ossobuco wrote:One of my cousins told me that people without children led selfish lives.
It seems to me that it is this sentiment, this opinion, that you are now, here, emotionally responding to. That you see it looming as the 'real' subtext behind what Boomerang is saying. But it is not actually part of anything that Boomerang said. I'm sure she wouldn't agree with it. And neither do I, having taken part on the other side of the discussion here as well, agree with it.
It seems that there is in general a lot of misdirected anger/frustration going on in this discussion - people responding to what they emotionally associate with what the other is saying, rather than what he/she actually
is saying. Lot of triggering going on. But it would be good to return to basics and not read more in someone's post than what he/she actually literally wrote.
For example, there is nothing in Boom's posts that suggests she sees herself as some kind of martyr. She merely said that exactly how it is to have to parent a child for 24/7, you don't know until you do it (whether it's your own kid or someone else's, obviously). That's all Linkat said too. And unlike some foolish assertion that childless people are selfish, or - as Set tried to put words in Linkat's mouth - that everyone who's given birth can automatically lay a claim to being a competent parent, that
in itself is really a rather commonplace observation. I dont see why people have got to act like she or Linkat or I or whoever "really" was saying those other things.