happycat wrote:C'mon, a cop sees a naked guy running around the HIGH SCHOOL track in the middle of the night (4:30am is still almost the middle of the night,
cjhsa wrote:An officer said he saw a naked man walking down the street at 4:35 a.m. The U.S. Naval Observatory Web site said sunrise that day in Frederick was 5:31 a.m.
not sure why people need to make stuff up when cjhsa posted the information at the beginning of the thread
Did Europeans or Canajuns ever think that Americans were other than puritanical?
It is occasionally something to wonder at.
Mame - we're a little more open-minded up here than you thought
Quote:In 1996, the Ontario court of appeals ruled that women going topless did not imply indecent or sexual behaviour as defined by the Canadian criminal code (R. v. Jacobs, 1996). Similar rulings were made in Saskatchewan in 1998 and in British Columbia in 2000.