
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 10:26 pm
I like PT's, they are often discerning, but I'd call your internist, whom I am guessing you know least and is your primary. May or may not be smarter than your PT. Or would I? Is this person a doppuss (word from my grade school, Sister Phillipa)? Who do you know who is smart? Call that person.

Do you have email access? I found out that I do, re UNM: check online. I don't abuse it, but it is there, right in the general uni links.

I'd nag at your brain person and others.

Me, I thought Dlowan was interesting re lymph.

Don't just let this **** go.

Your friend the grump.

Any worries of mine may be out to lunch. But, troll around.
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 10:31 pm
I CANNOT reach anyone by phone at Bellevue. Repeat. CANNOT reach anyone by phone!!!

I do not have e-mail access to anyone at Bellevue.

The brain person is not with Bellevue.

I asked about the lymph nodes. They've been ruled out.
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 10:36 pm
Ok, that's good. I was asking re the lymph system, re if it is somehow blocked. Not that I know about that.

Far as I can figure, most of those on staff have email, and it is available online, via the university site.

Naturally I don't abuse that, these people are exhausted already. But..
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 11:11 pm
I asked about e-mail a long time ago. No one on staff at Bellevue is allowed to give out an e-mail address.

Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 11:20 pm
Really? oy vey. Did you ask a human? I didn't ask for a year, and then, voila.

I assume my doc won't pick up unless he thinks it's serioso (my word).

It turned out it was on the website.
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 11:37 pm
Yes, I asked several humans.
Reply Tue 10 Aug, 2010 11:41 pm
Mmmm, both of my surgeons on are on the University web.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 06:08 am
Hey Boida - how are you doing today? How are the arms feeling... any improvement with your legs?

thinking about you...

not doing too well myself right now - each day is very hard work to move - FQsis is with me for 2 days so... that's a big help in the "laughter is the best medicine" routine.

Have you seen Sheila recently - maybe it would be good just to have someone come visit with you if you can slow down on the work front a little. Or Uncle Howie and his pooch.

anyway - sending you gentle hugs and hoping you are alright - if your arms and legs are worsening, please book an appointment to see your internist... don't leave it 'til you can't walk at all... ok, please...

Love, hugs (((Boida)) xxxx
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 09:44 am
not doing too well myself right now - each day is very hard work to move - FQsis is with me for 2 days so... that's a big help in the "laughter is the best medicine" routine.

Izzie, hearing you say this has me rather concerned. You are always so full of positive support for others and rarely complain about your own ailments. I hope this is a temporary lull and not a new state of being for you.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 01:01 pm
Izzele, I'm more concerned about you than I am about me. I'm not in pain. The legs are slow. I almost forgot about my arms. They bother me only if I lift something at a particular angle. I'll see the physical therapist in a couple of weeks. If there's no improvement, I'll start making some serious noise.

I'm hoping to see Sheila on Friday. Howie keeps promising to show up and then he gets busy. Phooey. I'm also hoping to see my cousin Robin soon. But you're right. I work too much and barely get by. Frustrating and tiring.

I had art therapy yesterday. Can you guess what we were talking about?

Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 07:27 pm

Is that really your work????

I get arms like that when my back is out in certain spots.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 07:39 pm
I agree, lovely. You're good at this, Robbie.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 08:16 pm
Yes, it's my work. The whole shmear took less than a minute. Not aiming for good. I'm happy with recognizable.

Glad you like 'em.
Reply Sat 14 Aug, 2010 08:24 pm

Very Happy

0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2010 12:49 am
Roberta wrote:

Yes, it's my work. The whole shmear took less than a minute. Not aiming for good. I'm happy with recognizable.

Glad you like 'em.

Da big boid is the little boid on the elephant's back in close-up? Or is it a budgie?
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2010 12:52 am
They're both budgies. The little bird on the elephant's back doesn't necessarily represent the big bird. It's just a budgie.
Reply Sun 15 Aug, 2010 09:07 am
Sometimes a budgie is just a budgie.

Love the line and color!

(Meanwhile also concerned about Izzie...)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2010 03:18 pm
Roberta wrote:

I had art therapy yesterday. Can you guess what we were talking about?



there's an elephant in the room...

there was a little boid and the elephant was so huge, but the big boid (in you) is starting to fly away from that elephant or the boid is becoming larger, the elephant is getting smaller... maybe... mebbe.... the elephant is still there but the BOID is bigger than that particular elephant

<i know, i talk pachy crahp Wink>

Hope you are alright Boida. Understand the frustration - that's where I am too, frustrated as hell not being able to do what I want to and mind over matter just 'aint working Sad Can't get the body to work as it should - it just won't work!!!!!!!!

This too shall pass no doubt.

So glad you will be seeing Sheila this Friday Very Happy How are your legs - are managing to wander around the apartment? Pleased you are working but wish you weren't so tired too.

(((((Boida)))))))) hugs xxxx

<thanks folks for your thoughts> x

Reply Mon 16 Aug, 2010 04:00 pm
Nice try, Izzie. This particular picture was pretty much what you see is what you get.

I was talking about how much I miss having a pet. Waaaaah. When we got to boids, I drew a picture of a budgie (kinda sorta). Then I imagined what it would do to my elephant collection. I pictured a bird sitting on an elephant. Although the elephants are about the same size as budgies, I drew the picture with the elephant larger.

Starting to let my mind wander about the little bird on the big elephant. Izzie, you might not be that far off. Smiling big time.

I wish you were feeling better. I get around the apartment just fine. I can do a block without having to stop to rest. No pain. Maybe I wish I could fly--without wing problems! I think one of the reasons why I love birds so much is that I always wished I could fly--not so much flapping as soaring.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 Aug, 2010 09:54 pm
I know that Izzie will be around eventually to find out about art therapy. I didn't bring anything home this week. They keep everything unless I specifically ask to have something.

I made a boxing glove, a chicken, and a hammock out of clay.

I drew a food hammer (the thing you used to soften stuff up), a very flat piece of chicken breast, and a person with a black eye.

I'm decorating a wooden box with a doodle I've been doodling since my school days. (It's a nonviolent doodle.)

Can you guess what we were talking about?

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