blatham wrote:nimh, you described Hillary as "an aggressive and shrewd political animal" (I won't even bother with the 'shrew' etymological root) but that's a description that easily matches what we know of Lincoln, for example. I think we understand that if Obama didn't match those two adjectives, he'd simply fail in his run for top office. So, why does it have traction re Hillary?
Eh - not sure what your issue with my point there was, then, since I actually affirmed that this perception could now actually be playing out as a
favourable thing for her. Here:
nimh wrote:Its not that voters are finding out that she is really not the agressive and shrewd political animal her critics have tried to make her out to be; perhaps she's in the lead because voters still think that's what she is - and that's what they want at this moment in time.
If there is one element that attracts me in Hillary over Obama, it's exactly that -- that she
does seem like more of "an aggressive and shrewd political animal" - and I think thats exactly what the Dems need.
For now I'd still rather go with Obama of the two though, but thats purely for policy reasons - I think he's a real progressive, and she's a 'Beltway realist'. The electability issue doesnt play a role for me anymore in the comparison, because by now I dont think Obama is any more inherently electable than Hillary.
Edwards, on the other hand, I deem both the most progressive
and the most electable - an irresistable combination, really.