I knew my assembly people and state senators in California personally so I know their offices try to help, or at least those I knew did, if only via referral to a possible useful number. Especially the local assembly people try to troubleshoot, or did. I also know that they're often inundated and have people to read input for them - the ones I knew were already working a zillion hours. They dealt sometimes with near continuous rat a tat tat of info.
I'm thinking perhaps some smaller agencies, maybe jewish, maybe not. I'm not so sure about 'firing' your social worker, Robbie, more that I wish we could think of something.
OK, I have it. A genius grant from the MacArthur foundation. Only half kidding.
How about publishing a smallish ebonics thread type book.. (in your spare time).
Or some sort of Grammar Screw Up Warning book for writers. Sort of like the early one by White and whomever, small paperback, but spicier.
The trick would be to get an advance.