wrote:
The left thinks they have blown this story back at conservative that questioned it, but not all of us are that dumb.

yes, you are, each one of you idiots on this thread who attack a 12 year old crippled little kid is exactly that dumb, and more, you're just a group of nasty, petty, snarling, sneering, vicious thugs, peering through people's windows so they can make fun of their misfortune.

cycl has more stomach in wading through your excrement than i have, but plain and simple, you're sickening human beings with no sense of empathy or compassion whose own parents ought to arrested for child abuse to have raised such morally repugnant maggots as you.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:40 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Yet, if they could sell down or borrow on equity, is that not a viable option?

No! You're saying that they should go into debt 13-15k per year, in perpetuity?

That's a terrible way to run a society or to help someone.

So-called 'asset testing' is ridiculous in this case. Do you know what the penalties for taking money out of their retirement account would be? Gigantic. And the results? More people on the dole later on in life. It isn't a net gain for the taxpayers to force people to spend their retirement savings on health insurance.

I think you have no idea how much houses cost these days. There's not much chance they would find a cheaper house then the one they have; there's actually little chance they could sell their current house in the climate we're in, not for anywhere near what the supposed 'value' of the house is.

I don't think it's reasonable to ask people to go into debt to pay for health insurance for their kids. I don't know why you think this is reasonable.


Qualified Medical expenses are allowable exemption from qualified plans, so theirare no penalties but income taxes would need to be paid, yet the medical expense is deductible since it would exceed the limits for imcome tax purposes. This may not be available to this familiy, but it is an option that could be used/considered.

Selling down could also mean renting for a while until they get back on their feet. Again, why is this not an option. Again, maybe not for this familiy but why should it not be considered.

You suggest this "debt" would be perpetual. Why? Will they never get back back on their feet? Where is the incentive for a familiy to get back on their feet if taxpayers keep "feeding them"?

I am not suggesting people go into debt.

I am suggesting that people need to be responsible financially and live within their means. I pay as much for health insurance as you or anyone else. I do not live in a 3K sq foot house because I can not afford to given all the other financial responsibilities I have to myself and my family. If I did live in a 3K sq foot house, I would be in financial trouble.

So should I move into the 3k sq foot house them come to you and ask you to pay for my kids health insurance?

Let me know and my wife and kids will thank you endlessly for giving them more room then they need to live in.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 12 Oct, 2007 11:43 am
Stop pulling punches, K. I think you should tell them what you really think.

I do hope though that your comments won't stop them from addressing parados's query Re: personal responsibility.
0 Replies

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