
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 01:01 pm
Maybe you'd feel better if you got off the poor principal? (Is he a general too?)

(Sorry, sorry, I'll take my lashes with a wet noodle now.)

Thinking of you... anything you want me to ask my sis-in-law (the one who had the gamma knife procedure maybe a decade ago) about the procedure?
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 01:42 pm
Gearing myself up. Tuesday is the day. Noivous.

soz, No wet noodles. Thanks for volunteering to get info from your sister-in-law, but I think I have all the info I need.

Izzie, had my art therapy session a day early this week. You mention green leaves. I view green as serenity, coolness, and satin. Red and black for anger.

Herbie is alive and well. Saw him twice. Heard a trap snap. Snapped trap but no mice. I think Herbie is some kinda rodential genius.

Sighing but no thudding. They're gonna gammafy my brain. Well, maybe a small thud. Thud.

Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 03:43 pm
My favorite aunt had a CyberKnife procedure (is that the same?) done for a benign brain tumor about a year ago. She said the MRIs were a bigger deal.

(BTW, the procedure worked. Latest scans show significant shrinkage. YAY!)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 03:45 pm
Working up to full fledge om-production..
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Tai Chi
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 05:53 pm
Best of luck on Tuesday, Roberta. I won't be around but will check in when I can.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 07:32 pm
Gearing myself up. Tuesday is the day. Noivous.

I so wish this wasn't necessary, Roberta, but of course it is, so ... here's wishing you all the very best. Then I hope that'll be the end of such procedures, if not forever, at least for quite some time. (Enough, I say!)

Herbie is alive and well. Saw him twice. Heard a trap snap. Snapped trap but no mice. I think Herbie is some kinda rodential genius.

Not everyone has a genius mouse on their premises. What an honour & a privilege! You're going to have to think big to outsmart him, Roberta! Wink

0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 May, 2010 11:35 pm
Roberta wrote:

won't be feeling fit as a fiddle--just on general principal.

Oh the shame. The humiliation. I've obviously been working on too many books written by idiots.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention, soz. I had no idea that stoopid was catching.

Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 02:26 am
sozobe wrote:

Maybe you'd feel better if you got off the poor principal? (Is he a general too?)

(Sorry, sorry, I'll take my lashes with a wet noodle now.)

Thinking of you... anything you want me to ask my sis-in-law (the one who had the gamma knife procedure maybe a decade ago) about the procedure?

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 02:27 am
You're fine hon.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 05:51 pm
now that we've attacked the principal, what about the interest??? Cool

Just lurking and listening!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 May, 2010 06:27 pm
Not stupid, but I can't remember the name for doing that (now there's stupid). Thomas named it once, the behavior of using here for hear, there for they're that happens when your fingers type faster than your editing brain. You know better, but it whizzes on by, perhaps for interest in making your point in a timely fashion.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 03:43 am
I'm trying to keep busy and succeeding.

Trying to remain anxious (normal) and not hysterical (not necessary).

Trying not to obsess about Herbie too much (only partially succeeding).


Simple enough mistake to make, but uncharacteristic of me, even here where I don't pay that much attention.

I've been claiming for well over a year that my intelligence has diminished. No one believes me. But I know what I know--even if I'm less smart. Hard to explain. I'm not talking about slower or a bit careless or forgetful. I'm not talking about stress-related issues. I'm talking about less smart. Frustrating.

Despite my waning IQ, I've managed to combine two activities into one: keeping busy (cleaning and tidying up) and obsessing about Herbie (I imagine him in, under, or behind everything I pick up.)

Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 04:10 am
This mouse is beginning to look like a great candidate for either a book, or a fantastic series of kvetches! Or both.

I am very sorry about any IQ points you have lost.

I once lost the final two digits of a PIN number from my brain (I recalled the first six still). They never came back and I had to change the pin, which is hard when you don't know the PIN!

Keeping busy is GOOD!!!
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:10 am
dlowan wrote:

This mouse is beginning to look like a great candidate for either a book, or a fantastic series of kvetches! Or both.

This mouse isn't just a candidate for a great series of kvetches. He was elected. He's in office. He's been the subject of a series of kvetches. Too modest to refer to them as great.

Got a new one. Izzie (wonderful kid) sent me some mouse traps from England. Very clever contraptions. I'm afraid to leave them out for fear that Herbie will read the directions and have a plan in place for getting the food and not getting trapped.

I told Izzie that if they didn't work, I was going to contact the Atomic Energy Commission and arrange to nuke him. I'm already radioactive. NBD to me, but there goes the neighborhood.
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:22 am
Smart little critters those "Stuart Littles"

S-boy and I had a bit of humdrum with eight legged Edward the other day - he was %%%%%%%$%$$£$%$%$%$% HUGE..no no, really, it was. Razz Tried to stay calm... managed to get the big argos catalogue and threw it on top of him (the spider catcher was the other side of him so I couldn't get to it) - ugh ugh.... anyhoo - was in such a pickle because I try never to kill them but I couldn't go near the catalouge - at which point S-boy and I were in a little bit of hysteria, you know the silly scared laughy near crying point, ran out the house and went to the neighbour - not in, so went further along and got the LITTLE boy (who knows us) to come back to the house and remove said Flat Edward. Felt completely ridiculous afterwards - but.. what ya gonna do? Now I keep being flibbertygibbetly especially when picking up cushions and stuff - my lounge has chocolate brown everything... excellent camouflage for nasty 8 legged freaks. UGH.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:42 pm
Izzie, Reminds me of the time I threw the complete works of William Shakespeare on a cockroach. I was about 7. We had to re-cover the book.

I haven't tried the new traps yet. The instuctions say you have to check frequently. The mouse could die in there from suffocation. If it's gonna die, I'd rather it go fast. I'll put them out tonight while I'm still up.

Haven't seen Herbie for a few days.

Told my cousin Howied about the gamma knife thing. He asked what the hell it was. I said (among other things) that gamma rays are what made Spider Man an arachnid. Howie came back with, "So you're gonna be a super hero." Is there any money in that?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 May, 2010 05:59 pm
I'm trying to keep busy and succeeding.

Trying to remain anxious (normal) and not hysterical (not necessary).

Trying not to obsess about Herbie too much (only partially succeeding).

I'm hoping you're not feeling too anxious about Tuesday, Roberta, keeping those anxiety levels down ... though I can fully appreciate that it's not that easy to. I wish it was Wednesday now & it was all over & behind you.

How are you keeping yourself busy? Have you created any new sculptures or paintings? Are you working on a half-intelligible manuscript? I hope you're not being driven around the bend by yet more bizarre & inept writings.

As for Herbie, no success in catching the little devil yet? I'd definitely be obsessing in the same circumstances. Nothing worse than a way too clever mouse that out-smarts your best efforts at every turn!

Anyway, just letting you that I'm thinking of you on this Sunday morning, Roberta. Hang in there. Not too long before it'll be over & past history. Sigh.

Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 01:55 am
I've been keeping busy, olga, with cleaning mostly. I hate living in mess, and I've been living in mess for a very long time. I wanted to clear away a lot of it because my cousin Robin will be here on Tuesday when she takes me home from the hospital. The last time she was here, it was Thanksgiving. My mother was alive. Her mother was alive. Her brother was here in NY. My apartment was mother-worthy. I don't want to cause a shock to her heart.

I was supposed to create something reflecting rage. I kept picturing Munch's The Scream, which looks more like fear than rage. That says something in itself. I didn't create anything, though. Too much planning and thinking. I lost my spontaneity.

I'm a little more anxious today than a few days ago. Getting closer. I keep picturing a light ray (visible) being pointed at my head and piercing through. Shocked

I haven't seen Herbie for a few days--or signs of him. I'm hoping he's gone on to greener pastures, or whatever it is that mice prefer. However, he's disappeared before and then returned.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. I appreciate it mucho.
Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 02:01 am
You'll feel so much better when you finish cleaning!

Not re the anxiety, that's just reasonable...but generally.

Reply Sun 9 May, 2010 02:11 am
It's gonna take me a long time, but I agree that I will feel better when it's done.

Thanks for the giganto hug. Back atcha, kid.
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