New roll-out (propaganda campaign) for war with Iran?

Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:29 pm
spendius wrote:

Isn't it evidence of our side's humanity that we fight with most of our claws, which we have developed at great expense, in cotton wool.

Do you think the other side would show the same reserve.

I saw an American advising us to nuke Argentina to save us all that trouble we went to in the Falkland Islands.

War is no holds barred surely. All's fair in love and war. Thus this isn't really a war. When does a war segue into a Police action?

There are plenty of people alleging "pussyfooting". They did all through the IRA problem.

Not me though. I go with the Government.

You can't keep walking away from your opponents with a flung insult. Why don't you explain why nuking Tehran is not an option for any number of reasons. Unless you do that you connive at him going around preaching a foolish policy. Out of pique.

For the same reasons America was undeserving of the attacks of 9/11. The Bush cabal does not like what Ahmadinejad is doing. Bin Laden did not like America. How does committing an atrocity against millions of innocent Iranian civilians somehow become more acceptable and more palatable than the motives behind 9/11?
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:37 pm
candidone1 wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
They were Muslim terrorists who happened to be born in Saudi Arabia, I wasn't aware that was in doubt.

I am sure you guys know that, but the truthiness of what you said is much better for your little jabs, huh?

I was actually directing my response to oralloy McG....but thanks for your response anyway. I needed to hear you say truthiness just one more time on this board. It has not quite gotten old yet....

Oralloy claimed that "they" (presumably meaning Muslims) launched a greivous attack on his country, and feels that a counter strike against "them" is/was in order. That part was obvious.

I wanted clarification on who precisely you strike out against. If there is a "them" that one can refer to, then fine. I thought the "them" was bin Laden and al Qaeda....but, as we have come to realize, Bush is no longer concerned with bin Laden....or al Qaeda. He just doesn't "spend that much time on him..."
From whitehouse.gov

I guess if I was oralloy, and aggravated with the attacks "they" orchestrated against my country....and my government knew who the perpetrators were....I'd be a little more than aggravated that my President simply became disinterested in bringing to justice the perpetrators of the horrors of 9/11.

To fill in some blanks McG..."they" are bin Laden's al Qaeda. "They" were Saudi's. Make me understand why "they" are not in the crosshairs. Make me understand why Saddam, who has since been proven to have had no connection to 9/11, bin Laden or al Qaeda was given military priority over bin Laden and al Qaeda. The "war" in Afghanistan is a joke....it was given a fraction of the interest of Iraq. Make me understand.

Truthiness fits many of the perceptions here. Therefore I will use it when appropriate.

"they" are not Muslims. You use that word and try to include the entire religion when that's just not the truth. You feel it is, despite and facts to the contrary. "they" are Muslim terrorists. Say that out loud, maybe it will sink in. Muslim Terrorists attacked the US on 9/11. Doesn't matter if they were Saudi or not. The Saudi government certainly didn't back them so why would we attack Saudi Arabia? That's an ignorant conclusion at best.

US and other allied forces are still in Afghanistan today fighting the Taliban and searching for Bin Laden. I know that fact seems insignificant to you, that's why you use truthiness to make your point. If Bush were no longer interested in him, we wouldn't still have considerable resources in the region looking for him, they would be in Iraq rooting out Muslim terrorists.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 02:44 pm
If Bush were no longer interested in him, we wouldn't still have considerable resources in the region looking for him, they would be in Iraq rooting out Muslim terrorists.

So, the fact that Bush specifically said he's not that interested in catching OBL? That doesn't mean he isn't interested in catching him, to you?

It's amazing to watch you pro-war pussies twist yourself into knots to defend a failed leader and a failed policy.

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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:00 pm
McGentrix wrote:

"they" are not Muslims. You use that word and try to include the entire religion when that's just not the truth. You feel it is, despite and facts to the contrary. "they" are Muslim terrorists. Say that out loud, maybe it will sink in. Muslim Terrorists attacked the US on 9/11. Doesn't matter if they were Saudi or not. The Saudi government certainly didn't back them so why would we attack Saudi Arabia? That's an ignorant conclusion at best.

First of all, they are terrorists. That they are Muslim is highly irrelevant to me. Mcveigh was a terrorist, it mattered not what his religion was. Terror is terror whether it's from a Muslim group or if it's CIA backed or CIA sponsored. If their religion mattered, so would their motives...but we have seen that motives do not matter. No one cares why bin Laden attacked NYC. No one cares why Mcveigh blew up OC.

I am the last person to lump an entire religion into one convenient package. This is the mentality that gives one the moral imperative to nuke an entire country--they do not and can not distinguish Muslim terrorist from Muslim university student from Muslim mother.

What you have above stated is inconsistent with the "logic" of the administration.
If they were in fact generically "Muslim terrorists", there would have been no need to force a connection between Iraq and bin Laden and 9/11. There would also be no need to invade Afghanistan....at least no more a need to invade them than there would be to invade Saudi Arabia.

If you prefer to generically label them Muslim terrorists, then that is what they are, but it makes little sense to condemn the possibiity of attacking Saudi Arabia for one reason while supporting the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq for the very same reason.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:09 pm
candidone1 wrote:
McGentrix wrote:

"they" are not Muslims. You use that word and try to include the entire religion when that's just not the truth. You feel it is, despite and facts to the contrary. "they" are Muslim terrorists. Say that out loud, maybe it will sink in. Muslim Terrorists attacked the US on 9/11. Doesn't matter if they were Saudi or not. The Saudi government certainly didn't back them so why would we attack Saudi Arabia? That's an ignorant conclusion at best.

First of all, they are terrorists. That they are Muslim is highly irrelevant to me. Mcveigh was a terrorist, it mattered not what his religion was. Terror is terror whether it's from a Muslim group or if it's CIA backed or CIA sponsored. If their religion mattered, so would their motives...but we have seen that motives do not matter. No one cares why bin Laden attacked NYC. No one cares why Mcveigh blew up OC.

No surprise there. Most liberals are afraid to call them Muslim Terrorists. I guess it offends some insecure side of them or something. I doubt McVeigh yelled about Jesus as he drove away from his attack. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the term "Allahu Akbar". It may be the last thing you hear someday.

I am the last person to lump an entire religion into one convenient package. This is the mentality that gives one the moral imperative to nuke an entire country--they do not and can not distinguish Muslim terrorist from Muslim university student from Muslim mother.

What you have above stated is inconsistent with the "logic" of the administration.
If they were in fact generically "Muslim terrorists", there would have been no need to force a connection between Iraq and bin Laden and 9/11. There would also be no need to invade Afghanistan....at least no more a need to invade them than there would be to invade Saudi Arabia.

If you prefer to generically label them Muslim terrorists, then that is what they are, but it makes little sense to condemn the possibiity of attacking Saudi Arabia for one reason while supporting the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq for the very same reason.

No need to invade Afghanistan... Can you do me small favor? Go look out the window and tell me what color the sky is in your world. I am just curious if it's the same as in reality.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:20 pm
candid wrote-

How does committing an atrocity against millions of innocent Iranian civilians somehow become more acceptable and more palatable than the motives behind 9/11?

You seem to have misunderstood my post.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:29 pm
McGentrix wrote:

No surprise there. Most liberals are afraid to call them Muslim Terrorists. I guess it offends some insecure side of them or something. I doubt McVeigh yelled about Jesus as he drove away from his attack. Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with the term "Allahu Akbar". It may be the last thing you hear someday.

My point is that they are terrorists. I don't care if I offend a terrorist. McVeigh was a terrorist. I don't personally take the time to dice terrorists up into little groups. Go ahead and dice 'em up McG. Not that it really matters though.

McG wrote:
No need to invade Afghanistan... Can you do me small favor? Go look out the window and tell me what color the sky is in your world. I am just curious if it's the same as in reality.

Missing the point by a mile McG. Not entirely surprised.
The terrorists were Saudi nationals. Saudi Arabia is one of the most fundamental of Islamic countries. They have had a history of financing terror. All but what, 3 of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi. But there were no calls to invade Saudi Arabia. You claim that there was no support from the Saudi government, so why attack it?

Following 9/11 there were calls to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. The Afghan government didn't back bin Laden, so why attack Afghanistan?
The Iraqi government didn't back al Qaeda, so why attack it?

Don't piss on me and tell me it's raining McG....you've got your mind made up over who the bad guys are, and no facts, and no logical explanation will convince you otherwise.
I see now why you love the word truthiness so much.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 03:30 pm
spendius wrote:
candid wrote-

How does committing an atrocity against millions of innocent Iranian civilians somehow become more acceptable and more palatable than the motives behind 9/11?

You seem to have misunderstood my post.

Highly likely....highly likely.
I'll look at it again.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 05:31 pm
spendius wrote:

Isn't it evidence of our side's humanity that we fight with most of our claws, which we have developed at great expense, in cotton wool.

Do you think the other side would show the same reserve.

I saw an American advising us to nuke Argentina to save us all that trouble we went to in the Falkland Islands.

War is no holds barred surely. All's fair in love and war. Thus this isn't really a war. When does a war segue into a Police action?

There are plenty of people alleging "pussyfooting". They did all through the IRA problem.

Not me though. I go with the Government.

You can't keep walking away from your opponents with a flung insult. Why don't you explain why nuking Tehran is not an option for any number of reasons. Unless you do that you connive at him going around preaching a foolish policy. Out of pique.

Oralloy is an intelligent fellow (surely a fellow), knowledgeable and normally careful in laying out an argument or commentary. Either his last few posts were merely 'pulling my chain' or they were sincere. If the first, I'm not interested. If sincere, he becomes undifferentiateable from those he points to as his enemy. In fact, assuming a million civilians killed in his nuke blast on Tehran, he commits the equivalent of 333 world trade tower attacks...on the hunch that killing so many innocent muslim civilians might scare the muslim extremists (who are elsewhere) into proper behavior. I expect my chances of changing his mind approximately equal to my chances of changing the mind of al-Zawahiri.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 05:38 pm
As Dwyer suggests above, a vector towards sanity (that is, no attack on Iran) will be from important elements of the corporate sector. Here's the sort of thing I am referring to.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 05:52 pm
"Money doesn't talk, it swears."
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 06:00 pm
I don't really understand this.

Isn't the Darwinian "life force" red in tooth and claw or isn't it? And are not all these so called Darwinians liberal appeasers.

Like Bob Dylan said-

"Something's outa whack."

I can't think of one organism in the whole of recorded history that would suffer casualties and not get all its teeth bared except one that had been brought up as a Christian. Name me one.

Imagine Hamilcar Barca with nukes. Or Nero.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 06:03 pm
Hamilcar Barco would have glassed over the rest just in case. On the off chance. Like locking the back door befor he went to bed.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 06:13 pm
Depends on who's spending and who's receiving.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 06:17 pm
Name me one was the challenge. Never mind the bollocks.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 06:21 pm
spendi, You live in such a cloistered environment, most people understand what I posted except you. Some things in life are learned outside the local pub.
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 07:18 pm
Ghandi comes to mind

The Dalai lama is another one that seems to fit the bill.

Oh, but that was two. I guess I missed the challenge
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cicerone imposter
Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:19 pm
Was Nelson Mandela christian?
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Reply Wed 5 Sep, 2007 08:48 pm
I can't think of one organism in the whole of recorded history that would suffer casualties and not get all its teeth bared except one that had been brought up as a Christian. Name me one.

You can't think of one organism? There's millions of plants and animals (organisms) that don't lash out because one of their family or the flower next to them got eaten. Have you ever seen a group of zebra's return to the watering hole to attack the croc that ate one of their babies as they tried to cross?

I don't think any of them were Christians.
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Reply Thu 6 Sep, 2007 05:45 am
Nelson Mandela eh?

In 1961, Mandela became the leader of the ANC's armed wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe (translated as Spear of the Nation, also abbreviated as MK), which he co-founded. He coordinated a sabotage campaign against military and government targets, and made plans for a possible guerrilla war if sabotage failed to end apartheid. A few decades later, MK did wage a guerrilla war against the regime, especially during the 1980s, in which many civilians were killed. Mandela also raised funds for MK abroad, and arranged for paramilitary training, visiting various African governments.

Mandela explains the move to embark on armed struggle as a last resort, when increasing repression and violence from the state convinced him that many years of non-violent protest against apartheid had achieved nothing and could not succeed.

Mandela later admitted that the ANC, in its struggle against apartheid, also violated human rights, and has sharply criticised attempts by parts of his party to remove statements supporting this fact from the reports of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
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