Cycloptichorn wrote:Okay, this is an answer to both of you guys.
They don't have to prove anything to either of you. Your opinion is immaterial. It doesn't matter whether or not you believe they deserve it. Their state has guidelines for the SCHIP program, which they met, and were approved for it. They have passed approval already and certainly aren't looking for a bunch of wingers to say 'oh, okay, you deserve it.'
Woiyo, you have no idea how hard the guy works or doesn't work at his job, so who can say?
Okie, you would have them sell their house and business in order to pay for health insurance? Doesn't make much sense.
Neither of you is showing an ounce of understanding in this situation. To begin with, the concept of selling their house or going into debt to pay for health insurance is laughable. Stating 'they should work more' is ridiculous, as you have no clue what their day-to-day situation is. All you know is that you don't like people getting handouts b/c it takes your hard-earned money away from you.
And that's bullshit because I don't see either of you complaining about military spending. Woiyo at least has made noises in this direction. We spend in Iraq every week what the Dems proposed we spend in addition to the current amount once a year.
Neither of you are concerned with saving money; both of you are concerned with the idea of keeping people from getting assistance.
This is a very frustrating conversation for me, b/c I know - know - that if you found yourself in the same position that they did, you would have taken the SCHIP program for your kids as well. And you're lying if you say any different.
You are right I do not understand how someone making 50K /yr, spending 6K on private education, living in a 3K sq foot house that property taxes nust cost several thousand dollars, feed 6 kids, clothing ,so on and so on.
How can they afford anything on 50K? Apparently we do not have all the relevant facts on this particuliar person.
Yet you make statments that show great emotion but no logic.
Why is selling their house and living "smaller/cheaper" laughable? Does the concept of living within your means have any meaning to you?
Why does working harder "make no sense"
The problem with your argument is your feel that there is an entitlement to people and personal responsibility has no impact. LET THE GOVT GIVE ME !!
Since when are taxpayers entrusted with providing a financial plan for the unwilling? Living within your means should be first and formost on any persons agenda. You know this to be truth.
I reject your statement that I do not want to provide assistance. My position has always been that this society has been a generous society to the "UNABLE". I support that ewntirely.
What I resent is support aimed at the unwilling. I do not know this familiy and I do not have all the facts. But from what facts I do have, this family should be doing more for themselves BEFORE they go to the taxpayers.
One last point. Whatever we spend on Iraq IS a waste of my taxpayer dollars. Once this police action ends, I want my taxes reduced. I refuse to let Govt have more of my property than it actaully needs. My income IS my property and I pay MORE than my fair share with alot of it wasted by this Govt.