Quote:I'm going out to dinner on Wednesday with my cousin. I'm going out to dinner on Thursday with an abuzzer--semiotterly. Going out to dinner next week with Sheila. Trying to get myself up and moving.
This is good to hear, Roberta.
Make sure you report back on all those dinners!
The food, I mean.
Love hearing your details!
Oh & the people, too, of course.
Question: Did semiotterly used to be seattlefriend? (These days I'm getting my old Abbuzzers & early A2Kers mixed up, I'm afraid.)
If so, say hello from me.
If not,
still say hello from me!
Quote:I'm trying to get myself back in gear. ....
...I have a few more things I'm trying to force myself to do. I'm milimetering my way along.
You have no idea how familiar those sentiments sound to me, Roberta!
I do know it's not easy to do when you're in a bit of a fug.
But, as a very wise person said to me, not too long ago: Don't wait for inspiration to strike before getting started, or for motivation to descend on you first..... getting started gets you going ... no matter how uninspired you feel when you start ...
So hey, I tried it & it works!!!!
You're obviously on your way already.
Good on you.