
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 10:25 pm
Yes???!!!!!!! Tell us about it!!!

THEN rest.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Apr, 2010 11:42 pm
Deb, A link to the press conference thread:

Roberta wrote:

Thomas wrote:

So how was the press conference?

Here's the report. (Scroll down.) It went well. I enjoyed doing it. (Ham I am.)

Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2010 07:37 am
So very proud to know you goil

<now, please may I have your autograph too> bruhahaahhhhaaaa

GAHHHHHH on the nosebleed. Hope it's completely stopped now.

Soooooooooooooooooooooo, you watched yourself on TV Boida... who did you see looking back at you?

seriously, that's why you are an inspiration - you are all colours and all shades and you have such a strength to do what you've done. I took a pic on the beach for you, can't download right now but - will post it tomorrow.

Go goil - YOU'RE SUCH A SHINING STAR and Walt got to meet you. He's a lucky chap then.

Tell us how the two doc appointments went on Friday? Did you have art therapy?

Thinking of you. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2010 12:37 pm
Yes, Izzie, you may have my autograph--for free! Ain't I a sport.

I saw me from the back on tv. Didn't see anybody looking back at me.

Shook Walt's hand. Called him Clyde. The young folks around me said, no, his name is Walt. I turned to Frazier and said Clyde. He smiled and said Clyde.

I had two therapy sessions on Friday. Therapy/therapy. Wanted to know why I don't get nervous about speaking in public. Before I went, I looked on google. Lots and lots of people are terrified to speak in public. Not yours truly. We discussed the issue. Did not find a conclusive answer, but I have a better understanding now.

Art therapy followed. This continues to enlighten and fascinate me. I ended up drawing something that looked like an undersea scene--wavy kelp and sea plants of all different colors. Then over the whole thing I drew a green spiral--me.

Attending the conference and participating was like a shot of adrenelin.
Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2010 01:01 pm
I enjoy you knowing about Frazier more than others there.. cool.
I remember him, but didn't remember the Clyde part.

Glad re the conference, love hearing about the art therapy.
Reply Sun 18 Apr, 2010 05:57 pm
osso, I read the whole wiki thing about Frazier. Nowhere does it say he met me. Too soon, I guess. Also nowhere does it say that he had gorgeous legs.

The art therapy provides a visual road map of my emotional state. Started out with sharp angles and major complexity. Now the angles are softening (undersea wavy flora), but the complexity remains--until I did something that was so simple and so wonderful that I had to stop and stare at it. POIFECT. Amazing stuff.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 04:49 pm
A little update. I saw a neurologist today (at Bellevue). He concurs that the gamma knife is the way to go. Waiting to hear from the radiation doc at NYU. Then I'll be gammafied.

Art therapy: Still staring at and discussing the simple, poifect drawing I made last week. There's more to talk about with almost nothing there than there was when the paper was overflowing with complexity. Fascinating stuff.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 04:56 pm
I have a feeling Dollink Raboida you may be meeting a Mensch tonight (dunno how I know that) so will ya hug him from me... and then have the best time. If would love to see your art therapy if you are able to show it.
Love love you. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 05:03 pm
Dollink Izzie, You got your nights mixed up. Not your mensches. Tonight I'm home. Last night I had dinner with a very wonderful person.

I can't post pix. If something dazzling emerges, I'll ask the mensch to post it for me.

Love you too, kiddo.
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 05:10 pm
ha, that's so me - go to meet a mensch and I'd be 24 hours late - doh! Mustve lost a day en route Razz

Glad you went to therapy - thinking of you every day - did ya get your Walt pic yet???????
Reply Fri 23 Apr, 2010 10:23 pm
Got the Walt picture. I've got my back to the camera and am only partly visible. I can't figure out how to post it here.

In the computer department I'm helpless and hopeless. Sigh.

I think about you too, Iz.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Apr, 2010 07:45 am
Got an indecipherable message on my answering machine this morning. Someone from NYU Medical Center (the place where my radiation oncologist is) called to say that the gamma knife procedure would be rescheduled. REscheduled? It was never scheduled. I wended my way through the phone system until I reached my doctor's assistant. REscheduled. When was it scheduled? Today!!

They were all in the radiation/operating room waiting for me. Hey, geniuses. If you want to do some procedure on a patient, you gotta tell the patient!!!

I told them I'm available any day after May 7. But I have no info. Food? Etc. I'm hoping (and assuming) that someone will call.

I'm not having a good week, and it's only Tuesday.
Reply Tue 27 Apr, 2010 08:03 am
Bureaucracy is a wondrous thing, god wot.


Perhaps this may cheer you up a wee tad?

I once worked with a very difficult colleague (in another team of the same organisation, thankfully)

She is one of those folk who think only they are any good, and is frequently horrid to others...and a real climber. She managed to make a lot of people's lives rather difficult.

Anyhoo, she was the chair of a selection panel, and was, thus, responsible for inviting those selected for interview to said interviews.

The panel meet and wait for the first candidate.....an hour later, no show. They wait for the second and third ditto. And fourth and...well, you get the picture.

Yes, she had neglected to inform the interviewees of the day and time of their interviews!!!!

Same scene, three weeks later. Panel (all very busy people) await first candidate.....I shall draw a curtain over an awful scene.

Yes, she had forgotten to invite the candidates AGAIN!!!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Apr, 2010 09:08 pm
I'm recovering from being pissed. Now I'm getting scared.
Reply Tue 27 Apr, 2010 09:17 pm
Of course.

At least it's a one-off!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Apr, 2010 01:42 am
I'm recovering from being pissed. Now I'm getting scared.

Good for the first, Roberta,

I'm afraid I'm joining you on the second.

Please let us know when you receive more information.

In the meantime, I worry. What was that all about? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 11:04 am
The gamma knife procedure is scheduled for May 11 at 5:45 a.m.

I should be home by the afternoon.

I got all my questions answered, but I'm still a noivous wreck.

I wish they'd stop messing with my BRAIN.

Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 11:06 am
5:45 AM????

the surgeon a night owl?

Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 11:37 am
Rockhead wrote:

5:45 AM????

the surgeon a night owl?


I'm the night owl. I'm guessing the surgeon is an oily woim.
Reply Thu 29 Apr, 2010 03:53 pm
I wish they'd stop messing with my BRAIN.

So do we. We're very fond of it too.

I am guessing you'll just stay up all night in order to make it to such an early time?

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