Once upon a time there was a princess who lived in a magical land called Manhattan, although she was originally from a neighboring kingdom called The Bronx.
This princess was well-known in both lands and in many others as a craftswoman. Now, princesses don't usually perform labor, as we all know, but this special princess was a crafter of words, not metal or wood. For many years she performed her duties and was beloved for many things, including her editorial prowess.
One day she met an enchanted group of people called the Abuzzards. They laughed with her and admired her handiwork. When the Abuzzards' land was overrun, they brought her with them to a new land, called Atookaia. There all lived in (mostly) peace and (somewhat) harmony except for every four years or so when the demon election dragon possessed the souls of some of the Atookaians. But otherwise the land was mainly peaceful and the princess continued to ply her trade while exchanging wisdom with the Atookaians.
Then one day two evil dragons decided to attack the princess. They were called Economics and Cancer, and they locked her in a haunted castle full of fear and worry. The Economics dragon tried to drag the princess down and make her life harder. The Cancer dragon tried to kill the princess. The princess enlisted the help of two very important knights. One was called The Supoib Soijin and the other was called The Spirit of Atookaia.
The Supoib Soijin battled the Cancer dragon, and his squires helped against the Economics dragon. The Spirit of Atookaia battled fear and worry. All fought bravely for the princess and unlocked her from the haunted castle.
When the battle was over, the princess went out for kasha varnishkes and a nice bagel with a shmear, and went back to her editorial craft, safe and warm with her Atookaia family, and everyone lived happily ever after.