Cycloptichorn wrote:kuvasz wrote:snood wrote:So you're saying Edwards is going to win the nomination?
i do.
I have no idea how you came to this conclusion - and I like Edwards!
The day Al Gore says definitely NO is the day millions of us are heading over to the Edwards campaign. No other candidate has a truly progressive message on which to campaign. Clinton is in the pocket of business, Obama's blackness is his rallying point, and that will wear off when you get down to the lick log, but he isn't even a real progressive, he is just a moderate black man who was against the war.
Edwards will win in Iowa, he has strong union ties but unlike Gephardt in Iowa in 2004, has a much better organization on the ground. Edwards also is an outsider above the Washington DC fray. Clinton will win some elections for sure, but as soon as she is revealed to have a glass jaw she'll lose that image of imperviability that the media has built up around her. Then folks will have two choices either Edwards or Obama, and will support Edwards, because........ one besides Edwards or Al Gore on the Democratic side can fuse the disparate factions of the Democratic Party together, Labor, working class, liberals, seniors, minorities, environmentalists, the young, and intellectuals during the next presidential election. The GOP would love to battle a black man or Hilary Clinton, which is why they talk of those two and ignore Edwards.
The message Edwards promotes of "Two America's" resonates profoundly with people who look around and see the rich getting richer as they themselves struggle to rise simply to the level of their own parent's economic standards.
Edwards promotes helping to give people dignity in their work, joy in the company of others and strength to be more than their surroundings. He is optimistic that we can beat these guys. We can fix the place, and make it a better nation.
The right wing and those brainwashed by them will screech "class warfare" all they want but the cat is out of the bag and that accusation can be met with, "yeah, and the rich are winning!"
Finally a personal antidote, I am in business with two men, one a PhD, born and raised in the North the other a good old boy born in the South, both good hard working men, who love their wives and adore their children, who voted for Bush twice. Each has said that they would not vote for Clinton but nod agreeably to voting for Gore or Edwards. Neither one has been converted to liberalism (regardless of my personal missionary work), but they have come to the conclusion that America's a mess and the GOP they voted for caused it. Both like the populist message of Edwards and plan on supporting him if he is the nominee in 2008.
These are the type of people who left the Democratic Party in 1980 to vote for Reagan, it is time for them to come home, just as its time for America to come home to the values that made it a city shining on a hill and the envy of the world.
If Al Gore doesn't pick up the torch John Edwards certainly will.