What's your humor style?

Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 04:42 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
[HEY! come closer, let's see if you'll be laughing when i whack you with my stiletto!
Evil or Very Mad

Are you sure you really want to find out? :wink:
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 04:45 pm
yes, really.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 04:51 pm
Pity you wont have the chance :wink:

Now, as for my result.. I mean, really. Thats just wrong.

I filled in "kind" as one of the adjectives I'd describe myself with and everything. And "introverted" as well!

And yet, it says I'm a:

Vapor Trail
Random Brutal Love Master (RBLM)

Here today, gone today. You are The Vapor Trail. Are you in a relationship now?

What about now?

Vapor Trails can be highly charismatic people--unpredictable, confident, and magnetic. You're experienced. You know how to handle yourself in a relationship, and many people appreciate that. Many people, all in a row.

You've had your share of blissful beginnings, to be sure. But things almost never turn out how you'd like, do they? The problem is you're never happy with someone for an extended period of time. Relate to the following:

Vapor Trails especially need a girl who will laugh at their jokes. They're also the most likely male type to be haunted by serious regret.

FACT: A few of your exes, the ones you were best to, will always love you. Nice going.

Your exact male opposite:

The Backrubber
Deliberate Gentle Sex Dreamer

Here today, gone today? Mr push on through till the very end with relationships?

OK, musta been that burn victim question.. But confident, magnetic, experienced? Moi? Shocked

Serious regret - that I can relate to :wink:
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:05 pm
hey, another brutal master. welcome to the club,make yourself at home.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:12 pm
I think it's because there was a series of questions where I instinctually leaned to one answer, the kind & romantic one, and then thought - ok, eh, but be honest. Has life really proven to work that way? Like, eh..

- "Would you ever completely cut someone off as a way to break up with them". Always vowed I'd never. But yeah, look where that got me at the time. Live and learn.

- "When you're unhappy in a relationship, do you treat the other person badly? (causing jealousy, picking fights, withholding sex, getting real quiet)" No, not me! Eh, I mean.. well .. ok, there were fights that really didnt need to have been had.. Alright, a number of them.

- "Would you rather die yourself or have 10 random people in the world die? What if it were 10,000 people?" Ah, well of course my life is worth less than that of 10,000 others! Sorry, what are you saying? Die now, so 10,000 others can live? Eh.. <slinks off>


Note that they also never asked, "do you tend to overanalyse things?" :wink:


Has anyone done the Would you have been a Nazi test?

Your Score: The Expatriate

Achtung! You are 30% brainwashworthy, 18% antitolerant, and 19% blindly patriotic

Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.

One bad scenario -- as I hypothetically project you back in time -- is that you just wouldn't have cared one way or the other about Nazism. Maybe politics don't interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they probably do. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil **** was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would not have been a Nazi.

Well thats something Smile
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:26 pm
it was honesty that got me, too. I let the 10,000 die... i wouldn't if i saw them in front of me, i hope. Ditto on the lack of overanalysis question.

Achtung! You are 7% brainwashworthy, 31% antitolerant, and 14% blindly patriotic
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:30 pm
I'm a Slow Dancer.

The Slow Dancer
Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLD)
Steady, reliable, and cradling her tenderly. Take a deep breath, and let it out real easy...you are The Slow Dancer

Your focus is love, not sex, and for your age, you have average experience. But you're a great, thoughtful guy, and your love life improves every year. There's also a powerful elimination process working in your favor: most Playboy types get stuck raising unwanted kids before you even begin settling down. The women left over will be hot and yours. Your ideal woman is someone intimate, intelligent, and very supportive.

While you're not exactly the life of the party, you do thrive in small groups of smart people. Your circle of friends is extra tight and it's HIGHLY likely they're just like you. You appreciate symmetry in relationships.

Your exact male opposite:
The Hornivore
Random Brutal Sex Master

Always avoid: The Battleaxe (DBLM)

Consider: The Maid of Honor (DGLM), The Sonnet (DGLD)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:37 pm
Your true political self:
You are a

Social Liberal
(76% permissive)

and an...

Economic Moderate
(41% permissive)

You are best described as a:

Democrat (41e/76s)

You exhibit a very well-developed sense of Right and Wrong and believe in economic fairness.

Big surpise....
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 05:38 pm
The Expatriate

Achtung! You are 30% brainwashworthy, 36% antitolerant, and 28% blindly patriotic

Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.

One bad scenario -- as I hypothetically project you back in time -- is that you just wouldn't have cared one way or the other about Nazism. Maybe politics don't interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they probably do. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil **** was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would not have been a Nazi.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:10 pm
dagmaraka wrote:
http://www.okcupid.com/online.dating.persona.test ...just in case someone else wants to take chances.

I didn't like my results the first time and so I took the test again and got the same damned response:


The Window Shopper
Random Gentle Love Dreamer (RGLD)
The Window Shopper

Loving, hopeful, open. Likely to carry on an romance from afar. You are The Window Shopper.

You take love as opportunities come, which can lead to a high-anxiety, but high-flying romantic life. You're a genuinely sweet person, not saccharine at all, so it's likely that the relationships you have had and will have will be happy ones. You've had a fair amount of love experience for your age, and there'll be much more to come.

Part of why we know this is that, of all female types, you are the most prone to sudden, ferocious crushes. Your results indicate that you're especially capable of obsessing over a guy you just met. Obviously, passion like this makes for an intense existence. It can also make for soul-destroying letdowns.

Your ideal match is someone who'll love you back with equal fire, and someone you've grown to love slowly. A self-involved or pessimistic man is especially bad. Though you're drawn to them, avoid artists at all costs.

Your exact female opposite:
The Stiletto
Deliberate Brutal Sex Master

Always avoid: The Hornivore (RBSM)

Consider: The Gentleman (DGLM), The Loverboy (RGLM), The Boy Next Door (RGLD)
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:12 pm
turns out we're exact opposites. who knew... i don't actually think so, but maybe they know better.
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 06:42 pm
We don't seem that opposite to me........ hmmm....
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Reply Sat 29 Sep, 2007 07:13 pm
OMG Shocked

Does this describe me to a "T" or what!!!!

The BattleaxeDeliberate Brutal Love Master (DBLM) Sharp. Hardened. Dominating. The Battleaxe sweeps all before her, smiting and what not.

You've had a number of serious relationships, so you obviously have many attractive qualities. You're well experienced in dealing with other people's weirdnesses, and it's likely you're good in bed by now, too. Also, like the drunken housewife chucking Heinekens at her no-good husband, you've got a lot of energy.

People can tell you're sophisticated, and so you find yourself the object of infatuations quite often. But it's how you handle yourself in your relationships that gets you the 'brutal' tag. Controlling? Imperious? Overbearing? Yes, please.

Remarkably, you don't mind the same from your men. You've experience enough to take whatever you dish out. Overall, you're a very good person and a capable lover, and when the time comes you'll make a fine divorcee.
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 12:54 am
Vapor Trail.

But like Soz {did she not take the humor test?} mentioned about these types of tests...I was 19 when I met my wife, so many of my answers are based on my personality nearly 20 years ago....I'll admit that I'm still a prick, but no longer the superprick I once was.


I took the "love" test last night...I was sooo tired....and tried to write a reply to Dag, about the similar humor scores and the Woody Allen thing...but ended up staring at the screen for ten minutes before deciding to slurk off to bed.

What I wanted to say was....Yeah Dag, you are definitely witty {kind of figured Nimh would score what he did as well} and got to wondering where Lord E would have fit into this test...guessing "Wit" for him also...he was quite a clever bloke....I worship clever, and hope he is doing well.

Woody...I simply find it near impossible to watch him in a film, and I have tried to no avail, to appreciate him several times over the years {much like Bob Dylan, I just don't get him either} I rented one of Woody's movies a few years ago...no idea which one...but does it really matter which one, they all seem to be the same, twitchy guy, twitches around NY for an hour and a half.

Anyway...in the rental, he was commenting that his life was out of focus, and on film he actually was...everything else on the screen was sharp and clear and he was literally blurry, this made me laugh out loud. That was in the opening scene, and I don't remember anything about the rest of the movie at all...plot, title, who else was in it....nada. Since in my mind there is such a strong association between the two, my distaste for Woody, has spilled over onto Diane Keaton...I can't truly enjoy a movie with her in it either.

Speaking in pure stereotypical terms, and I stress that greatly....me being a "Texan" and Woody being a "spasmodic incessantly babbling New York Jew"...I can see why he doesn't appeal to me on the rudimentary level....but it's nice to see that some of you normal folk don't care much for him either.
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 05:52 am
I started to take the humor test and found it annoying. As in, I couldn't figure out how to answer. I tend to find all kinds of weird things funny, and I don't think they're easily categorized. Just kind of funny or not (and nothing struck me as funny in the first part of the test, before I quit). I mean, "funniest substance"? The word "****" doesn't automatically make me laugh, but there are certainly uses of the word that would make me laugh.

I might be the only one here who finds Slappy, Kicky, dlowan, dag, noddy, and osso to all be funny. (And Roberta and boomer and 2Packs and gargamel and chai and nimh and... lots of people, humor is one of the cool things about this place. I was going for a roughly representative swath though.)
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:55 am
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 09:59 am
Your Score: The ExpatriateAchtung! You are 23% brainwashworthy, 18% antitolerant, and 14% blindly patriotic

Congratulations! You are not susceptible to brainwashing, your values and cares extend beyond the borders of your own country, and your Blind Patriotism does not reach unhealthy levels. If you had been German in the 30s, you would've left the country.

One bad scenario -- as I hypothetically project you back in time -- is that you just wouldn't have cared one way or the other about Nazism. Maybe politics don't interest you enough. But the fact that you took this test means they probably do. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt.

Did you know that many of the smartest Germans departed prior to the beginning of World War II, because they knew some evil **** was brewing? Brain Drain. Many of them were scientists. It is very possible you could have been one of them.

Conclusion: born and raised in Germany in the early 1930's, you would not have been a Nazi.
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:06 am
DrewDad wrote:

Oh and DrewDad's definitely on the list.

Fine, fine, I'll take it...
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 10:12 am
(42% dark, 46% spontaneous, 31% vulgar)

your humor style:

Your style's goofy, innocent and feel-good. Perfect for parties and for the dads who chaperone them. You can actually get away with corny jokes, and I bet your sense of humor is a guilty pleasure for your friends. People of your type are often the most approachable and popular people in their circle. Your simple & silly good-naturedness is immediately recognizable, and it sets you apart in this sarcastic world.

PEOPLE LIKE YOU: Will Ferrell - Will Smith
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Reply Sun 30 Sep, 2007 12:20 pm
there you go, soz. good work. I too find a large spectrum of things and people funny. in fact there are only a few exceptions on this site that don't make me laugh, or at least not of their intention.
2Packs, dunno if I'm a 'normal person'. I'm a Slovak, so it's entirely possible that I don't get the New York thing either. Though I like Seinfeld OK. My boss is like Woody Allen, he's a rabbi, too, but far less twitchy. He is entirely overwhelming though. Luckily I only meet him 2-3 times a week and he makes up for it in other ways.
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