Uh, I and farmer and others also have had high bp and take meds for that. Some of the meds make some people rush to low blood pressure. Dys took my same pill and had the same thing.
My bp has been lower than when they called the family around my mother in law. After the drama, her bp rose.
Yes, I've discussed this with my doctor.
My pressure only goes up now after three days from taking 1/2 of the lowest available pill of its type and then watching the pressure; but it goes up then, so I do another half. I haven't fainted for a couple of years but those episodes were scary - just about no warning, plunk, forehead on tile. Call it a drop. I've had that with at least two types of bp pills. The bp comes back, but I push it along with water now and being still the second I start to feel it.
I don't see that you have this problem, which is some good news.
Looking back, maybe my mother in law did..
I was just saying, watch with new meds.