spendius wrote:Bernie-
I think all the quotes you present from Mr Ledeen express at least approximations to the truth.
If they render the liberal conscience into the tremblies and challenge the self-reassuring view it has of itself as "sweet pretty things" which ought to be in bed at this time of night it has nothing to do with Zahawiri or anything else. Cricket is like that which is why umpires are necessary. The UN is, as yet, an ineffective umpire.
What's your problem with them? Darwinian evolution theory would entirely agree with the first five. And you're a Darwinian I think. Clausewitz would have agreed I think.
Somebody earlier spoke about getting the troops "out of harm's way". Well that's what troops are for isn't it? They are professional people who have volunteered to put themselves in harm's way. The Draft would be a different matter. If you got to the point, as we have, where more truck drivers are killed than military personnel you would make the brass band parades look silly.
One thing I did notice recently is Gen Petreus had a medal display on his chest which reminded me of the displays on Soviet general's chests and look what happened to them.
The guy is telling the truth. Yoy just want to be a nice guy whilst blissfully taking advantage of the spoils of war. And you are free to do that of course. But not to join an intellectual debate about the matter coming from the goody-goody two-shoes side and smearing patriots with cheap jibes and asserted insults.
By calling them insane you axiomatically grant them permission to say you are unless you claim the right to insult people as a monopoly of your side.
Bunny Lebowski: He's a nihilist.
The Dude: That must be exhausting.
"The guy is telling the truth."
Nothing personal my friend, but your self-nomination for Truth Discerner hasn't been seconded.
And frankly, I don't see any immediate prospect of it happening. That headline you have stapled to your chest, featuring your heroism as Unblinking Chasm Starer, probably ought to have been typeset on something lighter than an albatross.
The tragic is obvious, spendi. It is yellowing news and it is the least interesting 'truth' available for survey.