Here with ya babe...
not that I can help you either...
yep, you gotta get another social worker - that one
we will dump for you - he/she just didn't make the grade I'm afraid. So s/he's gone and good riddance.
Hard to get things sorted when you haven't the voice to make yourself heard or them listen. That's pants.
How is the vocal... any better?
Nope - you're not helpless but it feels like it at times. If you're anything like me, being mad (angry) at the system suddenly kicks in unexpectedly - I seem to achieve more then when I am little rattled about the injustice of the situation, whatever it is... and then a positivity drive takes charge - not consciously, just does when I feel as tho someone has listened or I regain control of my situation.
I hope you find that something kicks in hunni - and the energy will come from somewhere - I understand the non-functioning bit - I'm with ya!
You've got a dominion to hold - you will do it. I know you will.