I think Sugar once again has been very relevant, especially with her moral. I also think she and Mrs. cav share a soul, but that's another story.
Mrs. cav was interested in me, and I liked her just fine too, but we were pretty much strangers. Thing was, she thought I hated her, because of my generally aloof manner, and occasionally penetrating glare (so she says....I was just looking at her in an admiring way, to the best of my ability

). We met at a martial arts school, so the situation was social, like uni. The school had a pot-luck gathering and I made a chocolate cheescake, which I brought in a proper bakery box, as I was selling baked goods at the time. She looked at the box and said "What is it?" I said "Chocolate cheesecake, I made it." She said "No you didn't. I see the box." (Okay, at this point, I am getting a little pissed off, but I am stubborn) "I have my own catering company, that's why I have the box." She says: "Well, I hate cheesecake anyway." I say, "You haven't tried mine, have you?"
When the desserts were served, she did indeed try some of my chocolate cheesecake. She pondered for a bit, then asked me "This isn't Belgian chocolate, is it?" I said "No, actually, it's French." She said "I knew it wasn't Belgian because if it had been, I would be orgasming all over the table right now."
Well....the rest as they say is history. Moral: Often love hits you when you least expect it. Try to force it, it won't happen.