A female is more attractive if she doesn't gush interest, especially before you have had a chance to express interest. That said, a female ought to be approachable. A female who tends to be nice and friendly to most everybody is a beautiful thing, but too often females aren't that way, I think from a fear of being nice to everybody, i.e., sexually easy, a totally different thing. Not that I'm an expert, but that strikes me as being the good thing about Southern gals, they are mostly polite and approachable.
Theoretically, males ought to be straightforward about their desires. But mostly females are trained to be such timid bunnies, that sort of behavior has a way of not being practicable. I don't really have any answer, unfortunately. It's one of those vicious circle things. Because so many males are not straightforward, being straightforward spooks and doesn't work well. If many men were straightforward, it would work, but they aren't, so it doesn't, so not many men are straightforward. I guess my advice would be to be straightforward, but just be careful not to overdo it. Don't view courtship as though you've gotten your hindquarters screwed if you fail-- that's sure to make you seem (ironically) possessive.
southern woman are the best "looks at my wife" open, honest polite and DAMN SEXY
safecracker wrote:southern woman are the best "looks at my wife" open, honest polite and DAMN SEXY

Way to go Safecracker ;-)
ya not bad for a canadian guy like me to go south and meet the woman of his dreams I find in todays world it's hard for some ppl to find the love of there life because they base too much importance on just sex and end up bouncing from person to person.....I got lucky.
That's fantastic. I'm really happy for you :-)
I think it is wonderful to find a mate who is sexually attractive to you, has an active interesting mind, is not entirely self-involved, and is interested in you for the same reasons.
One doesn't know all this about someone across a crowded room..ok, ok, the first part perhaps. That first part can be a red herring though. Trust osso.
Playing hard to get seems very strange to me, now that I know what dimwits, intellectual or moral, often lie underneath attractive exteriors, and what fantastic minds and hearts and, yes, wonderful bodies may not be apparent at first.
One needs not to toss one's eggs into ridiculous baskets, and is therefore naturally cautious, ha, hard to get.
I agree osso but too many ppl in this society have 1 night stands and short lived relationships based on sexual desire.
Well, I'm not entirely against that, heh heh, but in practical terms waiting to see if the person can talk and chew gum at the same time is a good thing. Well, I guess I was going off on a tangent re wait-or-not to explain that I was uncomfortable with "playing" hard to get. You're cautious or you aren't, but playing at being hard to get so as seem attractive seems sort of tiring to me now.
well buddy the reason I am against that is because with a 1 night stand you could be letting the love of your life just walk out the door lol I always had to keep my head on stright as woman like good looking men in uniform and my wife would get a lil edgy lol