Oh, pooo!
Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!
osso, Please put the chocolates out of your mind. I appreciate the thought, though.
jes, I agree with the stinky part. Thanks for the good wishes.
Stray Cat, You don't know how much I appreciate and need warm and fuzzy kitty hugs. Thanks mucho. Definitely too long a hang time between the date and the deed. No verklempting, please.
Not to worry, littlek. A good thought is a good thought--even if it's directed at the wrong body part.
Mame, As much as I like the idea of joint and mutual stewing and kvetching, please don't for one moment think that you (or anyone) can outstew or outkvetch me. If either of these were Olympic events, I'd be on the victory standing--worrying and stewing that I'll fall off and kvetching that the gold medal isn't 24 karat.
Hiya Margo, Thanks for the crossed fingers. Not a 24/7 requirement, though. You need to be able to do stuff.
I like Roberta's strickness.
Lining up...
ossobuco wrote:I like Roberta's strickness.
Lining up...
osso, I think I picked up this approach to responding from the old abuzz days, when people responded like that. I prefer to think that I'm just highly organized. Fact is, you're probably right. I'm just strict. I would have been a bitch of a teacher.
You'd have been a marvelous teacher, Boida.
mac11 wrote:You'd have been a marvelous teacher, Boida.
Thanks, mac, but I lack one of the key requisites for being a teacher--patience.
I'm prepared for tomorrow: meeting with anesthesiologist, doctor and/or nurse practioner, and finance person.
I printed out a list of my meds with dosages and a list of questions (2 pages).
Getting noivous. This is real, and it's going to happen.
Roberta wrote:I'm prepared for tomorrow: meeting with anesthesiologist, doctor and/or nurse practioner, and finance person.
I printed out a list of my meds with dosages and a list of questions (2 pages).
Getting noivous. This is real, and it's going to happen.
Strokes cheetah paw softly.........
Ah, Roberta. Sorry to hear this. Knowing you, you're gonna come through with bells on your toes.
(Okay, maybe I contacted your doc and told him to attach them while you are out.)
I'll be thinking of you. Wish I could be there.
Roberta wrote:I'm prepared for tomorrow: meeting with anesthesiologist, doctor and/or nurse practioner, and finance person.
I printed out a list of my meds with dosages and a list of questions (2 pages).
Getting noivous. This is real, and it's going to happen.
Ah a big day coming up, Roberta.
Of course you're nervous.
I'm nervous, just
thinking of your day!
But you sound remarkably organized. Two pages of questions!
The very best of luck for getting through such a demanding day without getting too frazzled.
(Wish I could go with you!)
You can't be in charge, but you can be in control.
Hold your dominion.
First, thanks deb for the paw stroking. This sorry-ass cheetah must have walked a mile today. The stroking feels good.
Thanks, again, Edgar. Need those good wishes.
Squinney, Now I'm gonna tinkle when I walk? You couldn't have gone for the rings on your fingers part of the expression? I wish you could be there too.
msolga, Not frazzled. Just spent. Yes, I'm organized. Got answers to my questions.
Noddy, Although it's true that I can control me and what I do, dealing with a public NYC hospital greatly limits anything remotely resembling control.
Left the house at 10:20. Returned home at 5:30. A long, excruciating, frustrating, and infuriating day. I must return tomorrow because of the idiocy of the system and the people running it. Too tired to go into details. In a nutshell, everything was okay (if you don't count that I have to go back).
On the upside (hope no one fainted from shock that I'm even able to see an upside), had to choose from about six street vendors. I wasn't especialy hungry. Opted for a delicious, poifect, large, soft NYC pretzel. (Still thirsty from the salt.)
Today reminded me of one of the reasons why I love my hometown. A public NYC hospital. Faces, accents, and attire from all over the world. From saris to burkas to turbans to Nikes. Signs in three languages--English, Spanish, and Chinese (Mandarin). I sat in a waiting room (so crowded that people sat on the floor, stood, or waited in the hall) with accents from Eastern Europe, India, the Bahamas, and Puerto Rico (among others). I love the diversity, love the variety, love the differences, and love the things that make us the same.
I'm pooped
You're pooped.
I'm glad you're home.
Gonna order in later?
Bethie, I did say it was a big pretzel, didn't I? I ate half during my stolen break. The other half got devoured on my way home. Not hungry. Had a snack for dinner--and lots of water. All that salt.
Maybe manana I'll order in. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll get out my menus and order in books and see what strikes my fancy.
I'm so glad that long, tiring day is now over, Roberta.
Double phew!
Now, would you fancy a bit of discussion about what you might order in?
msolga wrote:I'm so glad that long, tiring day is now over, Roberta.
Double phew!
Now, would you fancy a bit of discussion about what you might order in?

msolga, I have to wait to see what I'm in the mood for. I might go for barbecue or Japanese. There's a restaurant that delivers. I've tried the shrimp and veggie tempura--wonderful. But what I really like is the mixed salad with a tart-sweet-spicy dressing. I wish I could identify what's in that dressing. Also there's an Italian restaurant that has a scrumptious seafood salad--squid and shrimp with black olives, tomato, three different kinds of lettuce in a tangy dressing. Love that, but it's pricey.
My vote goes to the mixed salad, Roberta.
... But then, the seafood salad sounds pretty damn good, too!
Hang on ... it costs!
Nah, back to the mixed salad. :wink:
How are you, possum?
msolga wrote:How are you, possum?
Very tired. Very sore (not used to a lot of walking). Barely able to stand. Gearing myself up for the return trip (snarl).
How you doin', kid?