Tonight I'm having chicken parmagiana. I make it good. And it's easy as pie. Well, easier.
Foist I make tomato sauce.
1 large can of pureed tomatoes
1 small can of tomato paste
1 onion diced
2 or 3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
1 handful (1-2 tablespoons, I think) of basil
1 handful of oregano
1 handful of salt
1 teaspoon of sugar
1. In a large pot dump the tomoto puree. Add about 2/3 of can of water. Stir.
2. Dump in the basil, oregano, salt, and sugar. Stir
3. In a large skillet, heat olive oil.
4. Dump in the diced onion and chopped garlic. Cook until the onion is translucent.
5. The can of tomato paste is six ounces. Have six ounces of water standing by.
6. Add some paste to the pan. Add an equal amount of water. Stir until the paste is dissolved.
7. Keep doing this until the paste and water are all in the skillet.
8. Cook until the mixture is steaming.
9. Then dump the contents of the pan into the pot. Stir and cover. Cook for about 1/2 hour on medium heat, stirring occasionally.
10. Then crack open the lid of the pot and cook for another 1/2 hour. This thickens up the sauce.
This makes about six or seven single servings of sauce. I freeze what I'm not planning to use immediately.
Chicken parmagiana (one serving)
1. Pound the hell out of the chicken to soften it up and stretch it out. (This is my favorite part, aside from the eating part.)
2. You can dip the breast in a mixed egg if you want a crispy crust. I usually don't bother.
3. Add salt and pepper to the breast.
4. Cover both sides with Italian flavored bread crumbs.
5. Cook in olive oil until one side is brown. Then turn.
Note: You don't have to worry about the chicken being cooked all the way through. It's gonna cook some more. You're mostly interesting in browning at this stage.
1. In a small baking pan (with low sides) pour some sauce.
2. Place the chicken breast in the sauce so that the whole bottom of the breast is in the sauce.
3. Dump the remaining sauce on top of the chicken. There should be more than enough sauce to cover completely.
4. Bake in a preheated oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. When the sides of the sauce start to turn dark, it's ready.
5. Top with some slices of mozzarella.
6. Return to the oven until the cheese has melted.
Sprinkle some grated pargagiana cheese on top. Ess and enjoy.
I usually prepare two breasts at the same time. I refrigerate one and eat it the following day or two days later.