The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of doubt, what is laid before him.
The easiest way to steal from a bank is to own the bank, the easiest way to steal from the government is the run the government.
Sat 13 Mar, 2021 10:28 am - Though it's also easy to overinterpret the causality — once the big social media networks appeared and everyone got on Facebook, it was inevitable that discussion forums like this one... (view)
Sat 13 Mar, 2021 10:19 am - [quote="roger"]
I was talking about so many topics outside of politics. Maybe a decade ago.
Ah — oh yes. No, on that I agree.
There used to be much more of a... (view)
Fri 12 Mar, 2021 07:16 pm - Just another random check to second guess myself, because I wasn't being sarcastic when I said I may well have missed a lot!
But right now, I looked at the Politics forum: 25 topics on the... (view)
Fri 12 Mar, 2021 12:49 pm - That's 100 posts, sorry, my bad, not 200.
Point stands, though: two users you can't stand, who would take two clicks to put on ignore, doesn't immediately seem like evidence that... (view)
Fri 12 Mar, 2021 11:54 am - And people *were* making the exact same complaints when Layman was running wild, or when we had Frugal, Giujohn and Gungasnake posting in parallel... (view)
Fri 12 Mar, 2021 11:51 am - Last night, after I'd seen this post, I checked the last five pages of the Monitoring Biden thread, just to get a random sample to second-guess my own impression.
That's 200 posts.... (view)
Thu 11 Mar, 2021 05:54 pm - I don't agree at all with the notion that A2K now has more problematic and offensive users than previously.
Apologies if this is going to sound too much like a rant, but how quickly you all... (view)
Wed 3 Mar, 2021 07:52 pm - [quote="BillRM"]
Given how worthless the voting is due to misused simply removing or jumping around the voting subroutines would not need to used up more then a few minutes of a... (view)
Wed 3 Mar, 2021 07:40 pm - Lol, cause "the left" is famously a fan of Andrew Cuomo.. that must be why leftists have been railing against him so much and why they tried to oust him in the last Democratic primary.... (view)