Love you, Roberta.
I have heard sports drinks help. Joe Nation is the smartie on some of those - gatorade just being popular stuff in the grocery store and not what runners really find most useful, far as I know.
Me, I drink one of three fizzy mineral waters that naturally have a fair amount of potassium
and magnesium, Gerolsteiner being my favorite, gasp, even though it's not italian, but I like its taste and the content list the best.
BUT I know you can't do fizzy and it sounds like too big a deal to let a bottle of it go flat. (As a by the way, most soda waters, even waters like Perrier, don't have the kind of contents that Gerolsteiner, Apollonaris, and Pellegrino have.. most much less - like only CO2.)
I suppose the pills they've given you are markedly higher in what you need anyway, but for the long term, we all need to hydrate ourselves well, and keep up our electrolyte levels.