blatham wrote:Quote:"Seven countries in five years"
Wesley Clark's new memoir casts more light on the Bush administration's secret strategies for regime change in Iran and elsewhere.
By Joe Conason
Oct. 12, 2007 | While the Bush White House promotes the possibility of armed conflict with Iran, a tantalizing passage in Wesley Clark's new memoir suggests that another war is part of a long-planned Department of Defense strategy that anticipated "regime change" by force in no fewer than seven Mideast states. Critics of the war have often voiced suspicions of such imperial schemes, but this is the first time that a high-ranking former military officer has claimed to know that such plans existed.
The existence of that classified memo would certainly cast more dubious light not only on the original decision to invade Iraq because of Saddam Hussein's weapons and ambitions but on the current efforts to justify and even instigate military action against Iran.
Wes Clark makes a fool of himself on Bill Maher.
by Common Cents
Sat Oct 27, 2007 at 08:31:48 AM PDT
Did anyone see him triangulating for Hillary (aka TweedleDUMB)? He actually argued that a uniform military division is a terrorist organization. He said that women liked being in burkas and that we should respect that. Wes Clark is a f'n moron!
I had no idea he was this dumb! Women love the burkas and declaring military units as terrorists is a diplomatic action!? What kind of triangulating foolhardy madness is this? Oh....he endorsed Hillary.
Now I don't know about you, but this nonsense about naming a military wing of the Iranian army terrorists is absurd. Last night Bill Maher begged Clark to define the term terrorist and he refused. Then he said Hillary would use diplomacy...with a nation whose military she just named a terrorist organization. This is Clark and Clinton's idea of skilled diplomacy? Why not label the House of Saud terrorists? Oh wait...our military is their military. Anyway, Clark is defending Hillary standing with LIEberman and the neocons about Iran while claiming this isn't a pretext for war with Iran. Yeah, claiming their military is a terrorist organization with Bush/Cheney in the White House is not a pretext for war at all general.
Now in case you missed it, last night on his show Maher was mocking Laura Bush going to the UAE to promote breast cancer awareness. He showed this image of Laura smiling like a Stepford wife in the headlights with two liberated free-thinking muslim women. Wes Clark, the liberated genius that he is, actually makes the case that Bill shouldn't mock those women. No, no. You see he has spoken with these women and they like being in the burkas. He actually scolded Andrew Sullivan and Bill Maher for saying it was repressive. Is Clark mad? They don't have a choice in the matter. The supposed women in burkas Clark spoke with are probably dead now for talking to a man other than their husband. Those women aren't choosing to be in burkas. They walk five steps behind their husband and have no identity. Does Clark actually believe the bullshit he is spewing? It seemed like it. The worst thing about Clark on this one his seeming sincerity.
Good thing Clark fizzled in 04 and was persuaded by facts to avoid another sad run in 08. I think Gravel has the crazy coot niche already filled. The last thing we need is a general up there arguing for women in burkas and declaring militaries as terrorists is a dovish action.
Clark endorsed Clinton and last night if she has any sense she'll ask him to defend someone else. Of course she won't because this sort of moderate triangulating is her bread and butter. Make no mistake though. If we elect Hillary Clinton and Clark gets that inevitable SecO'State gig then this nation gets only what they deserve.