Quote:I think it's really good that, despite all the awful things they do, they're all really likeable.
And totally credible.
Take Tony Soprano.
Talk about a complex character!
One minute he's this almost dorky, lovable person who is so tender about ducks (!) & that race horse, the people he loves, his family ...
The next minute he'll make a cold-blooded decision to wipe out some long established friend for betrayal .... then genuinely
grieves about that person's death & genuinely misses their presence ...
Then behave like a totally ruthless & vicious thug, violently attacking some enemy in the street...
Then sit down to yet another pasta with the boys & let off a bit of steam, in between talking business ...
Then, though he obviously loves & thoroughly depends on his wife for stability in his life, constantly betrays her with women who are both important to him emotionally or totally irrelevant bimbos, who he has absolutely no regard or respect for .... as if the betrayals are totally irrelevant in his mind, he does things because he wants to & can. It's that simple.
Then, he'll present his wife with some spectacularly expensive piece of jewellry to buy the peace .... and unbelievably (almost) she goes along with it ... (But Carmela is also a very complex character ...)
Then .... & so on & so on ...
It is really quite amazing how he takes us along with him through all these various conflicting aspects of his personality & we retain an affection for him never-the-less.