snood wrote:Finn dAbuzz wrote:snood wrote:Good for you, Finn.
Obama is "widely known as half-white".

For someone who wishes to be seen as intelligent enough to discuss race in an open-minded way, you consistently disappoint.
What is laughable about my comment?
Are you suggesting that pointing out the fact of his racial heritage is somehow, in itself, racist?
Emoticons notwithstanding, Obama is bi-racial. He is the son of a "black" man (and an African black man at that) and a "white woman" (and a white woman from Kansas at that).
Perhaps it troubles you that the Democratic party has gotten behind Obama in a way it never did for Jackson, Sharpton, Mosley-Braun or Chisholm, and the reason may be that the man is seen as representing positions and interests that extend beyond racial confines.
At what point does a blind assertion of racism become racist?
I can't help it Finn - you're just funny. Maybe it's just in the sense that one must either laugh at you, or be saddened. You speak as if you are somehow a judge of what does and doesn't pass as "intelligent" discourse on matters of race, but your words reveal you over and over as retrograde and provincial.
The statement that Obama is "widely viewed as half-white" is just funny? What the hell does that even mean? Widely viewed by who?
I won't fit into any of the pigeonholes you're trying so pitifully hard to put me in - I simply think this country ain't ready for a black or a woman president, period. Twist it, pervert it, put it in your pipe and smoke it. It isn't getting any more complicated.
Snooty snood.
You have a peculiar sense of humor.
I'm not sure why you have such a difficulty with "widely viewed as half-white," but then it may have something to do with your desire to dodge the point I have been making.
Who views him as "half-white?" Democrats, principally.
Again, did we see the sort of Democratic support for any of the prior African-American candidates who were widely viewed as "wholly black?" (Notwithstanding the fact that genetically, Obama, even with his white mother, may be more "African" than Jackson or Sharpton."
I couldn't care less what his race might be, he is a liberal and I will not vote for him. If he were one of the "wholly black" Republicans I referenced, I would vote for him.
You bemoan the fact that the country is not ready to vote for an African-American.
Since this particular "African-American" is a liberal, do you really credit racism with why Republicans will not vote for him?
If racism is to block Obama from the White House, it must be racism that lives within the independents and the left. The very people who will swear to God or The Void that they are only too happy to vote for a black man.
By the way, how I am retrograde or provincial on the matter of race? If you came up with this crack comment, one would imagine that something of substance formed it in your mind. Perhaps you will share it with me.
So you don't think America is ready for a black president. Good for you, but this forum is not a bulletin board or a highway overpass. You can tag it with whatever your current feeling may be, but the expectation is that you will be willing to discuss it. No requirement that you do of course.